machine configuration files for assemblies, 450

machine.config file, 1041, 1046

mage.exe ClickOnce tool, 568

mageUI.exe ClickOnce tool, 568

Main() method

for Finnish sorting example, 525

first thread started at, 350

MortimerColdCall example, 341–343

overview, 32–33, 61

passing arguments to, 63

PriorityDocumentManager class, 292

QuoteService example, 1284–1285

single entry point provided by, 349

TypeView assembly example, 318

using multiple Main() methods, 61–62

Windows Form application, 752–753

for Windows Services, 1273–1274

making. See building; compiling

managed code. See also IL or MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)

language interoperability with, 5–7

performance improvement with, 5

platform independence with, 4–5

managed heap

garbage collector and, 13, 198–199

reference types stored in, 9, 39, 196–198

stack and, 196–198

structs stored in, 9

value types declared within reference types stored in, 9

manifests of assemblies, 418

manufactured tables and rows

dispatching methods for, 837–838

getting the selected row, 839–840

required methods for, 835–837

using an attribute, 837

maps. See dictionaries

marshal-by-reference classes, 1031–1032

MarshalByRefObject class, 1188

marshal-by-value classes, 1031


COM, 1159

.NET Remoting, 1032–1034

MaskedTextBox control (Windows Forms), 773, 774

master pages (ASP.NET)

Content controls and, 958

.master file extension for, 956

modifying .aspx pages to use, 957

in PCSDemoSite application, 958–960

requirements for .aspx pages using, 958

selecting when adding .aspx pages to Web site, 957–958

standard .aspx pages compared to, 956–957

uses for, 956

MathOperations class

multicast delegate with, 183–184

simple delegate with, 177–179

MathTest class, 87–89

MDI (Multiple Document Interface), 786–787

MeasureString() method (Graphics class), 874, 893

member variables. See fields

MemberwiseClone() method, 107, 108

memory management. See also managed heap; stack

in C++, 13

in COM, 13, 1153

destructors for, 199–200, 202–203

freeing unmanaged resources, 199–204

garbage collection, 13–14, 193–194, 198–199

IDisposable interface for, 201–204

reference types and, 196–198

value types and, 194–195

virtual addressing and virtual memory, 194

Windows platform methods for, 13

memory (RAM)

freeing in COM, 1153

requirements for application deployment, 553

MenuCommand proxy class, 838

menus (Windows Forms)

ContextMenuStrip class for, 779

MenuStrip control for, 779

ToolStrip control for, 776

ToolStripManager class for, 780

ToolStripMenuItem class for, 779–780

MenuStrip control (Windows Forms), 779

Merge() method, 644–645

Message Queuing

acknowledgement messages, 1099

acknowledgement queues, 1120

administration queues, 1100

administrative tools, 1101–1102

architecture, 1099–1101

asynchronous operation of, 1095–1096

asynchronous read, 1110–1111

components available for, 1098

connected and disconnected programming, 1096

course order application, 1111–1119

creating message queues programmatically, 1103

creating message queues with Computer Management tool, 1101

dead-letter queues, 1100, 1105

enumerating messages, 1109–1110

express delivery mode, 1099

features, 1098

finding a queue, 1103–1104

installing message queues, 1122

journal queues, 1100, 1105

message formatter, 1107–1108

message queue properties, 1101–1102

message queues overview, 1100–1101

messages overview, 1099–1100

opening known queues by format name, 1105–1106

opening known queues by path name, 1104–1105

overview, 1095–1098

priorities for messages, 1099

private queues, 1100, 1105

public queues, 1100, 1105

receiving messages, 1109–1111

receiving results, 1120–1121

recoverable delivery mode, 1099–1100

report messages, 1099

report queues, 1100

response messages, 1099

response queues, 1100, 1120–1121

sending messages, 1106–1109

service for, 1098–1099

system queues, 1100

transactional messages, 1100

transactional queues, 1121–1122

uses for, 1096–1097

WCF and, 1147

message sinks (.NET Remoting)

