Good Visual Basic 6 Coding Practices

Good Visual Basic 6 Coding Practices

Now that we have covered the deprecated features in Visual Basic 6, let s move on to identify the areas where programming practices can interfere with a smooth upgrade. You may need to adjust your code to make it more compatible with the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard. discusses how to use the Upgrade Wizard as a tool to identify and fix issues in your application. For now we will look at common problematic coding practices that you can correct prior to the actual upgrade. The Upgrade Wizard can identify most of these issues.

Variants and Variables

Visual Basic is an interesting language in that it has a default data type the Variant type. What this means is that any variable, method parameter, or function return type that is not explicitly specified is considered a Variant. Although this default frees you from having to worry about types when coding the Variant type can store all the intrinsic types as well as references to COM objects using it is not the greatest programming practice.

One of the most significant impacts of relying on the Variant type is that you lose compile-time validation. Because Visual Basic cannot know what type you really wanted, it has to generate code to try to coerce your variable to the proper type at run time. It is not always successful, especially if the type you are using cannot be coerced to the expected data or object type.

Good programming practice aside, not explicitly declaring your variable types can generate a significant amount of upgrading work for the developer. This is unfortunate because given explicit types, the Upgrade Wizard can often upgrade variables and controls to their new Visual Basic .NET equivalents. If the meaning of your code is unclear, the Upgrade Wizard will not try to guess your intentions. It will simply leave the code as is and generate a warning. This leaves the task of upgrading the code exclusively to the developer. Why waste time, when the wizard will do the work for you?

Implicit vs. Explicit Variable Declaration

Look at the following code. Do you understand what is going on here?

Function MyFunction( var1, var2 )    MyFunction = var1 + var2 End Function

Is this method doing string concatenation? Addition? If you can t be sure, the Upgrade Wizard certainly won t be. Testing the function shows that it is possible to use a variety of different inputs:

   Debug.Print MyFunction("This and", " that.")    Debug.Print MyFunction(Now(), 1)    Debug.Print MyFunction(4, 5)

The following results show in the Immediate window:

This and that. 7/23/2001 8:04:59 PM   9

An alternative, and more proper, way to define the function would look like this:

Function MyFunction( var1 As String, var2 As String ) As String    MyFunction = var1 & var2 End Function

or this:

Function MyFunction( var1 As Integer, var2 As Integer ) As Integer    MyFunction = var1 + var2 End Function

With this explicit definition style, we can see exactly what the programmer intends to happen. We also get the benefits of compile-time validation: The compiler will generate an error if you pass an invalid type to the function (unless it is a Variant). In addition, the Upgrade Wizard will be able to generate the proper equivalent Visual Basic .NET code without a problem.


Abstraction is a fairly simple concept. The idea is to produce an implementation that separates the usage of an object, type, or constant from its underlying implementation. This concept is at the heart of every object-oriented programming environment. Abstraction insulates the developer from changes in the underlying implementation. When you violate this principle, you risk making your application more fragile and prone to errors. There are two common areas where Visual Basic developers get themselves into trouble: constants and underlying data types.

Constants and Underlying Values

Visual Basic 6 defines a whole host of constants. COM libraries make even more constants and enumerated types available through IntelliSense. The standard Visual Basic constants are really just pretty names that hide underlying integer values. Table 4-1 shows an excerpt from the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) documentation on mouse pointer constants.

Table 4-1 Mouse Pointer Constants


Underlying Value

Mouse Pointer












I beam









Size NE, SW



Size N, S



Size NW, SE

You use these constants to change the mouse pointer, as in the following two examples:

Screen.MousePointer = vbIbeam Screen.MousePointer = 3

These two examples achieve the same result. They are equivalent in that they both change the cursor to the I beam. Although they achieve the same result, the second line is hard to read. Unless you are intimately familiar with the MousePointer constants, it is hard to tell at a glance what result that line of code will actually produce. Using a named constant makes your code more readable and keeps the intent clear.

The Upgrade Wizard is unable to guess what you intended if you use an underlying value in place of a constant. When it encounters such a value, it leaves the code in place and inserts a special comment known as an upgrade warning (see Chapter 8 which you then have to resolve on your own. When constants are used properly, the Upgrade Wizard can upgrade code to the Visual Basic .NET equivalent (if it exists) with no warnings.

Use the Proper Constants

A side issue to the notion of underlying values is that constant values can conflict. Remember that the Visual Basic standard constants are actually implemented with integers, and thus constants with unrelated function may have the same value. The problem is that you can often use constants interchangeably. While Visual Basic 6 doesn t really care it has no notion of strict constant or enumerated type enforcement, and one integer is as good as another the Upgrade Wizard will either change the constant definition to a possibly incompatible type in Visual Basic .NET or will not upgrade the offending line of code at all (leaving it in place with a warning).

