xcopy deployment, 552, 554–555

XML. See also XML data type (SQL Server)

ASP.NET server control syntax based on, 910

comments, 68–70

converting ADO.NET relational data to, 694–696

converting ADO.NET single table data to, 689–694

converting to ADO.NET data, 696–699

DiffGram documents, 699–701

further information, 659

namespace for, 659, 660–661

Office applications supporting, 651

populating a DataSet from, 620

reading streamed XML, 664–670

relational data and, 651

.resX files for resources, 526, 527–528

serializing objects in, 701–711

standards supported in .NET, 660

transforming into HTML, 684–686

using MSXML 4.0 in .NET, 661–663

using the DOM in .NET, 672–678

writing output with DataSet, 623–625, 690–691

writing streamed XML, 670–672

WSDL compliance with, 985

XmlReader with ADO.NET, 593–594

XPathNavigators, 678–689

XML Data Modification Language (XML DML), 654–655

XML data type (SQL Server)

introduction of, 650

Office applications supporting XML, 651

querying data, 653–654

relational data and, 651

strongly typed XML, 656–657

tables with XML data, 651–653

XML Data Modification Language (XML DML), 654–655

XML indexes, 655–656

XML DML (XML Data Modification Language), 654–655

XML schema definition (XSD) schemas. See XSD schemas

XML Web services, 23

XmlAttributeOverrides class, 708–710

XmlAttributes class, 708–710

XmlCharacterData class, 672, 674

XmlDataDocument class, 692–693

XmlDocument class

converting ADO.NET data to XML, 689–694

creating a document from scratch, 677–678

described, 661

DOM representation using, 673

inserting nodes, 675–678

using, 673–675

XmlElement class, 676

XmlLinkedNode class

classes extending, 673

described, 672

inheritance diagram for, 674

XmlNode class

classes based on, 672

described, 661, 672

inheritance diagram for, 674

XmlNodeReader class, 664

XmlReader class

classes derived from, 664

Create method for, 665

described, 660

GetAttribute() method, 668

properties for controlling processing of nodes and values, 665

Read() method, 665

ReadElementString() method, 665–667

ReadStartElement() method, 665

ReadValueAs methods, 667

retrieving attribute data, 668

SAX versus, 664

simple example, 665

validating XML to an XSD schema, 668–670

XmlReaderSettings class, 665, 668, 670

XmlSerializer class, 703

XmlTextReader class

described, 661, 664

EOF property, 666

XmlTextWriter class

described, 661, 664

using, 670–671, 677

XmlValidatingReader class, 664

XmlWriter class

classes derived from, 664

described, 660

using, 670–671

XmlWriterSettings class, 670, 671

XPathDocument class, 678

XPathException class, 679

XPathExpression class, 679, 682

XPathNavigator class

described, 678

move methods, 679–680

select methods, 680

using, 681–683

XPathNavigators. See also specific namespaces

defined, 678

System.Xml.XPath namespace for, 678–684

System.Xml.Xsl namespace for, 684–689

XPathNodeIterator class

described, 678

properties and methods, 680–681

using, 682, 683–684

xsd command

converting XSD files into code, 613

output for Products schema, 613–618

switches, 613

XSD (XML schema definition) schemas. See also xsd command

adding elements, 829

building with Visual Studio .NET, 827–832

DataColumn for, 831–832

DataRow for, 830–831

DataTable for, 829–830

EventArgs for, 832

generating from books.xml file, 668–669

overview, 612–613

Schema view versus XML view, 828

TestSchema.cs example, 828–832

validating XML to, 668–670

XmlReader class for validating, 669–670

xsd.exe tool, 702

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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