

Canon, 144, 145
Capital One, 160 “65
Casabona, Bart, 63, 64
Cash management account (CMA), Merrill Lynch and, 71 “72
CAST (combined arm staff trainers ), 137
CAX (combined arms exercise), 137
Cemetery Ridge, Pickett s charge on, 48, 49 “51
Chamberlain, Joshua, 48, 54
Chambers, John, 110
Churchill, Sir Winston S., 1
Cisco Systems, 23, 110 “10, 119, 120
Code Red, launch of, 63 “65
Cola wars, 63 “65
Collingwood, Cuthbert, 83
Combined arm staff trainers (CASTs), 137
Combined arms exercise (CAX), 137
Combined arms principle, of maneuver warfare , 26 “27, 123 “24. See also Maneuver warfare
analysis of examples of, 134 “35
application of, in business, 138
Capital One example of, 164 “65
5th Battalion, 11th Marines example of, 129 “31
Henry V at Agincourt example of, 124 “27
Lexus s entry into U.S. market example of, 127 “29
Marine Corps and, 135 “38
NetJets example of, 132 “34
Wyser-Pratte & Co. example of, 158 “59
Common Tactical Picture (CTP), 104
Compaq, 46
Computer Associates, 46
COMSAT, 157 “58, 159
Conflict, military. See also Maneuver warfare
disorder and, 3
fluidity , 3
friction and, 3
human and environmental factors that shape, 3
uncertainty and, 3
Conover, Donna, 177
Continental Airlines, 24 “25
Cooper, Sandy, 33
Covaleski, Bill, 52
Critical vulnerabilities, targeting, principle of. See Targeting critical vulnerabilities principle, of maneuver warfare
CTP (Common Tactical Picture), 104

The Marine Corps Way. Using Maneuver Warfare to Lead a Winning Organization
The Marine Corps Way: Using Maneuver Warfare to Lead a Winning Organization
ISBN: 0071458832
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 145 © 2008-2017.
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