

tables, ImageReady program for, 618 “620 , 618 “619
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 44
Tags Case setting, 606
Tanguy, Yves, 10
Targa files, 661
Target setting, 576
targeting layers , 116 , 116
Tate-chuu-yoko characters , 154
TD W&H setting, 608
Technique setting, 171
text. See type and text
Texture filters, 497 “498
texture for Seahorse project, 250 “251 , 250
Texture option, 215
Texture style for layers, 131
Textured Image option, 523
textured photos, 450
.tga files, 661
Thaw Mask tool, 505
This Layer slider, 575
Threshold dialog box, 412 “413
Threshold setting
for Dust & Scratches filter, 452, 484
for High Pass filter, 488, 489
for Smart Blur filter, 478
for Unsharp Mask filter, 393, 485
for layers, 116 , 116
for tonality , 371 “372 , 372
for Web Photo Gallery, 566
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format), 44
Tile Maker dialog box, 594 “595 , 595
Tile.psd file, 594, 594 , 615, 615
tile size , 50
Tiles filter, 495
Tilt option, 214
Timing option, 51
title bar, 49
title-safe areas, 664 , 664
Titling option, 149
Toddler.psd file, 549 “550, 549 “550
toggling tools, 60
in converting paths, 188
for Paint Bucket tool, 231
Tolerance setting
for Art History Brush tool, 222
for Background Eraser tool, 223
for Color Replacement tool, 221
for Magic Eraser tool, 224
for Magic Wand tool, 94 “95, 95
Tonal Width setting, 384
tonality, 5, 363 “364
Adjustment layers for, 390 “392 , 391 “392
Auto Color for, 371
Auto Contrast for, 371
Auto Levels for, 370
balancing color for, 385 “390
Brightness/Contrast for, 370
Color Sampler tool for, 368 “369 , 369
curves for, 379 “383 , 379 , 381 , 422 “423 , 423
Eyedropper tool for, 368
highlight and shadow points in, 375 “376
histograms for, 364 “365 , 364 “366
Info palette for, 366 “367 , 367
Levels for, 365, 372 “379 , 374 “376 , 422 , 423
Photo Filter for, 384 , 384 , 424 “425 , 425
Shadow/Highlight for, 384 “385 , 385 “386 , 424 , 424
Unsharp Mask filter for, 392 “395 , 394 , 427 , 427
Variations for, 371 “372 , 372
white and black points in, 375 “378 , 378
Tool options for Liquify tool, 505
Tool palette, 55 “58 , 55 “57
Tool Preset menu, 57, 57
tool tips, 56
for color
editing, 218 “225 , 219 , 222
painting, 217 “218
presets for, 57 , 57
for selecting, 88 , 89
free-form selection, 93 “94 , 95
Options bar, 89 “90 , 89 “90
shape selection, 91 “93
shortcuts for, 31
toggling, 60
for type, 143 “146 , 144 “145
Top alignment options
for paths, 182
for type, 150
Top Edges alignment option, 182
torn photos, 450
total ink coverage, 351
Total Ink setting, 367
Trace Contour filter, 478, 496
tracking type, 141 “142 , 141 , 147
Traditional option, 77
Transfer setting, 360
Transform option, 98, 121
Transform Selection option, 97 “98
Transform submenu, 299, 299
transformation operations, 299 , 299
free, 304
with Move, 304 “305 , 305
paths, 184
rotating, 300 “302 , 301
scaling, 299 “300 , 300
selections, 97 “98 , 98
skewing, distorting, and perspective, 302 “303 , 303
of gradients, 227 “228
in ImageReady, 613 “616 , 614 “615
of layers, 116 “117 , 118
multilevel, 598 “599
in Web images, 601
Transparency & Gamut settings, 75 “76 , 75
Transparency option, 601
Transparency Dither Algorithm option, 601
Transparency/Reflective option, 317
transparent GIFs, 613 “616 , 614 “615
Transparent option for Patch tool, 455
tree.psd file, 474
Trim dialog box, 296, 297
trimming images, 296 , 297
Tritones, 204, 430
ink for, 431
Multichannel mode for, 434 , 434
True Color option, 28
Tsume characters, 153 , 153
Turbulence tool, 505
tweening, 625
Twirl Clockwise tool, 504
Twirl filter, 488, 491 , 494
Twirl option, 166
2-Up tab
in ImageReady, 611 “612
in Save For Web, 599
type and text, 137 “139 , 138
aligning and justifying, 141 , 150 “152 , 151
Asian characters, 153 “154 , 153
baseline shifts, 142 , 142 , 147
Character palette for, 146 “148 , 147
composing, 153
conventions for, 142 “143
entering, 168 “169 , 169
finding and replacing, 157 , 157
fonts, 139
hyphenating, 152 “153 , 152
in ImageReady program, 644 “645 , 644
layers for, 133
leading, 140
with matting , 615, 615
Paragraph palette for, 149 “153
on paths, 145 “146 , 146 “147 , 169 , 169
rasterizing, 155 “156 , 156
scale, 141 , 141
scanning, 317
size, 140, 144, 146
spell checker for, 156 , 156
style, 140 , 147 “148
tools for, 143 “146 , 144 “145
tracking and kerning, 141 , 141 , 146
warping, 155 , 155 , 169 “170 , 170
Type tool, 26
Type Mask tool, 144
Type setting, 77, 316

Photoshop CS Savvy
Photoshop CS Savvy
ISBN: 078214280X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 355 © 2008-2017.
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