Chapter Quiz


What is the best path to make others develop a passion for the project?

  1. Offer bonuses if the project is completed on time.

  2. Remind the team members the project is essential to their careers.

  3. Become passionate about the project yourself.

  4. Remind the team members that mistakes they make on the project will be documented.

 c. the best method you can use to make others become passionate about a project is to become passionate about it yourself. your excitement and desire for success is contagious. bonuses for completing a project on time are a fine tool, but it may result in rushed work. implying threats of job loss is no way of inspiring passion for your project team; in fact, it may have the inverse effect.


Why must the project manager have authority over a project?

  1. To ensure the team will complete the work as dictated

  2. To ensure the actions required to complete the project will be enforced

  3. To ensure the budget required to complete the project is available

  4. To ensure the organization realizes your potential as an effective manager

 b. a project manager needs authority over a project to ensure that the team will complete the tasks to finish the project. as a project manager is responsible for the success or failure of a project, she should also be given a level of authority to ensure her success.


What is the relationship between authority and responsibility?

  1. Authority is the ability to control the team. Responsibility is the ability to do it well.

  2. Authority is the ability to assign resources to tasks . Responsibility is the commitment to the project.

  3. Authority is the ability to ensure the project team respects the project manager. Responsibility is the commitment to the project.

  4. Authority is the ability to assign resources to tasks. Responsibility is the ownership of the success or failure of the project.

 d. authority and responsibility are intertwined. a project manager cannot be effective if he does not have the authority to assign resources to tasks and have ownership over the success of the project.


Complete this sentence : A successful relationship between the team members and the project manager should be _____________.

  1. Orderly

  2. Symbiotic

  3. Symbolic

  4. Relaxed

 b. the relationship between the project team and the project manager should be mutually beneficial.


Of the following, which are two skills that a project manager must have to be successful?

  1. Public speaking abilities

  2. Organizational skills

  3. Ambition for a successful career

  4. Passion for the project

 b, d. a successful project manager does not have to be an effective public speaker, though it may help. ambition for a successful career is not necessarily an asset required of the project manager. organizational skills and a real passion for the project, however, are two attributes every project manager requires.


True or False: A project manager must make all of the decisions on a project.

  1. True

  2. False

 b. false. the project manager does not have to make every decision on a project. the team can make decisions, as can project sponsors and management.


Of the following, which decision-making process is reflective of the directive decision?

  1. A project manager who makes the decision with no team input

  2. A project manager who makes a decision based on team members counsel and advice

  3. A project manager who allows the team members to arrive at their own decision

  4. A project manager who allows the team members to arrive at their own decision with his approval

 a. when a project manager makes a decision with no team input, but on his own experience, research, or intuition, he is making a directive decision.


Of the following, which decision-making process is reflective of the consultative decision?

  1. A project manager who makes the decision with no team input

  2. A project manager who makes a decision based on team members counsel and advice

  3. A project manager who allows the team members to arrive at their own decision

  4. A project manager who allows the team members to arrive at their own decision with her approval

 b. a consultative decision allows the project manager and the project team to work together to make a decision. this is ideal for situations where the project manager may not be well versed in the technology, but she must make a decision to safeguard the project.


Why are disagreements considered to be an effective part of team discussions?

  1. It keeps the team competitive among itself.

  2. It allows the project manager to pit team members against each other to keep the project moving.

  3. It shows that the project team is thinking and considering alternative solutions.

  4. It allows team members to become passionate about their decisions.

 c. some disagreements in a team meeting are healthy as it shows the team is working toward the best solutions. compromise and openness to different ideas is a fantastic component to any project.


Of the following, which is not a method you should employ when working with evaders during a team discussion?

  1. Have each team member offer her opinion on the topic, then write the suggestion on the whiteboard.

  2. If possible, allow team members to think about the problem and then e-mail their proposed solution to you.

  3. Have the evader listen to all of the comments and then make his decision.

  4. Call directly on the evader team members first when asking for suggestions.

 c. evaders are team members who avoid confrontations and do not want to contradict any other team member. by allowing the team member to wait until he s heard all of the other team member s suggestions, his true opinion may be masked by the desire to agree with the majority of opinions.


You are a project manager for an application development project. You have eight team members who are all adding opinions about the web connectivity feature of the application. Of the following statements, which most likely came from a team member with the aggressive personality type?

