/p directory switch, 74
page breaks, 934
Page Layout tab (Ribbon)
description, 728
RibbonX code, 742-743
PageCount function, 348
pages extended property, 839
Partition function, 985
arguments to procedures, 251-255
literals to procedures, 253
add-ins, 124
assigning, 124
security of, 124
VBA code, 36-37
workbooks, 36
path , current, 982
Path not found error, 990
PathExists function, 357, 831, 837
Path/File access error, 990
pausing macros, for user -selected range, 324-326
payment amount for annuities, 985
PDF output, 935
Pearson Software Consulting Web site, 976
percentage format, 983
Permission denied error, 990
Picture property, Image control, 526
pivot charts , 38
pivot tables
AddDataField method, 558
complex, 560-565
CreatePivotTable method, 558
creating, 556-558
creating, multiple, 565-568
description, 42
introduction, 555-556
macro recorder and, 556
new features, 559
PivotCaches collection, 558
PivotFields collection, 558
PivotItems collection, 558
PivotTables collection, 558
reverse, creating, 568-570
PivotCache object, 560
PivotCaches collection, 558
PivotFields collection, 558
PivotItems collection, 558
PivotTableCloseConnection event, 638
PivotTableOpenConnection event, 638
PivotTables collection, 558
PivotTableUpdate event, 645
Pmt function, 985
Power Utility Pak for Excel, 534
Ppmt function, 985
predefined constants, 204-205
presentations, 102
Print # statement, 844, 980
Print Preview, 348-349
print preview, 934
PrintEmbeddedCharts procedure, 611
Printer error, 992
printers, Windows API, 379-380
embedded charts on full page, 610-611
files, date, 363-364
positioning output, 986
private functions, 283
private procedures, 239-240
Private statement, 980
PRN files, 844
problem solving, 102
Procedure Separator option (VBE), 155
accessing in add-ins, 712-714
AddButtonAndCode, 870
Add100Buttons, 874-875
AddPresetGradient, 927
AddSubmenu, 774-775
AddToShortCut, 770
ADO_Demo, 696-697
ambiguously named, 246
AnimateChart, 618, 620-621
arguments, 238
assigning to objects, 249-250
BeginUpdate, 868
callback, 736
callback, RibbonX code, 739-740
calling, 238
calling in different module, 246
calling in different workbooks, 246
calling, reasons to, 248
ChangeSeriesColor, 926
Chart_Activate, 605
Chart_Deactivate, 605
Chart_Select, 606
ChartSlideShow, 611
clicking objects, 249-250
ContractAllSeries, 597-598
ConvertChartToPicture, 614
CopySheetFromAddin, 711
CreateChart, 601-602
CreateShortcut, 778-779
CreateToolbar, 757-758
CreateUnlinkedChart, 613-614
DataAndTime, 349-350
DataLabelsFromRange, 599
DeleteFromShortcut, 772
DeleteToolbar, 759
description, 145, 940
DisableAllShortcutMenus, 769
DisableHideMenuItems, 770
dynamicMenuContent, 754
error-handling procedures, 939
event-handler , 429-430
events, 250
executing from procedures, 244-249
Export, 896-897
ExportARange, 899
ExportRange, 845-846
ExportToHTML, 849-851
ExportToXML, 854
FileInfo, 839-840
FilterFile, 849
FormatChart procedure, 587-588
functions in, 278-279
GenerateGrayScale, 907
GetNumLockState, 891
GetWordVersion, 681
Immediate window, 250-251
Import, 897-898
ImportAFile, 899-900
ImportData, 845
ImportRange, 847-848
Initialize, 457-458
introduction, 136
KillTheForm, 455
ListAllAddIns, 718
ListFiles procedure, 831-832
listing all in workbook, 866
ListProcedure, 866
macro comparison, 940
MakeForm, 876-877
MakeList, 293
MakeLoanTable, 685-686
MakeMemos, 682-683
MakeShapeWithGradient, 920
MakeShapeWithPattern, 921
MakeShapeWithPicture, 922
MakeShapeWithText, 924
MakeShapeWithTexture, 923-924
MoveDownButton_Click, 471
MoveUpButton_Click, 471
naming, 239
NumLockOn, 891
OKButton_Click, 475-476
OpenTextFile, 673
OpenURL, 673
overview, 237-238
passing arguments to, 251-255
passing literals to, 253
PrintEmbeddedCharts, 611
private, 239-240
public, 239
