Chapter Five: Intervention Selection and Design

Introduction to Intervention Selection and Design

1 Rothwell, 1996a, p. 79

2 Hale Associates, 1993, p. 1

3 Carr, 1994, p. 65

4 Spitzer, 1992

5 Spitzer, 1999, pp. 173 “180.

Classification of Interventions

1 Hutchison, Carleton, and Stein, 1991

2 Hale Associates, 1993

3 Hale Associates, 1993

4 Carr, 1994

5 Carr, 1994

6 Whiteside, 1991

7 Rosenberg, 1996a

8 Wile, 1996

9 Whiteside and Langdon, 1997

10 Hutchison and Stein, 1997

11 Gayeski, 1998

12 Spitzer, 1992

13 Spitzer, 1992

14 DLS Group, 1996

15 Performance International, 1995

16 Langdon, Whiteside, and McKenna, 1999

Performance Support Interventions: Instructional

1 ASTD, 1995, p. 1

2 Gerber, 1991, pp. 23 “29

3 DeVito, 1996

4 DeVito, 1996

5 Marquardt, 1999, pp. 23 “25

6 Piskurich, 1996

7 McArdle, 1989

8 Froiland, 1994

9 Piskurich, 1996

10 Meister, 1998

11 Piskurich, 1996

Performance Support Interventions: Noninstructional

1 Rothwell, 1996b

2 Rossett and Gautier-Downes, 1991

3 Gery, 1989, pp. 51 “71

4 Rossett, 1996

5 Dean, 1998, p. 11

Job Analysis/Work Design Interventions

1d Miner, 1992

2 Shingleton, 1992

3 Anthony, Perrewe, and Kacmar, 1996

4 Campion, Cheraskin, and Stevens, 1994

5 Hellriegel, Slocum, and Woodman, 1995, p. 533

6 . Harris, 1997

7 Rothwell, 1996

8 Rue and Byars, 1989, p. 225

9 Sherman, Bohlander, and Snell, 1996

10 Ostrom, 1993

11 Ostom, 1993, pp. 8 “10

12 Neal, 1994 and Wokutch, 1994

13 Partners in Quality , 1995

14 Hayes, 1996

Personal Development Interventions

1 Rothwell, Sullivan, and McLean, 1995

2 Career Assessment Instruments , 1998, December 16 [Online] (http:/

3 Bandura, 1991

4 Locke and Latham, 1990

5 Deterline, 1992

Human Resource Development Interventions

1 McLagan, 1989, p. 53

2 McLagan, 1989, p. 77

3 Leibler and Parkman, 1992

4 Sherman, Bohlander, and Snell, 1996

5 Sherman, Bohlander, and Snell, 1996

6 Kemmerer and Thiagarajan, 1992

7 Nelson, 1994

8 Nelson, 1994

9 Wilson, 1995

10 Gohrman, 1989

11 Morrissey, 1983

12 Kirkpatrick, 1986

13 Anthony, Perrewe, and Kacmar, 1996

14 Leibler and Parkman, 1992, p. 270

15 HR Measurements , 1993

16 Harris, 1997

17 Walker, 1976

18 Conover, 1996

19 Wertz, 1996

20 Brewington, 1996, p. 638

21 Prokopenko and Bittel, 1981

22 Bittel and Newstrom, 1996, p. 676

23 Riekse and Holstege, 1996

24 Harris and DeSimone, 1998, pp. 323 “330

Organizational Design and Development Interventions

1 Powers, 1992

2 Saccucci, Lord, and Pagano, 1998

3 Shepperd, 1998

4 Saccucci, Lord, and Pagano, 1998

5 Saccucci, Lord, and Pagano, 1998

6 Dormant, 1992; and Thiagarajan, 1992

7 Bud Erickson Associates, Inc., 1998

8 Lineberry and Carleton, 1992

9 Kotter and Heskett, 1992

10 Gordon, 1995

11 Westgaard, 1992

12 Rutte, 1998

13 Rutte and Monette, 1991

Organizational Communication Interventions

1 Gibson and Hodgetts, 1986, p. 8

2 Gibson and Hodgetts, 1986, p. 228

3 Personnel Journal , 1988, p. 11

4 Hellriegel, Slocum, and Woodman, 1995

5 Hellriegel, Slocum, and Woodman, 1995

Financial Systems Interventions

1 Render and Stair, 1997

2 Cox, Stout, and Vetter, 1995

3 Cleverley, 1997

4 Rakich, Longest, and Darr, 1992

Fundamentals of Performance Technology. A Guide to Improving People, Process, and Performance
Fundamentals of Performance Technology: A Guide to Improving People, Process, and Performance
ISBN: 1890289086
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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