

basic, 78 “80
speed of, 104
CameraFollow command, 85, 224
default camera location, 26
moving, 27
SetFocus command, 176 “78
view of, 224 “27
CD-ROM, about the, 244
child window, 96 “99, 226
clickable buttons , 100
avoidance , 263 “64
detection, 62 “68, 120 “22, 230
docollision function, 89, 90, 121 “22, 181 “82
good and bad, 120 “22
SetCollision command, 276 “77
Color Mode, 30 “31
adding, 45 “46
adjusting text, 84
flat, 45 “46, 277 “78
Gouraud shading, 46, 58 “61, 118, 277 “78
Lambert shading, 46, 277 “78
RGB scale and, 45 “46
Abs , 248 “49
Acos , 249
AddAngle , 250 “51
AddPosition , 251
AnimUV, 148
Asin , 252
Atan , 252 “53
CameraFollow , 85, 224
Cos , 253 “54
CreateBrick , 228 “29
CreatePlane , 70 “71
Enable Shadow , 281 “83
Follow , 254 “55
GetDegree/GetRadian , 255 “56
GetDistance , 256 “57
GetX , 257 “58
GetXAngle , 258 “59
Hide , 65, 259 “60
Light , 260 “61
LookAt , 262
Move , 53 “54, 211 “12, 262 “63
MoveAround , 263 “64
MoveBack , 264 “65
MoveDown/MoveUp , 265 “66
MoveLeft/MoveRight , 266
OnStopMovement , 267
Pause , 267 “68
Random , 268 “69
recognition of, by Jamagic , 30
Resume , 269 “70
RollLeft/RollRight , 270 “71
Round , 271 “72
Scale , 273 “74
Set , 274 “75
SetAngle , 275 “76
SetCollision , 276 “77
SetFlat , 277 “78
SetFocus , 176 “78
SetGouraurd , 277 “78
SetGravity , 84 “85, 278 “79
SetLambert , 277 “78
SetPosition , 279 “80
SetRelativeAngle , 250, 280 “81
SetShadowMode , 281 “83
SetShadowTexture , 281 “83
SetShadowTextureSize , 281 “83
SetStatic , 61 “62, 283 “84
SetText, 79
Show , 65, 259 “60
ShowAxis , 284 “85
Sine , 272 “73
Stop , 285 “86
SubAngle , 286 “87
SubPosition , 287 “88
TurnBack , 288 “89
TurnDown/TurnUp , 289
TurnLeft/TurnRight , 290
TurnTo , 290 “91
Wait , 145
Walk , 27, 36 “40, 225, 228, 291 “92
comment lines, 21 “22, 37 “38
compass heading, 178 “81
computer programs. See programs
computer speed issues, 171 “72, 183
coordinate systems, 8 “10
coordinated turn , 159
GetX command and, 257 “58
mapping, 42
SubPosition command and, 287 “88
u, v, 13 “15, 42
Cos command, 253 “54
cosine, 160 “69, 175 “76, 253 “54
counters, 90 “91
CreateBrick command, 228 “29
CreatePlane command, 70 “71
culling, 13

Elementary Game Programming and Simulators Using Jamagic
Elementary Game Programming & Simulations Using Jamagic (Charles River Media Game Development)
ISBN: 1584502614
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 105
Authors: Sergio Perez © 2008-2017.
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