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s-resize value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 350
<s> ( strikethrough ) element, overview of, 693-694
<samp> (sample text) element, overview of, 694
sampling, explanation of, 247
scale attribute, using with QuickTime, 258
screen and paper comps for Web site projects, overview of, 36-39
script code, hiding, 89
script markup, hiding in XHTML documents, 438-439
<script> (scripting) element
explanation of, 17
overview of, 695-696
using with ASP, 428
using with XHTML documents, 437-440
SCRIPT_NAME variable in CGI, description of, 413
and ActiveX controls, 485-486
and anchors, 117
and CSS, 458-459
and forms, 402
and Java applets, 490-492
and plug-ins, 478-480
scripting access and markup elements, overview of, 452-454
scripting languages
indicating in ASP, 428
specifying for XHTML documents, 440
scripts. See also linked scripts
for conditional markup inclusion, 462-463
for form validation, 467-471
including in XHTML documents, 436-445
for last modification date, 462
for pull-down menu navigation, 463-465
for rollover buttons , 465-467
/scripts directory, contents of, 542
scroll value of overflow CSS2 property, explanation of, 338
scrollamount attribute, using with <marquee> tag, 262
scrollbar-* extensions to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 785-786
Scrollbar color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 352
scrollbars, setting appearance of, 359
scrolldelay attribute, using with <marquee> tag, 263
scrolled lists, using with forms, 379-380
se-resize value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 350
search engines
adding to, 531-532
excluding robots from, 532-533
functionality of, 531-534
links and entry points related to, 537
optimizing for, 534-538
problems with, 533
promoting, 530-531
relevant text content for, 535
titles and file names related to, 536-537
tricks involved in, 537-538
using <meta> element with, 535-536
&sect; (section symbol) HTML character entity, description of, 800
section rel value, explanation of, 130
Secure HTTP, example of, 104
security testing, performing for Web site projects, 51
<select> (selection list) element
overview of, 697-699
role in creating pull-down menus in forms, 377-378
selectors in style sheets. See CSS1 selectors; CSS2 selectors
_self value for targets, using with frames , 237-238
semantic linking, performing with link element, 128-133
semicolon (;)
in JavaScript statements, 446-447
using with style rules, 270
server modules, use of, 419
server response headers for HTTP 1.1, table of, 518-519
server-side image maps
combining support for client-side image maps, 125
example of, 120-121
overview of, 164-165
process involved in, 119
server-side programming
alternatives for, 407
overview of, 407-408
user interaction with, 406
server-side scripting
ASP and ASP.NET solutions for, 428-431
choosing language for, 431
ColdFusion solution for, 423-428
overview of, 419-421
PHP solution for, 422-423
SERVER_* variables in CGI, descriptions of, 413
servers. See Web servers
Serverwatch Web address, 507
SGML keywords, overview of, 840
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language)
HTML as application of, 8
including and excluding content in, 839-840
and XML, 548-549
shape attribute, using with <area> tag, 122
&shy; (soft hyphen) HTML character entity, description of, 801
site addresses, components of, 94-96
site comps, developing variety of, 52
site delivery, importance of, 499-500
site directory names, examples of, 542
site filtering, using meta-information for, 528-530
site plans
developing, 33-36
diagram of, 35
sample content matrix for, 34
site traffic, simulating, 51
size attribute
using with <hr/> tag, 77-78
using with forms, 373
slashes (/)
indicating directories with, 96
in tags, 3
using with HTTP URLs, 102-103
slice and save features, advisory about, 42
<small> (small text) element, overview of, 82, 699-700
SOAP messages, contents of, 570-571
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), overview of, 570-572
software crisis, explanation of, 27
software lifecycle model, overview of, 28-29
<spacer> (extra space) element, overview of, 177-178, 700-701
spacing modifier letters , HTML 4.0 character entities for, 808
<span> (text span) element
example of, 65
overview of, 701-702
using with CSS, 277-278
speak properties in CSS2, overview of, 355, 357-358
special characters , avoiding use with URLs, 100
speech-rate property in CSS2, overview of, 354
src attribute
using when inserting images into Web pages, 153
using with <embed> element, 475
using with QuickTime, 257
SSI (server-side includes), overview of, 421
SSL (Secure Socket Layers), explanation of, 104
staff.xsl style sheet example, 558-559
standby attribute, using with ActiveX controls, 484
start attribute
using with <ol> tag, 71
start rel value, explanation of, 130
<start> tag, example of, 3
static value of CSS2 position property, explanation of, 333
status codes for HTTP 1.1, table of, 514-517
stereo sound, channels required for, 247
streaming, explanation of, 251
streaming video choices, examples of, 260
stress property in CSS2, overview of, 354-355
stretchable table layouts, example of, 215-217
<strike> (strikeout text) element, overview of, 702-703
strikethrough, element associated with, 81
strong emphasis, element associated with, 83
<strong> (strong emphasis) element
example of, 3-4
as logical element, 24-25
overview of, 703-704
popularity of, 82
style attribute
example of, 57
overview of, 580
style rules
applying to <strong> tags, 277
binding to elements, 270
precedence of, 287
syntax of, 269
style sheet approaches, table of, 272
style-sheet extensions Web address, 360
style sheet properties sampler in Microsoft, overview of, 358-360
style sheets. See also CSS (cascading style sheets); external style sheets
alternative styles and user styles in, 346-349
document-wide type of, 274-275
embedding and importing, 274-276
example of, 288-290
font rules used with, 295-297
linking to, 272-274
overview of, 269-271
using <link> tag with, 132
using site wide, 272-273
<style> element
explanation of, 17
overview of, 704-706
using comments with, 89
using with style sheets, 274
styles, adding to HTML and XHTML documents, 270-272
/styles directory, contents of, 542
stylesheet rel value, explanation of, 130, 132
<sub> (subscript) element, overview of, 706-707
subscript, element associated with, 81
subsection rel value, explanation of, 130
Sun software, overview of, 508
<sup> (superscript) element, overview of, 707-708
&sup1; (superscript 1) HTML character entity, description of, 802
&sup2; (superscipt 2) HTML character entity, description of, 801
&sup3; (superscipt 3) HTML character entity, description of, 801
superscript, element associated with, 81
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
explanation of, 264
overview of, 569-570
SVG viewer, referencing files with, 569-570
sw-resize value of cursor property in CSS2, description of, 350
SWish Web address, 264
switch statements, using with JavaScript, 447
swliveconnect="true" attribute, importance of, 480
symbolic names, explanation of, 96
system and browser compatibility testing, performing for Web site projects, 50-51
&szlig; (SZ ligature) HTML character entity, description of, 805

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
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