

master repository
function of in WebSphere 5, 77 “78
MaxAgents parameter
setting in IBM DB2, 440
Maximum Connections setting
in JDBC connection pool manager, 444
maximum heap
defined, 158
Maximum Pool Size
setting in WebSphere 4 and 5, 445 “446
maximum TCP buffer size
command for determining current setting, 264
Maximum value
in Performance tool network utilization output, 496
clustering solution, 295
as solution for applications using NFS, 349
measurement without impact, 31 “32
steps for modeling the usage of real and virtual, 484 “485
memory allocation
in JVMs, 158 “159
recommended for every CPU within a system, 161 “162
memory and memory configuration
importance of proper sizing and modeling, 432 “433
memory leaks
cause by poor SQL statement management, 419 “421
example garbage collection monitoring graph showing, 160
as nastiest of all Java-based problems, 161
messaging interfaces
requests serviced by the application server, 59
method directive
settings in Oracle Transparent Application Failover, 368
Microsoft Excel
using for plotting and analyzing tuning data, 247
Microsoft Web Application Stress tool
stress and volume testing tool, 246
Microsoft Windows Internal Clustering
clustering solution, 294
as solution for applications using NFS, 349
mid- tier
in JDBC type 3 driver implementation, 425
MinCommit parameter
setting in IBM DB2, 440
Minimum Connections setting
in JDBC connection pool manager, 444
Minimum Pool Size
setting in WebSphere 4 and 5, 445
Minimum value
in Performance tool network utilization output, 496
Mirrored Waterfall Performance Methodology (MWPM), 27 “30
function of in WebSphere environments, 232
other issues with the methodology, 30 “31
the waterfall model, 28 “29
Monitor command
for getting memory usage information, 479
monitoring and probe impact matrix, 242
monitoring and testing
defining methods of for WebSphere applications, 240 “243
table of various testing types, 242
words of wisdom for, 240 “242
monitoring tools
database platform, 441 “442
monitors and probes
for testing your WebSphere environment, 244 “245
Moore's law, 115
mount points
creating for Unix file system data types, 274
MQ Series
communications with WebSphere, 462
MQ Series components
things to consider when using native, 462 “463
MQ Series integration
basic architecture behind, 460 “463
Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG)
monitoring tool (graphing), 245
tool for analyzing and graphing utilization data, 492
multiapplication JVM, dual Web server, single application server topology
function of in WebSphere 4 vs. WebSphere 5, 201 “202
function of server groups in, 201 “202
use of in thick models, 197 “204
multiapplication multi-JVM topology
example of, 184
multichannel topologies, 204 “218
vs. single-channel topologies, 174
multi-JVM applications
advantage of, 216 “217
multiple application JVMs
example of with multiple application servers, 212 “213
multiple application servers
example with multiple application JVMs, 212 “213
multiple JVM environments
advantages of, 188
considerations for, 184 “186
disadvantages of, 189
formula for figuring overhead when adding JVMs, 186
other considerations, 186 “188
persistence issues in, 185 “186
multiple JVMs with multiapplication servers, 211 “218
advantages of, 217
database and other external interface pooling, 215 “217
disadvantages of, 217 “218
example of high-availability extension, 215
extensions to for improving redundancy, 214 “215
final considerations for using, 218
non-Web-based application considerations, 213 “214
multiple Web server topologies
function of, 224 “226
multiprocessor-based systems
Athlon MP processor designed for, 89
multithreaded logger
using instead of a system.out.println(), 402
multi-Web server, multiapplication server topologies
advantages of, 210
application server capacity considerations, 208 “209
costs involved in, 210
database considerations, 209
disadvantages of, 211
example of, 205
final considerations for using, 211
function of, 205 “211
single points of failure in a WebSphere environment, 206
split-brain WebSphere configuration, 207 “208
MWPM. See Mirrored Waterfall Performance Methodology (MWPM)

Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
Maximizing Performance and Scalability with IBM WebSphere
ISBN: 1590591305
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Adam G. Neat © 2008-2017.
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