

W3C (Worldwide Web Consortium), 338
Wang, Wallace, 135
WANs (Wide Area Networks), 337
WAP (Wireless Access Protocol), 337-338
Web applications
adding hints for, 283-284
on cell phones/Palms, 251-253, 253
on desktops, 91
Web pages, adding privacy policies to, 285-288 , 288
Web pages, dynamic, SOAP and, 68
Web server applications. See ASP.NET
Web servers, 178, 181, See also Apache
Web Service References Tool, 124-126 , 125-126
Web services, See also Google Web Services
combining, 293-297, 296 , 301, 302
defined, 4-5
how they work, 6-7
other than Google, 6
usage requirements, 7-8
Web Services Description Language. See WSDL
Web sites, See also URLs
accessibility, 314
Acronym Finder, 314
Amazon Web Services, 293
Apache Axis SOAP, 211
Apache server, 178, 181
application design, 80
"Caching with PHP Cache_Lite", 270
cell phone advances, 251
free software issues, 179
"Generate .NET Code With XSLT" (Dollard), 62
Google numeric searches, 310
Google search algorithm changes, 87
"Handling Complex SOAP Data Types in XML Web Services", 125
Java editor, new, 210
Java issues, 199
Java learning tools, 201
Java versus .NET, 201
Microsoft plug-in issues, 200
mobile device hackers, 232
mobility developments, 236
ODBC Administrator, 219
SOAP, 66
SQL Server, 219
Sun versus Microsoft over JVM, 203-204
usability, 277
Visual Studio .NET, 136
Web services, 293
author (Mueller), 185, 299
Authorama, 293, 302, 302
automated feedback resources, 292, 293
base 64
encoding, 85
Bobby online tester, 284
browsers, 91, 92
color blindness, 284
connectors for drawings, 105
date conversions, 38
design software, application, 80
dictionaries, 314
ECMAScript standard, 86
emulation software, 236
FreeTranslation, 99, 99
Accounts, 17
Advanced Search, 3, 9, 9 , 34
beta language support, 100
developer forum, 258
Groups, 107
home page, 30, 31
language translations, 100
News RSS Feeds, 310
search URLs, 109
Toolbar, 9
toolbar options, 30
Viewer, 309
wireless service, 21, 93, 229
WSDL files, 139
Google third-party sites
on combining with Amazon, 293, 301, 302
demonstration sites, 300-301
GWS-specific sites, 300
HTML Character Codes, 301
miscellaneous sites, 302-303
Office 2003
add-on, 303
Web accessibility, 302
Handheld Device Markup Language, 234
Hindi language, 101
HTTP error strings, 70
IBM P3P generator, 286
Java 2
Platform, 200, 211
Java resources, 201-203
Java Runtime Environment, 286
language abbreviations, two-letter, 100
learning about before visiting, 12-13, 13 , 44-45
Macromedia, 3
mailto: URL resources, 292
application design, 80
articles, 80, 125, 219
Data Engine (MSDE), 269
eMbedded Visual Tools, 236, 237, 239
emulators, 236, 237
finding newsgroups, 107
MapPoint Web Service, 6
mobile device updates, 233
Mobile Internet Toolkit, 238
Office 2003
add-on, 303
Office XP Web Services Toolkit, 126
Pocket PC developer tools, 245
SOAP Toolkit 2.0, 137
SOAP Toolkit 3.0, 65, 104, 137
User Interface, 277
VBA resources, 106-107
VBA-licensed companies, 103
Visual Basic .NET Resource Kit, 238
Visual Studio .NET trials, 156
XML Core Services, 51, 60
XML Developer Center, 58
Mozilla SOAP support, 81
MySQL resources, 180, 189
Netpadd, 52
NJSJavaScript Interpreter, 86
Open Directory Project, 88
Openwave SDK, 236
Outline Processor Markup Language, 301
Palm, 233
Platform for Privacy Preferences, 285, 286
PocketSOAP, 94, 153, 249
Rich Site Summary, 310, 311
Smartphone, 236, 237
SOAP library for PHP, 182
Task-Centered User Interface Design (Lewis and Rieman), 277
Thesaurus, 31
TpcTrace tool, 153
Unicode Transformation Format, 49
user interface design resources, 277
Visual Basic serial ports, 11
