Starting FrontPage

[ LiB ]

Like most programs in Windows, particularly Windows XP, there is no one way to start an application. The Windows interface is very good about giving users a variety of choices to start applications. The most common way is by using the Start Menu, although you can also use the Quick Launch toolbar; both methods will be detailed in the following sections.

Starting FrontPage with the Start Menu

The Start Menu is the main jump-off point to get things done in Windows ever since Windows 95. It is still the simplest way to get things going in Windows, and starting FrontPage 2003 is no exception.


Depending on the applications installed on your computer, the position of FrontPage 2003 and the rest of the Microsoft Office applications may be different on your screen.



Starting FrontPage with the Quick Launch Toolbar

With a little extra work, you can also create a launch icon in the Quick Launch toolbar of the Windows Taskbarthe area on the Taskbar just to the right of the Start button. By doing these steps just once, you can gain single-click access to FrontPage 2003.




[ LiB ]

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Fast & Easy (Fast & Easy (Premier Press))
ISBN: 1592000827
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 108 © 2008-2017.
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