1.2 What Type Systems are Good For

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1.2 What Type Systems are Good For

Detecting Errors

The most obvious benefit of static typechecking is that it allows early detection of some programming errors. Errors that are detected early can be fixed immediately, rather than lurking in the code to be discovered much later, when the programmer is in the middle of something elseor even after the program has been deployed. Moreover, errors can often be pinpointed more accurately during typechecking than at run time, when their effects may not become visible until some time after things begin to go wrong.

In practice, static typechecking exposes a surprisingly broad range of errors. Programmers working in richly typed languages often remark that their programs tend to "just work" once they pass the typechecker, much more often than they feel they have a right to expect. One possible explanation for this is that not only trivial mental slips (e.g., forgetting to convert a string to a number before taking its square root), but also deeper conceptual errors (e.g., neglecting a boundary condition in a complex case analysis, or confusing units in a scientific calculation), will often manifest as inconsistencies at the level of types. The strength of this effect depends on the expressiveness of the type system and on the programming task in question: programs that manipulate a variety of data structures (e.g., symbol processing applications such as compilers) offer more purchase for the typechecker than programs involving just a few simple types, such as numerical calculations in scientific applications (though, even here, refined type systems supporting dimension analysis [Kennedy, 1994] can be quite useful).

Obtaining maximum benefit from the type system generally involves some attention on the part of the programmer, as well as a willingness to make good use of the facilities provided by the language; for example, a complex program that encodes all its data structures as lists will not get as much help from the compiler as one that defines a different datatype or abstract type for each. Expressive type systems offer numerous "tricks" for encoding information about structure in terms of types.

For some sorts of programs, a typechecker can also be an invaluable maintenance tool. For example, a programmer who needs to change the definition of a complex data structure need not search by hand to find all the places in a large program where code involving this structure needs to be fixed. Once the declaration of the datatype has been changed, all of these sites become type-inconsistent, and they can be enumerated simply by running the compiler and examining the points where typechecking fails.


Another important way in which type systems support the programming process is by enforcing disciplined programming. In particular, in the context of large-scale software composition, type systems form the backbone of the module languages used to package and tie together the components of large systems. Types show up in the interfaces of modules (and related structures such as classes); indeed, an interface itself can be viewed as "the type of a module," providing a summary of the facilities provided by the modulea kind of partial contract between implementors and users.

Structuring large systems in terms of modules with clear interfaces leads to a more abstract style of design, where interfaces are designed and discussed independently from their eventual implementations. More abstract thinking about interfaces generally leads to better design.


Types are also useful when reading programs. The type declarations in procedure headers and module interfaces constitute a form of documentation, giving useful hints about behavior. Moreover, unlike descriptions embedded in comments, this form of documentation cannot become outdated, since it is checked during every run of the compiler. This role of types is particularly important in module signatures.

Language Safety

The term "safe language" is, unfortunately, even more contentious than "type system." Although people generally feel they know one when they see it, their notions of exactly what constitutes language safety are strongly influenced by the language community to which they belong. Informally, though, safe languages can be defined as ones that make it impossible to shoot yourself in the foot while programming.

Refining this intuition a little, we could say that a safe language is one that protects its own abstractions. Every high-level language provides abstractions of machine services. Safety refers to the language's ability to guarantee the integrity of these abstractions and of higher-level abstractions introduced by the programmer using the definitional facilities of the language. For example, a language may provide arrays, with access and update operations, as an abstraction of the underlying memory. A programmer using this language then expects that an array can be changed only by using the update operation on it explicitlyand not, for example, by writing past the end of some other data structure. Similarly, one expects that lexically scoped variables can be accessed only from within their scopes, that the call stack truly behaves like a stack, etc. In a safe language, such abstractions can be used abstractly; in an unsafe language, they cannot: in order to completely understand how a program may (mis)behave, it is necessary to keep in mind all sorts of low-level details such as the layout of data structures in memory and the order in which they will be allocated by the compiler. In the limit, programs in unsafe languages may disrupt not only their own data structures but even those of the run-time system; the results in this case can be completely arbitrary.

Language safety is not the same thing as static type safety. Language safety can be achieved by static checking, but also by run-time checks that trap nonsensical operations just at the moment when they are attempted and stop the program or raise an exception. For example, Scheme is a safe language, even though it has no static type system.

Conversely, unsafe languages often provide "best effort" static type checkers that help programmers eliminate at least the most obvious sorts of slips, but such languages do not qualify as type-safe either, according to our definition, since they are generally not capable of offering any sort of guarantees that well-typed programs are well behavedtypecheckers for these languages can suggest the presence of run-time type errors (which is certainly better than nothing) but not prove their absence.



    Statically checked

    Dynamically checked


    ML, Haskell, Java, etc.

    Lisp, Scheme, Perl, Postscript, etc.


    C, C++, etc.


The emptiness of the bottom-right entry in the preceding table is explained by the fact that, once facilities are in place for enforcing the safety of most operations at run time, there is little additional cost to checking all operations. (Actually, there are a few dynamically checked languages, e.g., some dialects of Basic for microcomputers with minimal operating systems, that do offer low-level primitives for reading and writing arbitrary memory locations, which can be misused to destroy the integrity of the run-time system.)

Run-time safety is not normally achievable by static typing alone. For example, all of the languages listed as safe in the table above actually perform array-bounds checking dynamically.[1] Similarly, statically checked languages sometimes choose to provide operations (e.g., the down-cast operator in Javasee §15.5) whose typechecking rules are actually unsoundlanguage safety is obtained by checking each use of such a construct dynamically.