The main lesson here is that when you use constants, make sure you are using them in the correct context. The following example illustrates this point:

Sub DefaultExample()    Screen.MousePointer = vbIconPointer    Screen.MousePointer = adCmdStoredProc End Sub

Here vbIconPointer is defined as a MousePointer constant, and adCmdStoredProc is defined as an ADO Command object constant used for specifying stored procedures (totally unrelated to the MousePointer and not meaningful in this context). Both of these constants have a value of 4, and it is possible to use them interchangeably in Visual Basic 6. The Upgrade Wizard, however, will attempt to upgrade the constants to their .NET equivalent. Visual Basic .NET performs strict type checking for enumerated constants, and the upgraded code will not compile. Getting this right to start with will avoid this whole class of problems.

Underlying Data Types

Another problematic coding style involves the use of underlying (or implementation) data types instead of proper types. A case in point is the Date data type in Visual Basic 6. The Date data type is implemented as a Double. What this means is that you can coerce a Date to a Double and/or store the contents of a Date in a Double. Some developers may have used a Double directly instead of the Date data type. While this will work just fine in Visual Basic 6, it will cause problems for the Upgrade Wizard (and therefore for you) and will categorically not work in Visual Basic .NET. In the Microsoft .NET Framework resides a new Date object, and the implementation is significantly different (and hidden from the developer). The new Date object supports much larger date ranges and higher-precision time storage than the Visual Basic 6 Date type. The only way to ensure that your code upgrades properly is to always use the Date data type and the date/time manipulation functions. Resist using the underlying Double value.

How to Get a Double Date

Date variables are stored as IEEE 64-bit (8-byte) floating-point numbers (which is the definition of a Double). The Double is capable of representing dates ranging from January 1, 100, to December 31, 9999, and times from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59. The following diagram shows how a Date is stored within said Double.

Try out the following example in Visual Basic 6:

Dim dt As Date Dim dbl As Double dbl = 37094.776724537 dt = dbl      Debug.Print dt Debug.Print dbl

The Immediate window displays the following:

7/22/2001 6:38:29 PM  37094.776724537

You can adjust the date by adding or subtracting any Integer value to the double, and you can alter the time by adding or subtracting any Decimal value less than 1.

Taking advantage of implementation details rather than using the abstracted types defeats the purpose of abstraction in the first place. Abstraction is of significant use to any application because it allows you to change implementation details over time without requiring interface or coding changes. When you violate this rule of abstraction and take advantage of the underlying implementation, you risk having your application crumble to pieces when the implementation changes (as it is likely to do over time).

Early Binding vs. Late Binding vs. Soft Binding

Binding refers to the way that objects and methods are bound by the compiler. You can think of the different binding types in the context of variable declaration and usage. Early binding is the most explicit form of variable declaration and usage. Late binding is the least explicit form of variable declaration. Soft binding is somewhere in the middle. Confused yet? Read on.

Early Binding

Early binding refers to the use of strongly typed variables. Strongly typed means that each variable type is defined explicitly and that the Variant type is never used. Specifying the type of variables explicitly relieves Visual Basic of the task of second-guessing your work when you compile your application. It can distinguish the variable types and thus generate more optimized code (code that is faster and less resource intensive). It also enables the programmer to catch programming problems at compile time because the compiler will generate errors when nonexistent object methods are called or when parameter and return types aren t compatible.

Example of Early Binding

The following code shows an example of the use of early binding. Notice that all of the function s parameters, the return type, and the local variables are explicitly typed. Nothing is explicitly or implicitly declared as Variant.

Function GetADORs(connStr As String, statement As String) _    As ADODB.Recordset        Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection    conn.Open connStr    Set GetADORs = conn.Execute(statement)    conn.Close End Function

Late Binding

Late binding occurs when the Variant type is used (either implicitly or explicitly). When you declare a variable as Variant, the compiler cannot know your exact intentions. The compiler then inserts additional logic to bind the method or property to the object during program execution. It becomes the responsibility of the runtime environment to catch any binding errors. Execution is less efficient because the runtime environment must resolve the variable types before it can perform an operation or method call. Take, for example, the following Visual Basic 6 method, which sets the Caption property value of a given label:

Sub SetLabel( lbl, value )    lbl = value End Sub

The compiler must insert code to evaluate whether lbl is an object and, if so, determine its default property. Furthermore, the runtime must check that the contents of value are valid for the default property of lbl. This step adds processing overhead to a single line of code. While the performance consequences are not obvious in a small application, large-scale enterprise or Web applications will notice the difference.

