

main game loop, 268-270

implementing, 264

integrating mouse events with, 310-311

synchronized drawing in, 272-278

main method, 14, 89

map, changing size of, 466-467

matches method, 78-79

Math class, 133

MediaTracker class, 254-258

memory deallocation, 398

menus, using, 58-62*

metadata, 565

retrieving, 565-567

method signatures, 50-51

methods, 8, 47

declaring, 47-48

overloading, 50-51

synchronizing, 185-187

MIDI, 354

MIDI music, playing, 354-357

modulus operator, 25

monitor, 187

mouse events, integrating with main loop, 310-311

mouse input, reading, 303-310

MouseListener interface, 298

MouseMotionListener interface, 298

MouseProcessor class, 312

adding events to, 314

processing events in, 314

using, 314-319

multi-dimensional array, 60-62

multi-dimensional multi-length array, 62-65

multiple classes, 97

multiplication assignment operator, 26

multiplication operator, 22

MySQL, 511

installing, 512-515

server versions, 513-514

starting automatically, 515-517

Java 1.4 Game Programming
Java 1.4 Game Programming (Wordware Game and Graphics Library)
ISBN: 1556229631
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 237 © 2008-2017.
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