Section B.20. Programming


B.20 Programming

B.20.1 Object Programming



AddHandler statement

Dynamically binds an event handler to an event

AddressOf operator

Creates a procedure delegate instance that references a particular procedure

Class...End Class statement

Defines a class and its members

COMClass attribute

Allows a .NET component to be exposed as a COM object

CreateObject function

Creates a new instance of a COM (ActiveX) object

Event statement

Declares a custom event

Get statement

Defines a Property Get procedure that returns a property value to the caller

GetObject function

Returns a reference to a COM (ActiveX) object

Handles keyword

Indicates that the procedure serves as the handler for an event

Implements keyword

Indicates that a class member implements a property, function, procedure, or event of an abstract base class

Implements statement

Specifies one or more interfaces that are implemented by a class

Imports statement

Imports a namespace from a project or an assembly, making its types and their members accessible to the current project

Inherits statement

Indicates that a class is derived from a base class

Interface...End Interface statement

Defines an interface and its members

Is operator

Compares two object references for equality

Me operator

Represents the current class instance

MyBase keyword

Represents the base class from which an inherited class is derived

MyClass keyword

Represents the current class instance

Namespace statement

Declares the name of a namespace

Property statement

Defines a property

RaiseEvent statement

Raises a custom event

RemoveHandler statement

Disassociates an event from an event handler defined using the AddHandler statement

Shadows keyword

Indicates that a derived class member is hidden when calls to the derived class member are made through the base class

WithEvents statement

Receives notification of events raised by an object

B.20.2 Miscellaneous Programming



AddressOf operator

Creates a procedure-delegate instance that references a particular procedure

Application.DoEvents method

Allows the operating system to process events and messages waiting in the message queue

Declare statement

Defines a prototype for a call to an external DLL library function

Environ statement

Retrieves the value of an environment variable

Len function

Returns the size in bytes of a given variable

SyncLock statement

Prevents multiple threads of execution in the same process from accessing shared data or resources at the same time


VB.Net Language in a Nutshell
VB.NET Language in a Nutshell
ISBN: B00006L54Q
Year: 2002
Pages: 503 © 2008-2017.
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