defined, 1012, 1015

overview, 1030–1031

MessageArrived handler method (MessageQueue class), 1110–1111

MessageEnumerator class, 1110

MessageQueue class

BeginReceive() method, 1110

Create() method, 1103, 1121

EndReceive() method, 1111

Exists() method, 1104–1105

IEnumerable interface implemented by, 1109–1110

MessageArrived handler method, 1110–1111

Receive() method, 1109, 1110

Send() method, 1106, 1108

messages. See also events; Message Queuing

defined, 185

.NET Remoting, 1012, 1030

wrapped in events, 185


in assemblies, 18

COM, 1152

custom attributes emitted as, 306

methods. See also delegates; properties; specific methods

abstract, 117

anonymous, delegates with, 176–185

Application class, 753

binding (COM), 1155

calling base versions, 116–117

calling in Web services with SOAP, 984–985

for combined characters, 515

declaring, 86–87

defined, 86

DirectoryInfo class, 1191–1192

for drawing shapes and lines, 868–869

event handlers, 186–188

FileInfo class, 1191–1192

format of definitions, 33

functions versus, 86

generic, 297–299

of generic classes, 276–277

of generic interfaces, 275–276

hiding, 115–116

initialization required for variables local to, 35

invoking, 87–89

for keyboard events, 891

making accessible through Web services, 988

for manufactured tables and rows, 835–838

marking unsafe, 205

for mouse events, 890

multicast delegates and, 183–185

non-compliant with CLS, 426

Object class, 106–109

of object type, 45

overloading, 92

overriding virtual methods, 114–115

passing parameters to, 89–91

public versus static,33

Queue class, 257

for reading from console, 65

Registry class, 1231–1232

return statement for exiting, 55

return type required for, 87

sealed, 117–118

ServiceController class, 1300

ServicedComponent class, 1072

SortedList class, 258–259

Stack class, 255–256

String class, 224–225

StringBuilder class, 228–229

System.Type class, 315–316

usage conventions, 80

virtual, 114–115

in Visual Studio 2005 Object Browser window, 397–398

for writing to console, 65

XPathNavigator class, 679–680

Microsoft Application Center Server, 1067

Microsoft Intermediate Language. See IL or MSIL

Microsoft Management Console. See MMC

Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine (MSDE), connecting to local database, 823

Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespace, 635

minus sign (-)

as decrement operator (--), 135–136

for removing method calls from multicast delegates, 183

MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in, 721

Active Directory Sites and Services snap-in, 721

Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, 721–722

Computer Management snap-in, 1101–1102

Services snap-in, 1293

mobile code, 463

modifiers. See also specific modifiers

interface members and, 126

visibility modifiers, 124–125


assemblies versus, 421–422

creating, 421

defined, 421

purpose of, 423

Mono project, 5

MortimerColdCall example

catching user-defined exceptions, 341–343

ColdCallFileFormatException, 341, 346–347

ColdCallFileFormatException handler, 343

ColdCallFileReader class, 341, 342, 343–346

defining exception classes, 346–348

FileNotFound exception, 341, 342–343

LandLineSpyFoundException, 341, 346

Main() method, 341–343

overview, 340–341

testing, 347–348

throwing user-defined exceptions, 343–346

UnexpectedException, 341, 347

MortimerPhonesEmployees dictionary example, 264–269

mouse events

CapsEditor example, 890–893

methods for, 890

overview, 760

Move() method (File and Directory classes), 1197

MoveTo() method (FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes), 1197


files, 1197–1201

folders, 1197

.mresource attribute, 528, 538

MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine), connecting to local database, 823

MSIL. See IL or MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language)

MSXML parser

System.Xml namespace advantages over, 664

using in .NET, 661–663

MTA (multi-threaded apartment) in COM, 1157, 1166

multicast delegates, 183–185

Multiple Document Interface (MDI), 786–787

multiple inheritance, 112

multitasking. See threading

MyFirstCSharpClass class, 30–33

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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