
You have now finished optimizing Windows Explorer. The things that you have done in this chapter may seem to make only minor changes to the performance of your computer, but these hacks will have a big impact on the performance of Windows Explorer as well as other applications on your system. Tweaking the file system settings, fine-tuning the visual settings, and adjusting Windows Search are all valuable skills to have when you want your computer to run at top performance.

You are now ready to optimize the core Windows components. In the next chapter, you learn tricks to add more RAM to your computer and fine-tune the paging file, and other hacks that will take your computer's performance to the next level.

Hacking Windows Vista
Hacking Windows Vista: ExtremeTech
ISBN: 0470046872
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 105
Authors: Steve Sinchak © 2008-2017.
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