Prerequisites to Debugging

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Before we get into the meat of debugging, I want to cover what you must know to be a good debugger. The first quality that all expert debuggers have in common is that they're good developers too. You simply can't be a good debugger without being a good developer, and vice versa.

The Skill Set

Good debuggers and, conversely, good developers all have strong problem-solving skills that are particular to software. Fortunately, you can learn and hone those skills. What sets great debuggers/developers apart from good debuggers/developers is that in addition to having basic problem-solving skills, great debuggers/developers understand how all the parts of a project relate to the project as a whole.

The following list contains the areas in which you need to be proficient to become a great—or at least a better—debugger/developer:

  • Your project
  • Your language
  • Your technology
  • Your operating system
  • Your CPU

Know Your Project

Knowing your project is the first line of defense for user interface, logic, and performance bugs. By knowing how and where features are implemented in the various source files, you can quickly narrow down who is doing what to whom.

Unfortunately, because each project is different, the only way to learn your project is to read the design documents, if they exist, and walk through the code in the debugger. If you're working with C++ source code, you might also find it helpful to look at the browser files. Additionally, several third-party companies produce tools that will turn your existing source code into Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. Even poorly documented source code is better than nothing if it saves you from having to interpret a disassembly listing.

Know Your Language

Knowing the language (or languages) that your project uses is more difficult than it sounds. I'm referring to knowing what your language is doing behind the scenes as well as knowing how to program in it. For example, developers sometimes forget that local variables that are C++ classes or overloaded C++ operators can create temporary items on the stack. Alternatively, an assignment operator might look innocent enough, but it can cause a great deal of code to execute. Microsoft Visual Basic also generates a considerable amount of code behind your back. Many bugs, especially performance problems, are the result of language misuse, so it's well worth the effort to spend some time reading up on the idiosyncrasies of the programming languages you use.

Know Your Technology

Getting a handle on the technologies you're using is the first big step to tackling the harder bugs. For example, if you have an idea of what the Component Object Model (COM) does to instantiate a COM object and return an interface, you'll have a much easier time tracking down why a specific interface request failed. The same goes for something like the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) library. If you're having a problem with your document receiving a Windows message, you need to have an idea of how messages flow through the document/view architecture. I'm not saying that you need to quote file and line from the source code or a book. Rather, I'm saying that you should have at least a general understanding of the technologies you're using and, more important, you should know exactly where you can find more detailed information if you should need it.

Know Your Operating System

Knowing the operating system can make the biggest difference between solving a bug and just floundering around. Here are some of the questions you should be able to answer about the operating system you use: What is a dynamic-link library (DLL)? How does an image loader work? How does the registry work? Many of the worst bugs appear when your program calls into the operating system because either you pass invalid data or you aren't aware of the ramifications of making the call.

Imagine that you have a program that's running out of memory and you can't find which module is leaking. Knowing the operating system would help you solve this bug. By knowing the operating system, you would know that all memory allocations eventually resolve down to a call to the VirtualAlloc API function. You could then set a breakpoint on VirtualAlloc and check the call stack for which of your modules is doing the calling. My friend Matt Pietrek, who taught me a great deal about debugging, maintains that knowing the operating system and the CPU is what separates the debugging gods from mere mortals.

Know Your CPU

Which brings me to the last thing you must know to be a debugging god: the CPU. You must know a little about the CPU to solve most of the nastiest bugs you'll encounter. Although it would be nice if you always crashed where source code was available, the majority of your crashes drop you right into the Disassembly window. It always amazes me how many engineers don't know—and say they have no interest in knowing—assembly language. Assembly language isn't that hard, and three or four hours spent learning it can save countless hours in the debugger. Again, I'm not saying that you need to be able to write your whole program in assembly language. Even I don't think I could do that anymore. The point is that you need to be able to read it. All you need to know about assembly language is in Chapter 6.

Learning the Skill Set

With any job that regularly deals with technology, you have to study continually just to keep up, let alone get better and advance. Although I can't help you learn your specific projects, in Appendix B I list all the resources that have helped me—and can help you—become a better debugger.

Besides reading books and magazines on debugging, you should also write utilities, any kind of utilities. The ultimate way to learn is by doing, and in this business, coding and debugging are what you need to do. Not only will you enhance your hard skills, such as coding and debugging, but if you treat these utilities as real projects (that is, by completing them on time and with high quality), you'll also enhance your soft skills, such as project planning and schedule estimating.

To give you some impetus to complete your utilities, consider this: completed utilities are excellent show-and-tell items to bring to job interviews. Although very few engineers bring their own code to demonstrate their skills to interviewers, companies consider those candidates who do well before those candidates who don't. Bringing a portfolio of work you did on your own time at home shows that you can complete work on your own and that you have a passion for software engineering—and will almost immediately put you in the top 20 percent of engineers.

Another practice that has helped me a great deal, especially when it comes to learning more about languages, technologies, and the operating system, is to look at other engineers' code. As you probably know, a great deal of code that you can look at is floating around on the Internet. By running different programs under the debugger, you can see how someone else tackles bugs. In addition, if you're having trouble coming up with a utility you'd like to write, you can simply add a feature to one of the utilities you find.

Another technique I would recommend to learn more about technologies, the operating system, and the CPU is to do some reverse engineering. It will help get you up to speed with assembly language and the advanced features in the debugger. After reading Chapter 6, you should know enough about assembly language to get started. Although I wouldn't recommend that you start out by completely reverse engineering the operating system loader, you might consider tackling some smaller tasks. For example, I found it very instructive to walk through the implementation of CoCreateInstanceEx.

Reading books and magazines, writing utilities, reviewing other engineers' code, and doing reverse engineering are all great ways to improve your debugging skills. However, your greatest resources are your engineering friends and coworkers. Never be afraid to ask them how they did something or how something works; unless they are in the middle of a deadline crunch, they should be happy to help. I enjoy it when people ask me questions because I end up learning more than the individuals who ask the questions! Programming newsgroups are also excellent places to pose questions. I read them all the time because their responses are so good, especially from those folks who Microsoft has designated MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals).

Debugging Applications
Debugging Applications for MicrosoftВ® .NET and Microsoft WindowsВ® (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735615365
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 122
Authors: John Robbins © 2008-2017.
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