

secure early wins
advice-and-counsel network building, 219 “222
A-item priorities, 86 “88
behavior-change management, 99 “101
change phases, 83 “85
checklist, 102
common traps, 81 “82
credibility building, 89 “92
diagnostic framework for managing change, 100
focus definition, 86
guidelines for securing results, 93 “95
matching strategy to situation, 72, 101 “102
personal vision development, 88
pilot project checklist, 95
planning versus learning, 98 “99
predictable surprises avoidance , 96 “97
problematic behavior patterns, 89
seizing the moment, 92 “93 ST A RS situation and, 72
advice-and-counsel network building, 219 “222
checklist, 222 “223
core challenges assessment, 212
family transition guidelines, 217 “219
focus and priorities setting, 213 “216
local control assertion, 217
personal disciplines and, 211 “213
structured reflection guidelines, 215 “216
success strategies and, 211
self-promotion. See promoting yourself
sequencing strategy, 199 “201
situation conversation, 112
ST A RS (start-up, turnaround , realignment , and sustaining success) model, 11
boss s role in, 113
business evolution, 63
categories of situations, 61 “63, 66
decision-making management and, 181
start-ups in ST A RSmodel, 61 “62
in business cycle, 61 “62
challenges and opportunities associated with, 66
diagnosing the portfolio, 72 “73
energy focus choices for, 69 “72
4-D leadership and, 75 “77
leadership skills needed for, 67 “68
organizational psychology and, 67
rewarding success appropriately, 74 “75
strategy for organizational alignment
adequacy assessment, 139 “140
coherence assessment, 138
elements, 137 “138
implementation assessment, 140 “141
modification of existing, 141 “142
strategy matching for situation
business cycle history, 63 “65
challenges and opportunities identification, 65, 66
checklist, 77 “78
learning versus doing, 69 “70
offense versus defense, 70 “71
organizational psychology transformation, 67
portfolio diagnosis, 72 “73
rewarding success, 74 “75
secure early wins, 72, 101 “102
situation diagnosing. See
ST A RS model
skills needed for success, 67 “69
style conversation
adapting to boss s style, 119
addressing difficult issues, 119 “120
defining your boundaries, 118 “119
diagnosing your boss s style, 117 “118
succession planning and transition acceleration, 231 “233
success strategies. See negotiating success with the boss
sustaining-success situations in ST A RS model, 62
in business cycle, 62
challenges and opportunities asso ciated with, 66
diagnosing the portfolio, 72 “73
energy focus choices for, 69 “72
4-D leadership and, 75 “77
leadership skills needed for, 68
organizational psychology and, 67
rewarding success appropriately, 74 “75
SWOT method, 139 “140

The First 90 Days. Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels
ISBN: 1591391105
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 105 © 2008-2017.
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