

Catalog class, 97
implementing add/delete review functionality, 152 “156
AddReview method, 155 “156
DeleteReview method, 155 “156
programmer tests, 193 “203
CatalogFixture class, 193
FindByRecordingId method, 193 “195, 201 “203
refactoring Catalog class, 195 “203
CatalogAdapter class
ArtistName method, 136
automating customer tests with FIT, 134 “138
Duration method, 136
FindByRecordingId method, 133
Found method, 134
LabelName method, 136
ReleaseDate method, 136
Catalog.AddReview function, modifying to throw an exception, 166 “167
CatalogFixture class, 193
CatalogGateway class
proxy class, 122
SOAP faults, 168 “169
CatalogService base class, 118
CatalogService class, 207 “209, 215
AddReviewToRecording method, 158
DeleteReviewFromRecording method, 158
implementing add/delete review functionality, 156 “159
Search method, 215
CatalogServiceGateway class, 221, 226 “230
CatalogServiceImplementation class, 229
CatalogServiceInterface class, 121 “122, 207
updating, 161 “162
CatalogServiceStub class, 216 “218, 226 “230
CatalogServiceStubFixture, 113
check action command (ActionFixture class), 134
CheckId test, 118 “120, 122
CheckTitle test, verifying title field, 112
ActionFixture, automating customer tests with FIT, 133 “143
ArtistFixture, modification to work with DatabaseFixture class, 187 “189
ArtistGateway, 189
Catalog, 97
implementing add/delete review functionality, 152 “156
programmer tests, 193 “203
ArtistName method, 136
automating customer tests with FIT, 134 “138
Duration method, 136
FindByRecordingId method, 133
Found method, 134
LabelName method, 136
ReleaseDate method, 136
CatalogFixture, 193
CatalogGateway, 122, 168 “169
CatalogService, 118, 207 “209, 215
AddReviewToRecording method, 158
DeleteReviewFromRecording method, 158
implementing add/delete review functionality, 156 “159
Search method, 215
CatalogServiceGateway, 221, 226 “230
CatalogServiceImplementation, 229
CatalogServiceInterface, 121 “122, 207
CatalogServiceStub, 216 “218, 226 “230
CommandExecutor, refactoring Catalog class, 196 “203
ConfigurationSettings, reading connection string from configuration file, 73
DatabaseCatalogService, 207 “208
modified ArtistFixture class, 187 “189
transaction test pattern, 187
ExistingReviewException, 165 “166, 210
ExistingReviewMapper, 176 “179, 210
FileRunner, automating customer tests with FIT, 135 “136
GenreFixture, 189
GenreGateway, 189
IdGenerator, 189
InMemoryRecordingBuilder, 113, 157
LabelFixture, 189
LabelGateway, 189
NumbersFixture, adding to projects (NUnit), 235
RecordingAssembler, 113, 144, 207
RecordingBuilder, 94
RecordingDisplayAdapter, 218 “220
RecordingDto, 207
RecordingFixture, 95
RecordingGateway, 190 “192
RecordingGatewayFixture, 190 “192
adding and deleting reviews, 149 “150
ExistingReviewId method, 174 “176
modifying to throw an exception, 167
ReviewerFixture, 189
ReviewerGateway, 189
ReviewFixture, 189
ReviewGateway, 189
SearchPage.aspx.cs, 229
SearchPageHelper, 224 “226
ServicedComponent, 256
SqlTransaction, 186
StackFixture, 15
StubCatalogService, 208
StubCatalogServiceFixture, 208
TrackDisplay, 139 “141
TrackDisplayAdapter, 144
TrackFixture, 189
TrackGateway, 189
TransactionCheckCommand, 197
TransactionManager, 183 “192
clients, Web clients
Search page, 214
binding search results with repeater Web controls, 218 “226
CatalogServiceGateway class, 226 “230
creating, 221 “226
implementing, 215 “230
testing user interfaces, 213 “214
Close option (NUnit-Gui File menu), 238
code refactoring, 6, 35 “60
applications, 58 “59
Catalog class, 195 “203
CommandExecutor class, 196 “203
writing proxy classes, 196
code, Web services, 124 “125
collapse loops , 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
cycle, 41
defined, 35
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods , 46 “47
Red/Green/Refactor, 7, 12 “22
creating empty Stacks, 12 “14
pushing multiple objects on Stacks, 20 “22
pushing single objects on Stacks, 14 “20
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
removing unneeded code, 41 “42
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables , 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guarded clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
ServiceLayer, 205 “211
SetUp, 84
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 36 “59
adding tests, 43 “44
applying refactoring, 58 “59
collapse loops, 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods, 46 “47
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables, 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guard clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
testing known good state, 41
tests, 43 “44
codegen :typedName="Id" attribute, 77
codegen:typedName="Review" attribute, 76
Collapse All option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
Collapse Fixtures option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
collapse loops, refactoring, 49 “52
Collapse option (NUnit-Gui View menu), 239
Command interface (CommandExecutor class), 197
CommandExecutor class, refactoring Catalog class, 196 “203
Command interface, 197
Execute method, 199 “200
commands (ActionFixture class)
check action, 134
enter action, 133
start, 133
completion, customer tests, 127 “129
conditionals, nested, replacing with guarded clauses, 45
configuration files
appSettings section, 74
reading connection strings from
ConfigurationSettings class, 73
separating tests, 74 “75
ConfigurationSettings class, reading connection string from configuration file, 73
ConnectionFixture.cs, 90 “91
ConnectionState enumerations, 72
consistency, testing database access layer, 70
consumer infrastructure, Web service tests, 122
customer tests, 4, 127 “167
adding reviews to recordings, FIT script, 147 “162
automation, FIT, 131 “143
determining completion, 127 “129
exposing failure conditions, 163 “164, 167
reconciling viewpoints, 143 “145
recording duration, 145
track duration, 144 “145
recording retrieval, test scripts, 129 “131

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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