P (petabyte)

P3 (Pentium 3)

P4 (Pentium 4)

P4EE (Pentium 4 Extreme Edition)

p-Si (low-temperature polysilicon)

PAC (PCI/AGP Controller)

PAC (pin array cartridge)

PAL (phase alternating line or programmable array logic)

PARD (periodic and random deviation)

PC-DOS (personal computer disk operating system)

PCA (power calibration area)

PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect)

PCI-X (Peripheral Component Interconnect Extended)

PCIe (PCI Express)

PCL (Printer Control Language)

PCM (pulse code modulation)

PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)

PDA (personal digital assistant)

PDF (portable document format)

PFA (predictive failure analysis)

PFC (power factor correction)

PGA (pin grid array)

PH (PCI controller hub)

PI (parity inner)

PICMG (PCI Industrial Computers Manufacturers Group)

PIF (program information file)

PII (Pentium II)

PIIX (PCI ISA IDE Xcelerator)

PIO (programmed input/output)

PLCC (plastic leaded chip carrier)

PLGA (plastic land grid array)

PMA (power memory area)

PnP (Plug and Play)

PO (parity outer)

PoP (point of presence)

POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)

POS (programmable option select or point-of-sale)

POST (power on self test)

POTS (plain old telephone service)

PPD (parallel presence detect)

PPD file (postscript printer description file)

PPGA (plastic pin grid array)

PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface)

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)

PQFP (plastic quad flat pack)

PRI (primary rate interface)

PRML (Partial-Response Maximum-Likelihood)

PROM (programmable ROM)

PSK (phase-shift keying)

PTP (parallel track path)

Upgrading and Repairing PCs
Upgrading and Repairing PCs (17th Edition)
ISBN: 0789734044
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 283
Authors: Scott Mueller

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