10.7 Cache Digests

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One of the most common complaints about ICP is the additional delay added for each request. In many cases, Squid waits for all ICP replies to arrive before making a forwarding decision. Squid's Cache Digest feature offers similar functionality but without per-request network delays.

Cache Digests are based on a technique first published by Pei Cao, called Summary Cache. The fundamental idea is to use a Bloom filter to represent the cache contents. Neighboring caches download each other's Bloom filters, or digests in this terminology. Then, they can query the digest to determine whether or not a particular URI is in the neighbor's cache.

Compared to ICP, Cache Digests trade time for space. Whereas ICP queries incur time penalties (latency), digests incur space (memory, disk) penalties. In Squid, a neighbor's digest is stored entirely in memory. A typical digest requires about 625 KB of memory for every million objects.

The Bloom filter is an interesting data structure that provides lossy encoding of a collection of items. The filter itself is simply a large array of bits. Given a Bloom filter (and the parameters used to generate it), you can find, with some uncertainty, if a particular item is in the collection. In Squid, items are URIs, and the digest is sized at 5 bits per cached object. For example, you can represent the collection of 1,000,000 cached objects with a filter of 5,000,000 bits, or 625,000 bytes.

Due to their nature, Bloom filters aren't a perfect representation of the collection. They sometimes incorrectly indicate that a particular item is present in the collection because two or more items may turn on the same bit. In other words, the filter can indicate that object X is in the cache, even though X was never cached or requested . These false positives occur with a certain probability you can control by adjusting the parameters of the filter. For example, increasing the number of bits per object decreases the false positive probability. See my O'Reilly book, Web Caching , for many more details about Cache Digests.

10.7.1 Configuring Squid for Cache Digests

First of all, you must compile Squid with the Cache Digest code enabled. Simply add the ”enable-cache-digests option when running ./configure . Taking this step causes two things to happen when you run Squid:

  • Your Squid cache generates a digest of its own contents. Your neighbors may request this digest if they are also configured to use Cache Digests.

  • Your Squid requests a Cache Digest from each of its neighbors.

If you don't want to request digests for a particular neighbor, use the no-digest option on the cache_peer line. For example:

 cache_peer neighbor.host.name parent 3128 3130 no-digest 

Squid stores its own digest under the following URL: http://my.host.name:port/squid-internal-periodic/store_digest . When Squid requests a neighbor's digest, it simply requests http://neighbor.host.name:port/squid-internal-periodic/store_digest . Obviously, this naming scheme is specific to Squid. If you have a non-Squid neighbor that supports Cache Digests, you may need to tell your Squid that the neighbor's digest has a different address. The digest-url=url option to cache_peer allows you to configure the URL for the neighbor's Cache Digest. For example:

 cache_peer neighbor.host.name parent 3128 3130 digest-url=http://blah/digest 

squid.conf has a number of directives that control the way in which Squid generates its own Cache Digest. First, the digest_generation directive controls whether or not Squid generates a digest of its cache. You might want to disable digest generation if your cache is a child to a parent, but not a parent or sibling to any other caches. The remaining directives control low-level underlying details of digest generation. You should change them only if you fully understand the Cache Digest implementation.

The digest_bits_per_entry determines the size of the digest. The default value is 5. Increasing the value results in larger digests (consuming more memory and bandwidth) and lower false-hit probabilities. A lower setting results in smaller digests and more false hits. I feel that the default setting is a very nice tradeoff . A setting of 3 or lower has too many false hits to be useful, and a setting of 8 or higher simply wastes bandwidth.

Squid uses a two-step process to create a cache digest. First, it builds the cache digest data structure. This is basically a large Bloom filter and small header that contains the digest parameters. Once the data structure is filled, Squid creates a cached HTTP response for the digest. This simply involves prepending some HTTP headers and storing the response on disk with the other cached responses.

A Cache Digest represents a snapshot in time of the cache's contents. The digest_rebuild_period controls how frequently Squid rebuilds the digest data structure (but not the HTTP response). The default is once per hour . More frequent rebuilds mean Squid's digest is more up to date, at the expense of higher CPU utilization. The rebuild procedure is relatively CPU- intensive . Your users may experience a slowdown while Squid rebuilds its digest.

The digest_rebuild_chunk_percentage directive controls how much of the cache to add to the digest each time the rebuild procedure is called. The default is 10%. During each invocation of the rebuild function, Squid adds some percentage of the cache to the digest. Squid doesn't process user requests while this function runs. After adding the specified percentage, the function reschedules itself and then exits so that Squid can process normal HTTP requests. After processing pending requests, Squid returns to the rebuild function and adds another chunk of the cache to the digest. Decreasing this value should give better response time to your users, while increasing the total time needed to rebuild the digest.

The digest_rewrite_period directive controls how often Squid creates an HTTP response from the digest data structure. In most cases, this should match the digest_rebuild_period value. The default is one hour. The rewrite procedure consists of numerous calls to a function that simply appends some amount of the digest data structure to the cache entry (as though Squid were reading an origin server response from the network). Each time this function is called, Squid appends digest_swapout_chunk_size bytes of the digest.

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Squid: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596001622
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 401
Authors: Duane Wessels

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