

reducing for CPU performance 220
threaded I/O 223
I/O-bound applications 223
I/O optimization 215
BUFNO=system option 218
BUFSIZE=system option 218
CATCACHE= system option 218
COMPRESS= system option 218
creating data sets 217
DROP statement 216
engine efficiency 218
FIRSTOBS= data set option 217
indexes 217
KEEP statement 216
LENGTH statement 216
OBS=data set option 217
SASFILE statement 219
views for data access 217
WHERE processing 216
IBM mainframes
floating-point representation 91
ID management
ARM macros for 58
IEEE standard
floating-point representation 94
illegal operations
missing values and 105
implicit catalog concatenation 564
importing data
into data sets 321
IN= data set option
creating variables 83
IN operator 202
in character comparisons 121
in numeric comparisons 120
INDEX= data set option
creating indexes 526
index files 519
index type 80
indexed data files
adding observations to 536
appending data to 537
copying 535
sorting 536
updating 536
indexes 518
benefits of 518
buffer requirements 523
BY processing with 532
composite indexes 520
compound optimization 521
costs of 522
CPU cost 522
creating 524, 525
creating with DATASETS procedure 526
creating with INDEX= data set option 526
creating with SQL procedure 526
data file considerations 524
definition 518
disk space requirements 523
displaying data file information 534
encryption with 595
engines and 601
error checking 428
for BY- group processing 379
I/O cost 522
I/O optimization and 217
index files 519
integrity constraints and 508, 537
key variable candidates 524
maintaining 534
missing values 521
multiple occurrences of values 536
passwords with 595
recovering 537, 609
simple indexes 520
specifying with KEY= option 534
taking advantage of 534
types of 520
unique values 521
updating data sets 422, 428
use considerations 524
WHERE and BY processing with 533
WHERE processing with 527
INFILE statement
data-reading features 366
infix operators 117
INFORMAT statement
creating variables 82
specifyingin formats 31
informats 29, 80
binary informats 370
byte ordering for integer binary data 32
data conversions 38
date values and 131
date time values and 131
encodings 38
packed decimal data 34
permanent 31
specifying 30
specifying with ATTRIB statement 31
specifying with INFORMAT statement 31
specifying with INPUT functions 30
specifying with INPUT statement 30
syntax 29
temporary 31
time values and 131
user -defined 32
zoned decimal data 34
input buffers 332
creating 333
input data sets
data set options with 25
dropping variables 88
keeping variables 88
input datasources 12
INPUT functions
specifying informats 30
input pointer 334
INPUT statement
columninput 364
data-reading features 366
defining variables when readingraw data 82
formatted input 365
inputstyle 362
listinput 363
modified listinput 363
namedinput 365
readingraw data 362
specifyingin formats 30
input style
choosing 362
column input 364
formatted input 365
listinput 363
modified listinput 363
named input 365
instream data 361
inputto SAS programs 12
semicolons in 362
INTCK function
interval boundaries and 141
integer binary data
byte ordering 32
integer binary notation 33
integrity constraints 505
creating with DATASETS procedure 511
creating with SCL 513
creating with SQL procedure 512
definition 505
examples 511
foreign keyconstraints 505
general constraints 505
indexes and 508, 537
listing 511
locking 508
overlapping primary keyand foreign key constraints 506, 517
passwords and 508
preservation of 507
reactivating 517
referential constraints 505
rejected observations 511
removing 516
specifying 511
interactive line mode 8
interface datafiles 489
interface DATA step engine 573
interface library engines 603
interface view engine 604
ACCESS procedure and 572
interface views 539
interleaving datasets 395, 405
comments and comparisons 409
examples 406
sort requirements 406
internal SAS processing transactions 231
interval 137
INTNX function
interval boundaries and 141
invalid data 367
_IORC_ automatic variable 428
error-checking with 159
IS MISSING operator 204
IS NULL operator 204
iterative DO loops 453
processing selected array elements 453

SAS 9.1 Language Reference. Concepts
SAS 9.1 Language Reference Concepts
ISBN: 1590471989
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 255 © 2008-2017.
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