

hackers, protection from, 409

hard disk space

Access requirements, 186

Dreamweaver MX requirements, 13-14

hardware, for Dreamweaver MX, 13-14

HAVING clause, in SQL SELECT statement, 445, 446-447


boilerplate comment, 47-48

HTTP, 71

HeaderTemplate, 364, 367

with HTML and ASP.NET code, 372

Hewlett Packard Total-e-Server, 271

hidden elements in HTML, 80

Hidden Field object, 84

hidden text field

in Postback form, 326

for security level, 422

host, ASP.NET as, 321

HOST_ID() function (SQL Server), 166

HOST_NAME() function (SQL Server), 166-167


for previewing work in browser, 22

on web pages, 57

Hour() function (Access), 201

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 5

comment tags, 46

guidelines, 54-55

introduction, 69-70

Server Behaviors to create table, 504-506, 505

HTML forms

action property, 73

adding Web controls, 518-521

Jump Menu control, 521, 521

radio group control, 519-520

creating, 511

deleting records, 539-542, 540

extension for validating, 656

hidden elements, 80

input elements, 71-82

types, 71-72

working with, 73-80

Insert page, 522-530

current data display, 522-524

inserting new record, 530

navigation buttons, 524-528

Record Navigation Status, 529

inserting in Dreamweaver MX, 513, 513-517

invisible elements, 515

Property inspector for form, 514, 514

rules, 512-513

names for, 513

Select elements, 80-82

setup for inserting data, 531

testing, 537, 537, 538

updating records, 532-538

adding page, 534-537

Go To Detail Page Server Behavior, 532-534

for user input, 69

what it is, 70-71

HTML server controls, 327-328

HTMLEncode() method, of ASP Server object, 312

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 5

headers, 71


HTTP header, passing variables in, 396


HTTP request for JavaServer Pages, 283-289

accessing cookies, 286-287

getParameter() function, 283

getParameterValues() function, 285

server variables, 288-289

HTTP response, for JavaServer Pages, 280-282

$http_get_vars command (PHP), 394-395

$http_post_vars command (PHP), 396

HTTP_Referer variable, 61

$http_type_vars command (PHP), 398

"Hungarian" notation, 51

Hyperlink Column dialog box, 586, 586-587

Hyperlink datatype (Access), 193

HyperLink web server control, 329

hyperlinks. See also links

as Access datatype, 192

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). See PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases
Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases
ISBN: 078214148X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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