  1. I ve done this before so I know it works.

  2. We could model our application after a project we ve made before.

  3. I agree with Susan.

  4. I think we should make two different approaches and let the users decide which is most effective.

 a. aggressive team members are typically experienced, but have no qualms about stressing their ability to always be right.


How often should a project manager meet with the entire project team?

  1. On a regular basis, as warranted by the size and duration of the project

  2. As directed by management

  3. At least weekly

  4. At least monthly

 a. project managers should determine a schedule that is appropriate for the project. a team that meets too often will waste valuable work time. a team that meets infrequently is missing an opportunity to discuss and resolve issues on the project.


Of the following, which is the best choice for conducting meetings when the project team is dispersed geographically ?

  1. Have the entire project team travel to a central location to discuss the project.

  2. Have the team leaders from each subteam travel to a central location to conduct the project. Team leaders would then report the results to the team when they return from the trip.

  3. Have the project manager travel to each location and meet with the project team there.

  4. Use videoconference software to link to all of the different teams to discuss the project.

 d. videoconference software is an excellent solution for all of the team members to participate in a discussion of the project without losing days to and incurring expenses for travel.


Why should project team meetings have minutes recorded?

  1. It allows management to have a record of each meeting.

  2. It allows the project sponsor to have a record of the meeting without having to attend .

  3. It allows the project manager to maintain a record of what was discussed.

  4. It allows subteams to have details on what is happening in the other subteams meetings.

 c. minutes need to be kept in team meetings so that the project manager has a record of the discussion of the meeting. it allows the project manager another avenue to document the details of the meetings.


Of the following, which two are attributes of a successful project manager?

  1. Experience working with technology

  2. Experience working with the project team

  3. Experience working with the project sponsor

  4. Experience as a traditional manager

 a, d. a project manager who has experience either in working with technology or in the role as a traditional manager has an advantage over unproven project managers. technical experience and a traditional management background is a great combination for any it project manager.



C. The best method you can use to make others become passionate about a project is to become passionate about it yourself. Your excitement and desire for success is contagious. Bonuses for completing a project on time are a fine tool, but it may result in rushed work. Implying threats of job loss is no way of inspiring passion for your project team; in fact, it may have the inverse effect.


B. A project manager needs authority over a project to ensure that the team will complete the tasks to finish the project. As a project manager is responsible for the success or failure of a project, she should also be given a level of authority to ensure her success.


D. Authority and responsibility are intertwined. A project manager cannot be effective if he does not have the authority to assign resources to tasks and have ownership over the success of the project.


B. The relationship between the project team and the project manager should be mutually beneficial.


B, D. A successful project manager does not have to be an effective public speaker, though it may help. Ambition for a successful career is not necessarily an asset required of the project manager. Organizational skills and a real passion for the project, however, are two attributes every project manager requires.


B. False. The project manager does not have to make every decision on a project. The team can make decisions, as can project sponsors and management.


A. When a project manager makes a decision with no team input, but on his own experience, research, or intuition, he is making a directive decision.


B. A consultative decision allows the project manager and the project team to work together to make a decision. This is ideal for situations where the project manager may not be well versed in the technology, but she must make a decision to safeguard the project.


C. Some disagreements in a team meeting are healthy as it shows the team is working toward the best solutions. Compromise and openness to different ideas is a fantastic component to any project.


C. Evaders are team members who avoid confrontations and do not want to contradict any other team member. By allowing the team member to wait until he s heard all of the other team member s suggestions, his true opinion may be masked by the desire to agree with the majority of opinions.


A. Aggressive team members are typically experienced , but have no qualms about stressing their ability to always be right.


A. Project managers should determine a schedule that is appropriate for the project. A team that meets too often will waste valuable work time. A team that meets infrequently is missing an opportunity to discuss and resolve issues on the project.


D. Videoconference software is an excellent solution for all of the team members to participate in a discussion of the project without losing days to and incurring expenses for travel.


C. Minutes need to be kept in team meetings so that the project manager has a record of the discussion of the meeting. It allows the project manager another avenue to document the details of the meetings.


A, D. A project manager who has experience either in working with technology or in the role as a traditional manager has an advantage over unproven project managers. Technical experience and a traditional management background is a great combination for any IT project manager.

IT Project Management
IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, Third Edition
ISBN: 0071700439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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