weighted allocation for cell writeback, 362-363
what-if (in-session) scenarios. See cell writeback
WHERE clause (MDX)
cube space not restricted by, 199
described, 58
Excel generation of, 532
as optional, 70
slicer specification by, 72-74
Wickert, Dave (Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services Operations Guide), 439
WITH clause (MDX)
AS keyword in, 75
for calculated members, 75-77
calculated members in, 188
described, 71
MEMBER keyword in, 75
named sets in, 74-75, 186-187
as optional, 70
overview, 74
Rank function in, 76
SOLVE_ORDER parameter, 75
syntax, 74
WithAttr function (MDX), 793
adding a member to a dimension, 345-348
business scenarios with uses for, 246
cell writeback, 341, 354-365
defined, 93, 341
deleting dimension data, 351-353
dimension writeback, 246-249, 341-353
enabling, 246-248
modifying data of dimension members, 348-351
objects, 57
prerequisites for dimension writeback, 342
updating a dimension, 342-345
updating a single cell value, 358-361
updating non-leaf cell values using allocation, 361-365
WriteEnable property, 342
WTD function (MDX), 794