Visual Studio 6.0, 135
Visual Studio .NET, 135-137
W3C Schools, 58
Web services, 6, 302
Web services, combining, 293, 301, 302
WinZip, 17
Wireless Markup Language, 234
WSDL resource sites, 72
Xerces-J parser, 211
XHTML, 234
XML Notepad, 52
XML resource sites, 58
XMLSpy, 52
XMLwriter, 53
XSLT resource sites, 65
webbots, 37
Webmonkey Browser Chart, 92, 92, 204
White, Chuck, 65
Wide Area Networks (WANs), 337
Willis, Thearon, 136
Windows 2000 Programming Bible (Mueller), 135
Wireless Access Protocol (WAP), 337-338
Wireless Markup Language (WML), 338
Word, VBA applications from, 123-126 , 125-126
WordPerfect program, 105
Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C), 338
writing applications, 79-101 , 257-273 , See also Java; PHP; VBA; Visual Studio
application design resources, 80
choosing communication methods
defining Google responses, 87-89, 88
defining SOAP communications, 81-86, 85
overview, 79, 81
choosing development languages
language limitations, 97-98
overview, 79, 95-96
that meet specific needs, 96
your skills/ abilities and, 96-97
choosing platforms
defined, 331
desktop applications, 89-93, 92
mixed environment applications, 95
overview, 79, 89
small form factor applications, 93-95
defining Google responses
cached page results, 89
ODP and, 88
overview, 87
search algorithm changes and, 87
search results, 87-88, 88
spelling results, 88-89
defining SOAP communications
cache request arguments, 85-86
overview, 81-82
search request arguments, 82-84
spelling request arguments, 84-85, 85
desktop applications
adding survey forms, 90
browser applications, 91-93, 92
overview, 89-90
standard applications, 90-91
Web-enabled applications, 91
effective offline storage, See also caching
choosing storage strategies, 267-268
considering storage alternatives, 269-270
versus using current data, 270
obtaining cached data, 270-272, 272
overview, 257, 259, 267
refreshing data, 266-267
selecting databases, 268-269
storing search requests , 268
internationalized applications
defined, 326
foreign language limits, 98-100, 99
Hindi and, 101
overview, 80, 98
user locations and, 100
overview, 79-80, 101, 257-258, 273
performance issues
buffering data and, 261-265
efficiency, 260-261, 262
making assumptions, 260
overview, 258
reliability, 261-266
speed, 258-260
small form factor applications, See also mobile
cell phone applications, 94-95
overview, 93
PDA applications, 93, 94
Pocket PC applications, 93-94
writing user-friendly applications, 275-297
adding privacy policies to Web pages, 285-288, 288
combining Google with Amazon, 293-297, 296 , 301, 302
getting user feedback
automated feedback, 292-293
designing survey forms, 289-292, 291
e-mailing feedback, 291-292, 291
overview, 288-289
interface design resources, 277
interface flexibility, 278-280
overview, 275-276, 297
for special needs
adding hints, 281-284, 282
adding speed keys, 281
adding tooltips, 281
color blindness, 284
high-contrast displays and, 282, 282
information overload and, 282-283
overview, 280
using Windows features, 281-282
targeting specific users, 276-278
UPC research example, 293-297, 296
WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
defined, 337
in Java applications, 210, 211, 212
overview, 48
in PHP applications, 185
resource sites, 72
SOAP and, 71-72, 73
in Visual Basic 6 applications, 143
in Visual C++ 6 applications, 154-155

Mining Google Web Services
Mining Google Web Services: Building Applications with the Google API
ISBN: 0782143334
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 157 © 2008-2017.
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