Enabling Cascading Style Sheets

[ LiB ]

There are two versions of CSS that you can use in creating pages: CSS 1.0 and CSS 2.0. CSS 1.0 is very good for page formatting, and it is widely used by many browsers. CSS 2.0 will actually let you designate element positioning on a page by pixel coordinatessomething HTML could never do alone. But the catch is, not many browsers accurately use CSS 2.0 yet.

Before you can create CSS pages, you will need to activate the functionality in Office FrontPage 2003.




[ LiB ]

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy (Premier Press))
ISBN: 1592000827
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 108

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