safety checking. See type safety

safety palette for colors, 866

SAX versus XmlReader class, 664

sbyte type, 41, 42

sc.exe utility, 1294–1295

schemas (Active Directory)

domain tree and, 717

getting the naming context for, 741–742

overview, 715, 719–720

schemas (database)

building an XSD schema, 827–832

defined, 601

hand-coded, 606–608

runtime generation of, 606

XLM schemas, 612–618, 691

SCM (Service Control Manager), 1273, 1274

scope of variables

clashes for fields and local variables, 37–38

clashes for local variables, 36–37

defined, 35

fields (member variables), 35

general rules, 35–36

local variables, 35–36

managed heap and, 197–198

reference variables, 197–198

stack and, 194–195, 197–198

using statement and, 202

scripting languages, interoperability with .NET, 7

scrolling windows in graphics applications

adding scroll bars, 858–859

converting coordinates relative to client area, 861–862

determining document size, 858–859

Form1 class for, 856–857

OnPaint() method override and, 859–860, 862

screen redraw and, 860–861

setting minimum document size at startup, 858–859

standard controls and, 857–858

SDI (Single Document Interface), 781

sealed modifier, 117–118, 125

searching in Active Directory

with DSML, 746–748

filters for, 736–737

PropertiesToLoad, 737

read-mostly access and, 736

SearchRoot, 736

SearchScope, 737

setting search limits, 737–740

UserSearch application, 740–745

security. See also authentication

ACLs, 1222–1226

Active Directory, 714–715

ASP.NET, 963–973

asserting permissions, 486–487

ClickOnce settings, 569–570

code access security, 464–478

configuration file, 489–492

declarative, 488, 509–510

demanding permissions, 478, 479–480

denying permissions, 485–486

Enterprise Services, 1068

file security, 1222–1226

implicit permission, 484–485

mobile code issues, 463

.NET Framework support for, 478–488

.NET Remoting, 1035, 1054–1055, 1126

performance issues, 478

policy management, 489–506

public key cryptography, 442–443

requesting permissions, 480–484

role-based, 506–510, 1068

role-based versus code-based, 14

strong data typing in IL and, 14

turning on and off, 493

Web services specifications and, 1128–1129

security policies. See also caspol.exe (Code Access Security Policy tool)

applying full trust, 492

changing permissions for code groups, 494–495

creating and applying permissions sets, 495–497

creating custom code groups, 493–494

deleting code groups, 494

distributing code using certificates, 499–504

distributing code using strong names, 497–499

files storing, 489

managing, 489–506

managing code groups and permissions, 492

managing zones, 504–506

resetting, 493

security configuration file, 489–492

viewing code groups at enterprise level, 477–478

viewing code groups at user level, 476–477

Security Wizard (ASP.NET), 964–969

SecurityException, 480, 482, 492

secutil.exe tool, 498–499, 502

SelfPlacingWindow application, 1232–1238

semicolon (;)

ending C# statements, 31

preprocessor directives not ended by, 71

Send() method (MessageQueue class), 1106, 1108

serializing. See also serializing objects in XML

base classes and interfaces for, 1187

defined, 1187

UDTs, 637–638

serializing objects in XML

custom attributes for, 702

namespace for, 701–702

.NET Remoting security and, 1035

serializing, defined, 701

simple application for, 702–708

without source code access, 708–711

xsd.exe tool for, 702

server controls (ASP.NET)

