
As I look back on what I wrote almost 10 years ago, I am struck by several points. The first (and most relevant to this book) is that today I am even more convinced of the fundamental truth of the key points that I tried to make than I was then. My conviction is supported by a number of popular developments in the ensuing years that have reinforced many of the points. The most obvious (and perhaps least important) is the popularity of object oriented programming languages. There are now many OO programming languages besides C++. In addition, there are OO design notations such as the UML. My contention that OO programming languages have gained popularity because they allow more expressive designs to be captured directly in code seems rather passé now.

The concept of refactoringre-structuring a code base to make it more robust, reusable, etc.also parallels my contention that all aspects of a design should be flexible and allowed to change as the design is validated. Refactoring simply provides a process and a set of guidelines on how to go about improving a design that has demonstrated some weaknesses.

Finally, there is the whole concept of Agile Development. While eXtreme Programming is the best known of these new approaches, they all have in common the recognition that the source code is the most important product of a software development effort.

On the other hand, there are a number of pointssome of which I touched on in the articlethat have grown in importance to me in the ensuing years. The first is the importance of architecture, or top level design. In the article I made the point that architecture is just one part of design, and needs to remain fluid as the build/test cycle validates the design. This is fundamentally true, but in retrospect, I think it was a little na¨ve of me. While the build/test cycle may reveal problems in an architecture, more problems are usually revealed by changing requirements. Designing software "in the large" is tough, and neither new programming languages like Java or C#, nor graphical notations such as UML, are of much help to people who do not know how to do it well. Furthermore, once a project has built a significant amount of code around an architecture, fundamentally changing that architecture is often tantamount to scrapping the project and starting over, which means it doesn't happen. Even projects and organizations that fundamentally accept the concept of refactoring are often still reluctant to tackle something that looks like a complete re-write. This means that getting it right the first time (or at least close) is important, and getting more so as projects get larger. Fortunately, this is the area that software design patterns are helping to address.

One of the other areas that I feels needs more emphasis is auxiliary documentation, especially architecture documentation. While the source code may be the design, trying to figure out the architecture from the source code can be a daunting experience. In the article I expressed the hope that software tools might emerge to help software developers automatically maintain auxiliary documentation from the source code. I have pretty much given up on that idea. A good object oriented architecture can usually be described in a few diagrams and a few dozen pages of text. Those diagrams (and text) must concentrate on the key classes and relationships in the design however. Unfortunately, I see no real hope that software tools are ever going to be smart enough to extract those important aspects from the mass of detail in the source code. That means people are going to have to write and maintain such documentation. I still think it is better to write it after the source code, or at least at the same time, than to try to write it before.

Finally, I remarked at the end of the article that C++ was an advance in programmingand hence software designart, but that still more advances were needed. Given that I see a total lack of any real advances in programming art in the languages that have risen to challenge C++'s popularity, I feel this is even more true today than it was when I first wrote it.

Jack Reeves, January 1, 2002

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#
ISBN: 0131857258
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 272 © 2008-2017.
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