
Team Fly 

Page 665


Note to the reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


* (asterisk), in regular expressions, 543, 558

. (period), in regular expressions, 543, 545, 558

? (question mark), as metacharacter, 560

| (pipe symbol), for alternation in regular expressions, 563–564


Abort method, of MessageQueueTransaction class, 371–372

aborting transaction, 437

Accept method, of Socket class, 298

AcceptChanges method, of DataSet, 420, 425–426

AcceptTcpClient method, 302

AcknowledgeTypes property, of message, 358, 359, 360, 363

acknowledgments for queued messages, 358–373, 361

fault tolerance and load balancing, 366–370

processing, 361–366

requesting, 358–361

retrieving for specific message, 350

timeout, 359

transactional messages, 371–373

action queries, 407

executing, 409

Activator class, CreateInstance method of, 211

ActiveX controls, use with .NET clients, 462–465

ActiveX Data Objects. See ADO.NET

Add Dialog dialog box, 268, 268

Add method, of Rows collection of DataTable, 419

Add New Project dialog box (Visual Studio), 261, 261

Add Or Remove Programs snap-in, 259, 260

Add Project Output Group dialog box, 263–264, 264

Add Reference dialog box, 63

Add Web Reference dialog box, 456, 456

AddDays method, of DateTime class, 39

AddHours method, of DateTime class, 38

addition of complex numbers, 620

AddMinutes method, of DateTime class, 38

AddOrder method, in middle tier, 446

AddressFamily enumeration, 293

AddressList property, of IPHostEntry class, 291

AddValue method, of SerializationInfo class, 79

AdministrationQueue property, of message, 358

administrator, and security, 120, 122


accessing databases, 391–415

Command class, 409–415

Connection class, 402–403

DataAdapter class, 404–408

Visual database tools, 392–402

DataSets, 415–427

accessing tables, 416–417

adding and deleting rows, 419–420

binding to DataGrid control, 277–278

creation, 395–396

DataViews, 426–427

locating rows, 420–421

multiple tables for, 396–400

navigation, 421–426

null values, 418–419

rows, 417–418

viewing, 396

Insert and Update operations, 428–440

DataAdapter for transactions, 436–440

DataAdapter to update, 428–430

Identity columns, 430–436

Advanced SQL Generation Options window, 407, 407

aesthetics, xix–xx

alerts, suppressing, 100

Aliases property, of IPHostEntry class, 292

Alignment property, for string printing, 169, 171

All Code membership condition, 256

AllDBNull property, of DataColumn class, 417

AllowSelection property, of PrintDialog control, 166

AllowSomePages property, of PrintDialog control, 166

AlternatingBackColor property, of DataGrid control, 281

Team Fly 

Visual Basic  .NET Power Tools
Visual Basic .NET Power Tools
ISBN: 0782142427
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 178 © 2008-2017.
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