machine configuration files, 509, 14341435

machine policy level, 601

Main( ) method, 6264

multiple Main( ) methods, 62–63

overview of, 62, 988

passing arguments to, 63–64

threading and, 548

Windows Services, 722

main function, Windows Services, 712, 723724

making projects, Visual Studio 2005 terminology, 423

managed code

advantages, 4

mixing with native, 1651–1652

managed heaps

garbage collection and, 322, 763

reference types stored in, 9, 39

managed types, pointers and, 334

.manifest files, Windows Vista, 1654


assembly metadata and, 18

module, 481

parts of, 478

manual deployment, Enterprise Services, 1462

markup extensions

mixing, 1197

overview of, 1138

TemplateBinding, 1171

marshal-by-reference classes, 14211425

MarshalByRefObject class

hosting .NET Remoting servers in ASP.NET, 1439–1440

implementing remote objects, 1407, 1445–1446

managing file system and, 790

marshal-by-reference classes derived from, 1421

marshal-by-value classes, 14211425

marshalling mechanism, COM/.NET conversion, 755

MaskedTextBox control, 1010

.master files, 12681269

master pages, ASP.NET

accessing content from Web pages, 1270

creating, 1268–1270

in PCSDemoSite, 1271–1272

master-details binding, 12011202

matches, regular expressions, 239241

Matches( ) method, string searches, 235236

mc.exe (Messages Compiler), 539

MDI (Multiple Document Interface)

overview of, 1022–1023

for Windows Forms applications, 1016

MeasureString( ) method

adding user input in GDI+, 1126

calculating item and document sizes, 1118

laying out text in windows using, 1106

member access operator, 156

member variables. See fields members

BackgroundWorker class, 582

BitArray class, 312

BitVector32 class, 314

data members, 85

DataMember property, 1525

function members, 85–86

IEnlistmentNotification class, 698

Interlocked class, 571

linked list, 291

overview of, 84–85

pointers to, 338–340

stack, 288

static, 256, 1633–1634

TransactionScope class, 691–694

unsafe keyword and, 331–332

WaitHandle class, 574

membership conditions, code groups, 591


COM reference counts and, 749

requirements for .NET-based applications, 443

memory management, 319330.

See also pointers

destructors, 325–326

freeing unmanaged resources, 325

garbage collection and, 13–14, 324–325

IDisposable interface and, 327–330

overview of, 319–320

reference types and, 322–324

stackalloc for allocating stack memory, 345–348

summary, 348

threads and, 549

value types and, 320–321

menu items, 1016

Menu Web server control, ASP.NET, 1273

MenuStrip, 1013, 1015

Merge( ) method, creating user-defined aggregates, 966967

Merge Module Project, Visual Studio 2005 installer projects, 447

message contracts, 1522, 1525

message formatters, 14951496

message queues, 14831510

acknowledged messages, 1507–1508

administrative tools, 1488–1490

architecture, 1487–1488

attributes, 1487–1488

configuring, 1464

creating, 1488–1491

Enterprise Services and, 1457

features, 1485–1486

finding, 1491–1492

installing, 1510

message formatter and, 1495–1496

opening known, 1492–1493

overview of, 1483–1484

products, 1486

programming, 1490

properties, 1489–1490

receiving messages, 1496–1498

sending messages, 1493–1496

transactions and, 676

when to use, 1484–1485

message queues, Course Order sample application, 14991507

class library, 1499–1501

installation, 1510

message receiver, 1503–1507

message sender, 1501–1502

receiving results, 1507–1508

sending priority and recoverable messages, 1502–1503

transactional queues, 1508–1509

message resource files, event logging, 537

message sinks

context, 1405

envoy sinks, 1421

formatters for, 1415

.NET Remoting architecture, 1402–1404, 1421

object sinks, 1421

overview of, 1420–1421

server context sinks, 1421

message-based applications, Windows, 211

MessageQueueInstaller, 1510


defined, 1402–1403

message queuing architecture, 1487–1488

.NET Remoting architecture, 1420

Messages Compiler (mc.exe), 539

meta-characters, regular expressions, 236, 238


assemblies and, 476

COM and, 748–749

custom attributes and, 349

Metadata Exchange (MEX)

