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closeJava Programming with Oracle SQLJ
  Table of Contents
 close1. Introduction
  1.1 Comparing SQLJ and JDBC
   1.2 SQLJ Components
   1.3 Requirements for Using SQLJ
   1.4 Configuring Your Environment
   1.5 A "Hello World" Program for SQLJ
   1.6 The sqlj Command-Line Utility
   1.7 Oracle JDeveloper
 open2. Relational Databases, SQL, and PL/SQL
 open3. Fundamental SQLJ Programming
 open4. Database Objects
 open5. Collections
 open6. Deploying SQLJ in the JServer
 open7. Large Objects
 open8. Contexts and Multithreading
 open9. Advanced Transaction Control
 open10. Performance Tuning
 open11. Combining JDBC, SQLJ, and Dynamic SQL
 openA. Java and Oracle Type Mappings
 openB. Oracle Java Utilities Reference
 openC. SQLJ in Applets, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages

Database > Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ > 1. Introduction > 1.1 Comparing SQLJ and JDBC


1.1 Comparing SQLJ and JDBC

You may already be familiar with JDBC, another technology for adding SQL statements to a Java program. SQLJ operates at a higher level of abstraction and has a simpler, more concise syntax than JDBC. This results in SQLJ programs containing fewer lines of source code than comparable JDBC programs. Also unlike JDBC, SQLJ is strongly typed. With SQLJ, the compiler does more of the work for you because it checks your embedded SQL statements during compilation. JDBC checks your SQL statements only when you actually run your program. In short, SQLJ enables you to develop your programs more rapidly, more concisely, and with fewer mistakes than if you were to use JDBC.

To show you the power of SQLJ as compared to JDBC, the following two code snippets illustrate the use of each technology to perform the same task: retrieving the name and price of a product stored in a database. First, the JDBC code snippet:

int v_id = 1; String v_name = null; float v_price = 0.0; PreparedStatement prepared_statement = connection.prepareStatement(   "SELECT name, price FROM products WHERE id = ?" ); prepared_statement.setInt(1, v_id); ResultSet result_set = prepared_statement.executeQuery(  ); while (result_set.next(  )) {   v_name = result_set.getString(1);   v_price = result_set.getFloat(2);   System.out.println("Name = " + v_name + ", price = " + v_price); } result_set.close(  ); prepared_statement.close(  )

Next, the SQLJ code snippet:

int v_id = 1; String v_name = null; float v_price = 0.0; #sql {   SELECT name, price INTO :v_name, :v_price FROM products WHERE id = :v_id }; System.out.println("Name = " + v_name + ", price = " + v_price);

See how the SQLJ code is much shorter and easier to understand? Also, SQLJ can check the SQL statement and variables for correctness, helping you trap errors in your programs before you run them.

1.1.1 Static and Dynamic SQL in SQLJ

A static SQL statement is one in which the database tables and columns referenced in the statement are known when the program is written. It is likely that all, or most, of the SQL statements you use in a program will be static. A dynamic SQL statement allows the table and column names referenced by the SQL statement to be set when the program runs. Version 9i of SQLJ allows you to embed both static and dynamic SQL statements in your SQLJ programs. With SQLJ Version 8.1.7 and below, you can embed static SQL directly and use JDBC statements to handle dynamic SQL. Chapter 11 will show you how to use JDBC, and how to embed dynamic SQL directly in your SQLJ programs.

1.1.2 Where Can You Use SQLJ?

You can use SQLJ to embed SQL statements in many types of Java programs, including the following:

  • Applications

  • Applets

  • Servlets

  • JavaServer Pages

  • Oracle Java Stored Procedures

  • Enterprise JavaBeans

Most of the examples in this book are applications that may be run from the command line. You will see examples of applets, servlets, and JavaServer Pages containing SQLJ statements in Appendix C. You will see examples of Oracle Java Stored Procedures and Enterprise JavaBeans containing SQLJ statements in Chapter 6.


Index terms contained in this section

      embedding SQL statements inside
      embedding SQL statements inside
      SQLJ compared to JDBC
dynamic SQL
      static vs.
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)
      embedding SQL statements in
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
      SQLJ, compared to
JSP (JavaServer Pages)
      embedding SQL statements in
Oracle Java Stored Procedures
      embedding SQL statements inside
      embedding SQL statements inside
SQL (Structured Query Language)
            static vs.
      JDBC, compared to
static SQL statements
      SQLJ compared to JDBC

Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
Java Programming with Oracle SQLJ
ISBN: 0596000871
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 150
Authors: Jason Price

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