RecolorChartAndPlotArea, 927
RecursiveDir, 834-835
RemoveDuplicates, 465
ReplaceModule, 868-869
ReversePivot, 570
RunTimeButton, 873
SaveAllGraphics, 586-587
SaveChartAsGIF, 585
SaveDefaults, 812
scope, 239-240
ScrollBarZoom_Change, 460
SelectAllButton_Click, 475
Sendasheet, 691
SendAsPDF, 692-693
SendEmailViaOutlookExpress, 693-694
SendMail, 687-689
SendOneSheet, 691
SendWorkbook, 691
SetAlarm, 662
ShowCaption, 764
ShowChart, 600-601
ShowChartAsGrayScale, 908
ShowComponents, 864-865
ShowDriveInfo, 837-838
ShowGraphic, 673
ShowShortcutMenuItems, 766-768
ShowShortcutMenuNames, 763
ShowValueRange, 596-597
SizeAndAlignCharts, 584-585
sorting, 266-270
SortSheets, 273
StartAmortizationWizard, 806
StartCalc, 670
StartCalculator, 674
StartEmail, 673
StartTextTools, 538
StartWord, 675
TestGetOption, 881
ToggleHelp, 786
ToggleNumLock, 891
ToggleWordWrap, 771
transfer control, 977
undoing, 549
UnzipAFile, 858
UpdateBox, 489-490
UpdateChart, 594
UpdateDynamicRibbon, 754
UpdateProgress, 498
UpdateSheet, 245
UseRandomColors, 928
UserForm_Initialize, 459-460, 807-808
VBE, 237
Workbook_Activate, 640
Workbook_BeforeClose, 644
Workbook_BeforeSave, 641
Workbook_Deactivate, 641
Workbook_NewSheet, 640
Workbook_Open, 639, 644
Workbook_SheetActivate, 640
Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick, 653
Worksheet_BeforeRightClick, 653
Worksheet_Change, 646
Worksheet_SelectionChange, 651
WriteReadRange, 336-337
ZipFiles, 855-856
ProcessFiles function, 355
processing times for files, 354-355
program description extended property, 839
dependencies, wizards, 503-505
ending program, 978
introduction, 44
pausing, 981
progress indicators
event handler procedures, 494-495
introduction, 491-492
MultiPage control and, 496-499
standalone, 492-493
start-up procedure, 495-496
status bar and, 492
UpdateProgress procedure, 498
Project Explorer window (VBE)
description, 141
folder view, 143
modules, adding to projects, 143
modules, deleting from projects, 143
objects, exporting/importing, 143-144
projects, expanding/contracting, 142
Toggle Folder, 142
components , displaying all, 864-866
introduction, 142
modules, adding, 143
modules, deleting, 143
cell values, 321-323
for directories, 403
InputBox function, 390
ActiveChart, 572
AddIn object, 716-719
arguments, 169-170
Caption, 431
Cells , 182-183
ChartStyle, 589
ChartTitle, 575
ChartType, 589
Comment object, 171-172
Comment property, 174-175
controls, 422-427
Count, 326
CurrentRegion, 318-319
description, 168-169
extended file properties, 838-841
Formula, 595
Help system, 424
introduction, 137
local, international applications, 824-825
MultiSelect, 466-467
object references, assigning, 981
objects, 185, 892-894
Offset, 184-185
Picture, 526
Range, 179-182
Values, 595
XValues, 595
Properties window (VBE)
Alphabetic tab, 423
Categorized tab, 423
controls and, 422-424
hot keys, 426
tab order of controls, 425
Property Get statement, 980
Property Let procedure not defined, and Property Get procedure did not return an object error, 992
Property Let statement, 980
Property not found error, 991
Property or method not found error, 991
property procedures, 145
Property Set statement, 980
protected extended property, 839
formulas, overwriting, 35
password protection, VBA code, 36-37
password protection, workbooks, 36
workbook structure, 36
workbooks, 123
public functions, 283
public procedures, 239
Public statement, 980
public variables
description, 202
versus passing arguments, 254
Put statement, 980
PV function, 985

Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA
Excel 2007 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheets Bookshelf)
ISBN: 0470044012
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 319

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