client, 1520–1522

service host, 1518–1519

Metadata property, 1562

method binding, COM, 751

methods, 8692

Activity class, 1543

anonymous, 201–202

Application class, 989

array, 261–262

attached properties, 1562–1563

collection, 270–271

comparing C#, Visual Basic and C++/CLI, 1627

ContextUtil class, 1468

declaring, 86–87

file system, 792–793

FileStream class, 812

format of, 33

as function members, 85

generic, 257–259

generic delegates and, 260–261

hiding, 115–116

IMessageSink, 1421

interface, 1626

invoking, 87–89

invoking asynchronously, 549, 552

invoking constructors as, 1630–1631

LINQ extension, 1687–1688

MessageQueue class, 1491–1492

output parameters, 91

overloading, 91–92

overriding, 1123

overview of, 86

parameters and return types, 1628

passing parameters by reference, 90

passing parameters by value, 89–90

queue, 284

RegistryKey class, 834

remote, 1421–1425

sealed, 117–118

ServiceController class, 741

ServicedComponent class, 1458

sorted list, 298–299

Storyboard class, 1188

StringBuilder class, 227

System.Drawing.Graphics, 1100–1102

System.Object, 106–108

System.String, 222–223

System.Type, 360

UDTs (user-defined types), 966–967

unsafe keyword and, 331–332

usage conventions, 80–81

virtual methods, 114–115

Web services, 1378–1380

WebClient class, 1342

WebClient download, 1340–1342

WebRequest and WebResponse, 1342–1345

XPathNavigator, 921–922

XPathNodeIterator, 923

MEX (Metadata Exchange)

client, 1520–1522

service host, 1518–1519

mex option, creating WCF service façade, 1479

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), 211, 1075

Microsoft Application Center Server, 1455

Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), 211, 1075

Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). See IL (intermediate language)

Microsoft Management Console. See MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine (MSDE), 1059

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), 1454

Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespace, 957958

Microsoft.Win32 namespace

.NET registry classes in, 831–834

for registry operations, 789, 829

MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

Computer Management snap-in, 1488–1490

managing code access security, 592

Services snap-in, 732

mobile code, security issues, 589

modifiers, 124126

list of, 125

methods, 33

overview of, 124

visibility modifiers, 124–125


creating modules and

assemblies, 480–482

purpose of, 481

Visual Studio 2005 not supporting, 482

Monitor class, 572573

monitoring variable values, 428


adding user input, 1123–1125

user interaction and, 996–997

MouseUp( ) event handler, 1070

move methods, XPathNavigator, 921922

moving files, 799804

MRBService.cs file, 1385

MSDE (Microsoft SQL Server Data Engine), 1059

MSDN documentation, 397

MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language). See IL (intermediate language)

MSMQ HTTP Support, message queues, 1486

MSXML in .NET, 904906

MTA (multithreaded apartment), 581

MTA (multithreaded apartments), 753

MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), 1454

MUI (multilanguage user), 640

multicast delegates, 208211

MultiDictionary<TKey, TValue> class, 306311

multidimensional arrays

jagged arrays, 138–139

overview of, 137–138

multilanguage user (MUI), 640

multimaster replication

Active Directory using, 1584

overview of, 1588

multiple casts, 189192

multiple catch blocks, 376380

Multiple Document Interface (MDI)

overview of, 1022–1023

for Windows Forms applications, 1016

multiple inheritance, 112

multiple keys, dictionaries, 306311

multiplication/division operators, 162

multithreaded apartment (MTA), 581, 753

Mutex (mutual exclusion) class, 574576

Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
Professional C# 2005 with .NET 3.0
ISBN: 470124725
Year: 2007
Pages: 427

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