adding to PCSWebApp1 example, 911–913

control palette, 913–914

Crystal Reports Web server controls, 914

data Web server controls, 917–918

event handlers for, 911–912

example using, 920–925

further information, 910

HTML server controls, defined, 910

icon in system tray, 912

login Web server controls, 970–971

navigation Web server controls, 960–963

runat="server" attribute, 910

standard Web server controls, 914–917

validation Web server controls, 918–920

Web server controls, defined, 910

WebParts Web server controls, 920

Server Explorer (Visual Studio), 1295

Server Explorer window (Visual Studio 2005), 398

server platforms supported by .NET, 553

Service Control Manager (SCM), 1273, 1274

ServiceBase class, 1283–1284, 1302, 1305, 1314

ServiceController class

application using, 1295–1296

controlling services using, 1299–1301

methods, 1300

monitoring services using, 1296–1299

properties, 1297

ServicedComponent class, 1070

ServiceInstaller class, 1289, 1290–1291

ServiceInstallerDialog class, 1291

ServiceProcessInstaller class, 1289–1290

Services administration tool, 1272

set accessor of properties

access modifiers, 94

overview, 93

for user controls (ASP.NET), 948

SetDateAndNumber() method, 535–536

setreg.exe utility, 501

setup programs. See Windows Installer projects

SetValue() method (RegistryKey class), 1231

shapes. See also graphics

application for drawing, 844–847

drawing, 868–870

painting, 847–848

ScrollMoreShapes example, 869–870

System.Drawing.Graphics methods for, 868–869

shared assemblies

Authenticode signatures for, 442

creating, 444–449

defined, 19

delayed signing of, 448

global assembly cache for, 19, 413, 438–441

installing, 446, 451

integrity using strong names, 443

namespaces for classes and, 442

overview, 413, 419

public key cryptography, 442–443

references, 449

risks, 19

strong names for, 441–443, 444–445

using, 446–448

versioning, 412, 413, 451–460

SharePoint Web sites information, 920

short type, 41, 42

Show() method (Form class), 782, 845

ShowActivatedServiceTypes() method, 1044–1045

ShowChannelProperties() method, 1023

ShowDialog() method (Form class), 782–784

ShowRegionInformation() method, 524

ShowSamples() method, 523

ShowWellKnownServiceTypes() method, 1044–1045

signcode.exe utility, 499

signtool.exe wizard, 499–501

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP

SimpleClientApp solution

adding the assembly, 560–561

application properties and values, 559–560

Configuration Properties setting, 557

creating a desktop shortcut, 561

creating folders for deployment, 561

deployment project as separate solution, 558–562

deployment project in same solution, 563–564

project properties, 561–562

SimpleComponent class, 1072–1073

SimpleDelegate delegate, 177–180

SimpleExceptions class, 333–336

SimpleServer application (Enterprise Services)

assembly attributes, 1071

creating C# library application for, 1070

creating the component, 1072–1073

ServicedComponent class, 1070, 1072

signing the assembly, 1070

SimpleComponent class, 1072–1073

SimpleWebApp solution, 564–565

Single Document Interface (SDI), 781

single quotes ('), char literals enclosed by, 44, 46

single-threaded apartment (STA) in COM, 1156–1157, 1166

SiteMapPath control, 960–962

Size struct, 852–853

SizeF struct, 852–853

sizeof operator, 138, 211

slash (/)