Language safety is seldom absolute. Safe languages often offer programmers "escape hatches," such as foreign function calls to code written in other, possibly unsafe, languages. Indeed, such escape hatches are sometimes provided in a controlled form within the language itselfObj.magic in OCaml (Leroy, 2000), Unsafe.cast in the New Jersey implementation of Standard ML, etc. Modula-3 (Cardelli et al., 1989; Nelson, 1991) and C# (Wille, 2000) go yet further, offering an "unsafe sublanguage" intended for implementing low-level run-time facilities such as garbage collectors. The special features of this sublanguage may be used only in modules explicitly marked unsafe.

Cardelli (1996) articulates a somewhat different perspective on language safety, distinguishing between so-called trapped and untrapped run-time errors. A trapped error causes a computation to stop immediately (or to raise an exception that can be handled cleanly within the program), while untrapped errors may allow the computation to continue (at least for a while). An example of an untrapped error might be accessing data beyond the end of an array in a language like C. A safe language, in this view, is one that prevents untrapped errors at run time.

Yet another point of view focuses on portability; it can be expressed by the slogan, "A safe language is completely defined by its programmer's manual." Let the definition of a language be the set of things the programmer needs to understand in order to predict the behavior of every program in the language. Then the manual for a language like C does not constitute a definition, since the behavior of some programs (e.g., ones involving unchecked array accesses or pointer arithmetic) cannot be predicted without knowing the details of how a particular C compiler lays out structures in memory, etc., and the same program may have quite different behaviors when executed by different compilers. By contrast, the manuals for Java, Scheme, and ML specify (with varying degrees of rigor) the exact behavior of all programs in the language. A well-typed program will yield the same results under any correct implementation of these languages.


The first type systems in computer science, beginning in the 1950s in languages such as Fortran (Backus, 1981), were introduced to improve the efficiency of numerical calculations by distinguishing between integer-valued arithmetic expressions and real-valued ones; this allowed the compiler to use different representations and generate appropriate machine instructions for primitive operations. In safe languages, further efficiency improvements are gained by eliminating many of the dynamic checks that would be needed to guarantee safety (by proving statically that they will always be satisfied). Today, most high-performance compilers rely heavily on information gathered by the typechecker during optimization and code-generation phases. Even compilers for languages without type systems per se work hard to recover approximations to this typing information.

Efficiency improvements relying on type information can come from some surprising places. For example, it has recently been shown that not only code generation decisions but also pointer representation in parallel scientific programs can be improved using the information generated by type analysis. The Titanium language (Yelick et al., 1998) uses type inference techniques to analyze the scopes of pointers and is able to make measurably better decisions on this basis than programmers explicitly hand-tuning their programs. The ML Kit Compiler uses a powerful region inference algorithm (Gifford, Jouvelot, Lucassen, and Sheldon, 1987; Jouvelot and Gifford, 1991; Talpin and Jouvelot, 1992; Tofte and Talpin, 1994, 1997; Tofte and Birkedal, 1998) to replace most (in some programs, all) of the need for garbage collection by stack-based memory management.

Further Applications

Beyond their traditional uses in programming and language design, type systems are now being applied in many more specific ways in computer science and related disciplines. We sketch just a few here.

An increasingly important application area for type systems is computer and network security. Static typing lies at the core of the security model of Java and of the JINI "plug and play" architecture for network devices (Arnold et al., 1999), for example, and is a critical enabling technology for Proof-Carrying Code (Necula and Lee, 1996, 1998; Necula, 1997). At the same time, many fundamental ideas developed in the security community are being re-explored in the context of programming languages, where they often appear as type analyses (e.g., Abadi, Banerjee, Heintze, and Riecke, 1999; Abadi, 1999; Leroy and Rouaix, 1998; etc.). Conversely, there is growing interest in applying programming language theory directly to problems in the security domain (e.g., Abadi, 1999; Sumii and Pierce, 2001).

Typechecking and inference algorithms can be found in many program analysis tools other than compilers. For example, AnnoDomini, a Year 2000 conversion utility for Cobol programs, is based on an ML-style type inference engine (Eidorff et al., 1999). Type inference techniques have also been used in tools for alias analysis (O'Callahan and Jackson, 1997) and exception analysis (Leroy and Pessaux, 2000).

In automated theorem proving, type systemsusually very powerful ones based on dependent typesare used to represent logical propositions and proofs. Several popular proof assistants, including Nuprl (Constable et al., 1986), Lego (Luo and Pollack, 1992; Pollack, 1994), Coq (Barras et al., 1997), and Alf (Magnusson and Nordström, 1994), are based directly on type theory. Constable (1998) and Pfenning (1999) discuss the history of these systems.

Interest in type systems is also on the increase in the database community, with the explosion of "web metadata" in the form of Document Type Definitions (XML 1998) and other kinds of schemas (such as the new XML-Schema standard [XS 2000]) for describing structured data in XML. New languages for querying and manipulating XML provide powerful static type systems based directly on these schema languages (Hosoya and Pierce, 2000; Hosoya, Vouillon, and Pierce, 2001; Hosoya and Pierce, 2001; Relax, 2000; Shields, 2001).

A quite different application of type systems appears in the field of computational linguistics, where typed lambda-calculi form the basis for formalisms such as categorial grammar (van Benthem, 1995; van Benthem and Meulen, 1997; Ranta, 1995; etc.).

[1]Static elimination of array-bounds checking is a long-standing goal for type system designers. In principle, the necessary mechanisms (based on dependent typessee §30.5) are well understood, but packaging them in a form that balances expressive power, predictability and tractability of typechecking, and complexity of program annotations remains a significant challenge. Some recent advances in the area are described by Xi and Pfenning (1998, 1999).

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262

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