Late Binding and Upgrading

In preparation for using the Upgrade Wizard, you should strongly type anything that you can. Review your code and explicitly specify function parameters and return types. Inspect every instance that uses a Variant, and ask yourself whether it is possible to use a strict data type instead. For example, consider the following function:

Public Function Test(frm) As Integer    Dim lbl    Set lbl = frm.Label1    lbl.Caption = "This is a test"    frm.Label2 = "Another Test"    Test = True End Function

This function implicitly takes a Variant parameter (intended to be a form) and explicitly returns an Integer. From the standpoint of good programming practice alone, it is important to ensure that your code clearly identifies the expected variable types. It becomes even more important with an application like the Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard. Look at what the Upgrade Wizard does with the code:

Public Function Test(ByRef frm As Object) As Short    Dim lbl As Object    lbl = frm.Label1    lbl.Caption Label2 = "Another Test"    'UPGRADE = "This is a test"    frm. _WARNING: Boolean True is being converted into a numeric.    Test = True End Function

The following errors and warnings resulted:

  • lbl.Caption should be lbl.Text.

  • frm.Label2 should be frmLabel2.Text.

  • An upgrade warning occurred, indicating that the wizard was converting Boolean to numeric.

Part of the problem would have been avoided if lbl were explicitly declared as an instance of a Label control. Doing so would have ensured that the Caption property upgraded to Text in Visual Basic .NET.

Simple modifications to the code make the result of the Upgrade Wizard more predictable:

  • Change Test to return Boolean.

  • Change the definition of lbl to a variable of type Label.

  • Explicitly type the frm parameter to be Form1.

The function looks like this after all of these changes:

Public Function Test(frm As Form1) As Boolean    Dim lbl As Label    Set lbl = frm.Label1    lbl.Caption = "This is a test"    frm.Label2 = "Another Test"    Test = True End Function

The upgraded function now looks like this:

Public Function Test(ByRef frm As Form1) As Boolean    Dim lbl As System.Windows.Forms.Label    lbl = frm.Label1    lbl.Text = "This is a test"    frm.Label2.Text = "Another Test"    Test = True End Function

The Test function has now upgraded cleanly with no errors.

The modifications to the original Visual Basic 6 code took very little work and also added a level of clarity to the original application. Granted, it is not always possible to make these modifications, but it is the ideal case.

Soft Binding

Soft binding is the last of the binding types and is often the most insidious. Imagine a situation involving a form (MyForm) with a label (Label1). Consider the following example, in which you pass the form and new text for your control:

Sub Form_Load()    SetLabelText Me, "This is soft binding!" End Sub Sub SetLabelText( frm As Form, text As String )    frm.Label1.Caption = text End Sub

Notice that everything is strongly typed. There is certainly no obvious late binding going on, but something more subtle is happening. The parameter frm is declared as an object of type Form, while the form being passed to it is of type MyForm. The type Form does not have a property or a control called Label1. Visual Basic is implementing a form of late binding on a strongly typed variable. This is what we call soft binding. You have a couple of options for working around issues with soft binding:

Sub SetLabelText1( frm As MyForm, text As String )    frm.Label1.Caption = text End Sub

or this:

Sub SetLabelText2( frm As Form, text As String )    Dim f as MyForm    Set f  = frm    frm.Label1.Caption = text End Sub

SetLabelText1 is the preferred option because it will always prevent the wrong type of form from being passed to the function. SetLabelText2, while better than the original (and while it will upgrade properly), is not as robust because the assignment of frm to f could fail if the types are not compatible.

Watch Out for Null and Empty

Two keywords in Visual Basic 6, Empty and Null, could cause problems when you upgrade your application. Empty is typically used to indicate that a variable (including a Variant) has not been initialized. Null is specifically used to detect whether a Variant contains no valid data. If you ever test for either Null or Empty in your application, be sure to use the IsNull and IsEmpty functions, rather than the = operator. This is a minor change that should be easy to implement and will minimize upgrade headaches.

Another issue regarding Null involves the way in which various Visual Basic functionshandle Null propagation. Take the following example:

Dim str As Variant str = Null str = Left(str, 4)

As you can see, a value of Null is passed to the Left function. The standard Left function in Visual Basic 6 is designed to propagate Null values. So the value of str after Left is called is Null. The problem is that in Visual Basic .NET, functions such as Left will not propagate Null. This disparity might introduce errors into your application without your realizing it. The Left$ function provides a way around this problem:

Dim str As Variant str = Null str = Left$(str, 4)

Running this code will cause a run-time error, however (just as its Visual Basic .NET equivalent would). You can resolve the conflict (without actually testing for Null) by using the string concatenation operator:

Dim str As Variant str = Null str = Left$(str & "", 4)

Concatenation with an empty string will cause Null to be coerced to an empty string (but not a string that is Empty), and Left$ will not cause a run-time error. Thus, you should use Left$ (and all of the associated functions Right$, Mid$, and so on) and ensure that your application behaves correctly before upgrading. If you do so, you should not have to worry about a difference in functionality because the behavior of functions such as Left$ is equivalent to their Visual Basic .NET counterparts.

