
 < Day Day Up > 


racoon, 309–310


automatic detection, 605–606

booting from a RAID device, 604–605

configuring RAID devices, 601–611

corresponding hard disk partitions, 604, 605

creating and installing RAID devices, 606–610

devices and partitions, 604

disks, 30

enabling in the kernel, 601

example, 610–611

Linux software RAID levels, 602–603

persistent superblocks, 605–606

tools, 606

RAM disks, 649–650

rcp, 283, 284–285

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 6–7

Red Hat Linux

administration tools, 9, 504

documentation, 7–8

Fedora Core, 8–9

Fedora Project, 6

hard drive configuration, 23

hardware requirements, 22–23

information requirements, 23–25

installation, 21–22

overview, 5–6

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 6–7

updating, 52–54

User Manager, 48–49

Red Hat Network, 34, 52–54

Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), 551

command line installation, 553–559

installation example, 557–558

installing and updating packages with rpm, 556–557

installing from the desktop, 552

options, 553–555

packages, 552

packaging software, 567

querying from RPM packages and installed software, 555–556

rebuilding the RPM database, 559

removing RPM software packages, 558

rpm command, 553–555

tools, 551

updating software, 552–553

verifying an RPM installation, 558–559

Red Hat Update Agent, 34


adding records, 90–91

configuring DNS servers with, 88–92

master zones, 89–90

reverse master zones, 91–92

redhat-config-date, 494

redhat-config-network, 69–72, 305–306

configuring replaced or unsupported Ethernet cards, 72

profiles, 72

redhat-config-packages, 55–56

redhat-config-printer, 50–52

redhat-config-securitylevel, 81

redhat-config-services, 360–362, 503

redhat-config-users, 48–50

redhat-config-xfree86, 52

redhat-logviewer, 508, 509


NAT, 340

of standard error, 149–150

of standard input/output, 145–148

references, 7

Help, 44–45

online, 18–19

regular expressions, 162–164

special characters, 163

ReiserFS, 580

remote access commands, 283–286

resource records, 669–674

resources, 7

Help, 44–45

online, 18–19

restore, 519–521

reverse mapping, 678–681

reverse master zones, 91–92

reverse proxy cache, 443–444

RHN. See Red Hat Network

.rhosts, 284

Ritchie, Dennis, 11

rlogin, 283, 284

rm, 196

rmdir, 189, 190

root directory, 570–571

root user, 491–493

password, 492

su command, 492–493

routing, 777–779

rpm command, 57–58, 553–555

rsh, 285

runlevels, 358, 499–500

changing with telinit, 501

initab, 501

runlevel command, 501

shutdown, 501–503

ruptime, 284

rwho, 283

 < Day Day Up > 

Red Hat(c) The Complete Reference
Red Hat Enterprise Linux & Fedora Edition (DVD): The Complete Reference
ISBN: 0072230754
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 328 © 2008-2017.
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