

Web applications
functions for 55
WHERE-expression processing 197
WHERE expressions 110, 198
combining with logical operators 207
compound expressions 198
compound optimization 528
constants in 200
creating with VIEWTABLE window 317
efficient expressions 208
functions in 200
operand specification 199
operators in 201
optimizing 527
order of evaluation 208
processing compound expressions 207
processing views 209
segmenting a subset 208
simple expressions 198
syntax 199
variables in 199
vs. subsetting IF statement 211
where to use 198
WHERE processing
comparing resource usage 530
compound optimization 528
controlling index usage 531
displaying indexusage information 531
estimating qualified observations 529
I/O optimization and 216
indentifying available indexes 527
indexes for 527
indexes for, with BY processing 533
indexes with views 532
windowing environment
See SAS windowing environment
words 15
literals 16
name literals 21
names 16
numbers 16
spacing in statements 17
special characters 16
types of 16
variable names 20
WORK library 474
copying files to 307
relation to USER library 474
write protection 587, 592

SAS 9.1 Language Reference. Concepts
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Concepts
ISBN: 1590471989
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 255 © 2008-2017.
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