for multi-line comments (/* and */), 31, 67–68

for single-line comments (//), 31, 67

Sleep() method (Thread class), 355

sn (strong name tool), 442

soap namespace, 984–985

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

calling a method in a Web service, 984–985

declaring custom header for Web service, 1002

defined, 983

exchanging data using SOAP headers, 1001–1007

overview, 984–985

performance issues, 1133

RM sequence in messages, 1130–1131

sending data over HTTP and, 984–985

SoapHeaderAttribute attribute, 1002, 1003

SOAP-over-UDP, 1133–1134

Soapsuds utility, 1052–1053

WCF message contract for, 1137, 1139

WS-Addressing specification with, 1134

Soapsuds utility, 1052–1053

Socket class, 1263, 1268

Sort() method

Array class, 525

BubbleSorter class, 180–181

globalization and, 525

List<T> generic class, 281–282

SortedList class, 257–259

sorting. See also Sort() method

bubble-sorting algorithm, 180

DataView rows, 807–809

globalization and, 524–526

specific cultures, 515–516

SplitContainer control (Windows Forms), 775

SQL Server 2005

key generation with, 627–629

namespace for, 635

as .NET runtime host, 634–635

stored procedures, 645–647

triggers, 648–650

user-defined aggregates, 643–645

user-defined functions, 647–648

user-defined types (UDTs), 636–643

XML data type, 650–657

SqlContext class, 635

SqlPipe class, 635

SqlTriggerContext class, 635

square brackets ([ ]) for arrays, 57

STA (single-threaded apartment) in COM, 1156–1157, 1166


classes stored on, 9

creating stack-based arrays, 219–222

defined, 194

managed heap and, 196–198

pointer allocation on, 207–208

scope of variables and, 194–195

stack pointer, 194–195

value types stored on, 9, 39, 194–195

Stack class

foreach loops for reading values, 254

LIFO (Last In First Out) structure of stacks, 253–254

methods, 255–256

namespace for, 254

Pop() method for pulling items permanently, 254–255

Push() method for adding items, 254

Queue class versus, 256

uses for, 253

stackalloc command, 219–220, 221

StackOverflowException class, 329

Start() method

QuoteServer class, 1277–1278

Thread class, 352

static classes, 106

static constructors

example, 97–98

execution of, 96–97

instance constructor in same class, 97

static keyword, 33, 125

Stop() method (QuoteServer class), 1278

stored procedures

calling in ADO.NET, 594–597

creating for SQL Server, 645–646

naming conventions, 630

for populating a DataSet, 619–620

triggers for SQL Server, 648–650

using with SQL Server, 646–647

StreamReader class

byte code markers, 1213

closing streams, 1215

constructors, 1214

described, 1207

encoding and, 1213, 1214–1215

FileStream class versus, 1213

hooking up to a FileStream, 1215

methods for reading or writing one line at a time, 1213

options, 1214

reading in arrays, 1215–1216

ReadLine() method, 1215

ReadToEnd() method, 1215

ReadWriteText application, 1217–1219

streams. See also specific classes

base class for, 1206

BinaryFileReader application, 1210–1213

BinaryReader class, 1207

BinaryWriter class, 1207

buffered streams, 1207

class hierarchy, 1206

defined, 1205

directions of data transfer, 1205

FileStream class, 1207, 1208–1210

outside source for, 1205–1206

overview, 1205–1207

ReadWriteText application, 1217–1219

StreamReader class, 1207, 1213, 1214–1216

StreamWriter class, 1207, 1213–1214, 1216–1217

StreamWriter class

byte code markers, 1213

constructors, 1216

described, 1207

encoding and, 1213–1214

FileStream class versus, 1213

hooking up to a FileStream, 1216

methods for reading or writing one line at a time, 1213

ReadWriteText application, 1217–1219

Write() method overloads, 1216–1217

writing data into a new file, 1216

String class

Format() method, 231

inefficiency for repeated modifications, 223, 225–226

methods, 224–225

Replace() method, 226

StringBuilder class versus, 223, 226

string keyword, 45

string tables. See resources

string type

char type and, 44

converting between numeric types and, 144–145

new string objects created by changes, 45–46

other reference types versus, 45–46

overview, 45–46

stored in the heap, 45

StringBuilder class

Append() method, 227

AppendFormat() method, 231

ArrayList class compared to, 250

memory allocation for, 226–227

methods, 228–229

Replace() method, 228

String class versus, 223, 226

ToString() method, 229

StringInfo class methods, 514–515

strings. See also text, graphical

concatenating using operator overloads, 224

extracting characters, 224

formatting expressions, 223, 229–235

Type class properties for retrieving, 314–315

strong data typing in IL

application domains and, 14–16

CLS and, 12–13

CTS and, 10–12

defined, 9

garbage collection and, 13–14

generics and, 269

importance for interoperability, 10–13

security and, 14

VB6 typing versus, 9–10

strong name tool (sn), 442

strong names

distributing code using, 497–499

integrity using, 443

for shared assemblies, 441–443, 444–445

strongly typed objects in Active Directory, 715, 719

strongly typed resources, 531–533

strongly typed XML, 656–657


accessing fields outside the object, 37–38

ArraySegment<T> generic struct, 303–304

classes versus, 84, 102

for color representation, 863

constructors, 104

for coordinate representation, 850

declaring instances, 84, 101

default initialization of variables in, 34

defined, 84

defining functions for, 101–102

derived-struct syntax, 113

enumerations instantiated as, 57

inheritance and, 103, 112–113

initialization, 103

Nullable<T> generic struct, 301–302

partial, 104

performance and, 103

pointers to, 211–212

primitive types as .NET structs, 40–41

public fields in, 102

stored on the stack, 84

uses for, 101

as value types, 84, 102–103

style of names, 77

StyleSheetTheme (ASP.NET), 974–975

submitButton_Click() event handler, 924, 931–932, 934

SupportsWhatsNewAttribute class, 311–312

Suspend() method

QuoteServer class, 1278–1279

Thread class, 353, 354

suspending threads, 353–354

Swap<T> generic method, 297

switch...case statements

overview, 49–51

for user control event handler, 797–798

synchronization in threading

deadlocks, avoiding, 361–363, 364

defined, 360

importance of, 359

overusing, avoiding, 361

race conditions, avoiding, 363–364

syntax of C#, 360–361

System namespace, .NET types in, 32

System.ApplicationException class, 328

System.Array class, 245

System.AttributeUsage attribute, 307–309

System.Data namespace, 580, 581

System.Data.Common namespace, 580, 581

System.Diagnostics namespace, 1309

System.DirectoryServices namespace

accessing native ADSI objects, 735–736

ADSI COM object wrappers, 723

classes, 725

System.DirectoryServices.Protocols namespace

classes, 746

described, 724, 745

System.Drawing namespace

Color struct, 863

described, 843

Graphics methods, 868–869

Image class, 871

structs defined in, 850

System.GC.Collect() method, 199

System.Globalization namespace

CultureInfo class, 515

overview, 514, 523

RegionInfo class, 515

System.Net.Sockets namespace, 1263

System.Resources namespace, 533–534

System.Security.Permissions namespace, 479

System.ServiceProcess namespace, 1275

System.SystemException class, 328, 337

System.Type class

for holding reference types, 314

methods, 315–316

obtaining a Type reference, 314

properties, 314–315

TypeView example, 316–319

System.Xml namespace. See also specific classes

advantages over MSXML, 664

classes for handling XML, 661

classes for reading and writing XML, 660–661

language interoperability and, 659

MSXML 3.0 model and, 664

overview, 659

XmlDocument class, 661, 673–678

XmlNode class, 661, 672

XmlReader class, 660, 664–670

XmlTextReader class, 661, 664

XmlTextWriter class, 661, 664

XmlWriter class, 660, 664, 670–672

System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 701–702

System.Xml.XPath namespace

described, 678

key classes in, 679

using classes from, 681–684

XPathDocument class, 678

XPathNavigator class, 678, 679–680

XPathNodeIterator class, 678, 680–681

System.Xml.Xsl namespace

invoking methods during XML transforms, 686–689

overview, 684

transforming XML into HTML, 684–686

XsltArgumentList, 686–689

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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