Object Binding dialog, 219
Object Explorer pane (SSMS)
Assemblies objects, 57
connecting to services, 54-55
Cubes objects, 57
Data Source Views objects, 56
Data Sources objects, 56
Databases objects, 56
Dimensions objects, 57
Mining Models objects, 57
Mining Structures objects, 57
Roles objects, 57
Server Assemblies objects, 58
ODS (Operational Data Store), 89-90
Office client components. See also pivot tables (Excel)
Microsoft Data Analyzer, 556-563
pivot tables (OWC), 550-556
Office Web Components. See OWC
Offline OLAP Settings dialog (Excel), 547, 549-550
OLAP mining models
analyzing cubes with data mining dimensions, 518-519
creating from cubes, 512-513
Data Mining Wizard for, 513-517
in mining model editor, 518
overview, 512-513
OLAP (On Line Analytical Processing)
aggregations and, 448
data mining models, 512-519
data mining versus, 3
multi-dimensional databases as basis for, 8-9
OLTP versus, 4
speed expected for, 447
UDM and, 145
OLAPQueryLog table, 460
OLE DB client connectivity component, 15
OLE DB data providers, 35-36, 93-94
OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing), OLAP versus, 4
one-to-many relationships between attributes, 121, 122, 427
online mode (BIDS), 399-402
opening. See starting
OpeningPeriod function (MDX), 760-761, 762
“The operation has been cancelled” message, 439
Operational Data Store (ODS), 89-90
operators (MDX)
arithmetic operators, 79
colon, 81
commas, 80
comparison operators, 80
constructing sets, 702-703
constructing tuples, 702
curly braces, 80
logical operators, 80
set operators, 79-80
table summarizing, 700-701
value operators, 700-701
optimizing dimension attributes, 132-133
optimizing performance. See performance optimization
OR operator (MDX), 80, 761
Oracle, data sources supported from, 91
Order function (MDX)
overview, 761-763
preserving hierarchy, set containing multiple dimensions, 764-765
preserving hierarchy, set containing one dimension, 763-764
order of evaluation for calculations, 222
OrderBy property, 225
OrderByAttribute property, 225
ordering. See sorting
Output pane (BIDS), 34
outward-facing relationships, 116
OWC (Office Web Components)
browsing cubes and, 153-156
browsing reference dimensions and, 162-163
control in Cube Designer, 153
described, 550
disabling Visual Totals, 154
MDX statements generated by, 153-156, 162-163
pivot tables, creating from an existing pivot table, 550-554
pivot tables, including within a web page, 554-556