Obtaining the Sample Code

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Obtaining the Sample Code

All of the sample Visual Basic source code from Visual Basic Shell Programming is freely downloadable from the O'Reilly & Associates web site at http://vb.oreilly.com. The downloadable content itself falls into three categories:

Sample source code

Most of the examples developed in this book are intended to illustrate how to build a particular kind of shell extension without providing a real world implementation. In this case, you'll benefit from looking at the code and using it as the basis of the shell extensions that you yourself would like to develop.

Working shell extensions

Several of the examples developed in this book are complete working extensions that you may want to use. RegSpace, for example, allows you to browse the registry from Explorer without requiring that you open RegEdit or a similar registry browsing tool.

Shell programming type library

Creating a type library that defines the interfaces and methods called by the shell in handling shell extensions is a prerequisite for any serious (and even not so serious) attempt to develop shell extensions. The VB Shell Library, which is described in the following section, is also available both in its source code (IDL) and compiled forms from the O'Reilly Visual Basic web site (http://vb.oreilly.com).

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Visual Basic Shell Programming
Visual Basic Shell Programming
ISBN: B00007FY99
Year: 2000
Pages: 128

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