Implicit Object Instantiation

Many of you are probably familiar with the Visual Basic 6 As New syntax. It can be used to reduce coding by allowing the developer to write more compact code. Take, for instance, the following two examples:

' Example 1     Dim c As ADODB.Connection    Set c = New ADODB.Connection    c.Open connStr    Set c = Nothing    c.Open connStr      ' Runtime error ' Example 2     Dim c As New ADODB.Connection    c.Open connStr    Set c = Nothing    c.Open connStr      ' No error

Example 2 shows how As New simplifies your code by taking care of the type declaration and object instantiation simultaneously. But the examples also demonstrate a behavioral difference between the two forms of variable declaration. The first example will produce an error; the second will not. What s going on here? Although declaring variables in this fashion can be considered equivalent, these examples are by no means equal. We were surprised to find out how As New had worked in the past. Looking at Example 2, you would think that the first line performs two tasks: creating the variable and instantiating the object. In fact, it does only the former. It turns out that Visual Basic 6 tries to be smart about creating the object. The code in Example 2 will not actually instantiate the object until the object is accessed, while Example 1 explicitly instantiates the object. Also in Example 1, when the connection object is destroyed by setting c to Nothing, the object is gone, and no object will be created in its place unless the application does so explicitly. In the second example, the connection object is created only when the Open method is called. The connection object is destroyed when c is set to Nothing but is created again (by the Visual Basic runtime) when Open is called the second time.

This issue is not a problem in Visual Basic 6. After all, even if you didn t know how it handles this situation, it would be safe to assume (as we did) that Visual Basic creates the object when told to. But it is important to note that Visual Basic .NET changes the behavior of As New to instantiate the object at the same time that the variable is defined. It also will not create new objects implicitly. If you set a reference to Nothing, you must create a new instance. Visual Basic .NET will not do it for you. This approach would seem to be the more logical (because it involves less uncertainty regarding object instantiation and lifetimes), but it could have consequences for your code. Example 3 demonstrates the behavior of As New in Visual Basic .NET.

' Example 3    Dim c As New ADODB.Connection()    c.Open( connStr )    c = Nothing    c.Open( connStr )     ' Runtime Exception

If you are using this syntax and relying on behavior specific to Visual Basic 6, you need to change your approach. Everyone else can forget about this scenario and move on move on, that is, to a discussion of another form of the As New syntax:

Dim forms(0) As New Form forms(0).Title = "Form 1" ReDim Preserve forms(2) forms(1).Title = "Form 2" forms(2).Title = "Form 3"

This is where matters get tricky. Notice that we need to create this array of controls only once. If we resize the array, each additional element acts like the first. Visual Basic 6 will create a new instance of Form when we access the Title property for any index of this array (provided, of course, that it falls within the bounds of the array). While this ability can be convenient, it can also cause problems. Imagine a situation in which a bug accidentally causes you to access another element (which might otherwise be empty). Visual Basic 6 will merrily create the object for you and at the same time hide a bug in your application. Depending on how your application is written, the bug may not be easily discovered.

To make a long story short, it is best not to define arrays in this way (especially in large-scale applications). Instead, you can use the following syntax to define the array in a way that is compatible with Visual Basic .NET:

Dim forms(0) As Form Set forms(0) = New Form forms(0).Title = "Form 1" ReDim Preserve forms(2) For i = 1 To 2    Set forms(i) = New Form    forms(i).Title = "Form " & i Next

Let s look at the upgrade issue associated with this technique. Visual Basic .NET does support As New, but only for a single object declaration, in part because of one of the new features in Visual Basic .NET: construction. Every object in Visual Basic .NET has a constructor of some sort. When you create an object, that constructor is called. (Standard object-oriented programming concepts work here.) COM objects in Visual Basic 6 did not support construction, and as a result the runtime could create objects without any real worry; you still needed to do the work of initializing the object (by opening a connection, creating a file, or whatever). In Visual Basic .NET, those kinds of assumptions cannot be made. Some objects require parameterized constructors, which further impedes the use of As New in the array case.

What all this means is that in Visual Basic .NET, you must explicitly declare your objects. As New thus becomes an explicit form of variable declaration and loses any implicit behaviors. If you want to create an array of objects, you must first create the array and then manually populate it with the objects you need. Although this does remove a shortcut from the toolbox of the Visual Basic programmer, it increases the clarity of your code. No object will exist until you create it, which makes for greater predictability all round.

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0to Microsoft Visual Basic  .NET
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET w/accompanying CD-ROM
ISBN: 073561587X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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