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Oracle officially introduced a new utility for capturing performance data in Oracle Version 8.1.6 called STATSPACK. STATSPACK is a successor to the UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT processes and works on a similar concept of capturing snapshots of the various performance views and comparing them against previous snapshots. UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT capture statistics into temporary tables at the beginning, and after the UTLESTAT process reports on the differences between the two snapshots in the report.txt file, it deletes the snapshot data. STATSPACK does not delete the snapshot collection, thus providing access to historical information.

STATSPACK fundamentally differs from UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT tuning scripts by collecting more information, and also by storing the performance statistics data permanently in Oracle tables, which can later be used for reporting and analysis. The data collected can be analyzed using the report provided, which includes an ''instance health and load'' summary page, high-resource SQL statements, as well as the traditional wait events and initialization parameters.

Permanent tables owned by PERFSTAT (a user created by the STATSPACK utility) store performance statistics. Instead of creating/ dropping tables each time, data is inserted into the pre-existing tables. This makes historical data comparisons easier. STATSPACK also separates the data collection from the report generation. Data is collected when a ''snapshot'' is taken; viewing the data collected is in the hands of the performance engineer when he/she runs the script to generate the performance report.

There is a fundamental difference between the ways the two utilities compute certain information. For example, the STATSPACK utility increments a transaction counter on a commit or a rollback operation to calculate the number of transactions:

'user commits' ) 'user rollbacks'

UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT considers a transaction to complete with a commit only, and so assumes that transactions = ''user commits.'' For this reason, comparing per transaction statistics between STATSPACK and UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT may result in significantly different transaction ratios.

With STATSPACK, Oracle separated the data collection phase from the reporting phase to allow for greater flexibility to establish performance baselines as well as to conduct trend reporting. Apart from this basic enhancement, STATSPACK provides visibility into various areas of database performance that is not provided by the UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT utility. The reporting capability provides comparative views between two snapshot periods, and provides a high-level summary page indicating the overall health of the database for the given snapshot period followed by details on the performance characteristics.

Over the various releases of Oracle, the STATSPACK report has been considerably enhanced, providing even greater detail of information and insight to the actual performance problem.

13.3.1 Installing STATSPACK

With Oracle providing all the required scripts, STATSPACK installation has been made an easy task. All scripts are located in the ORACLE_HOME/ rdbms/admin directory and the scripts are created when Oracle is installed on the server. STATSPACK scripts can be identified easily as they are prefixed with sp*.sql.


Before the actual installation process, it is necessary to ensure that the basic requirements of installation have been identified and verified. It should be ensured that the STATSPACK scripts are available in the appropriate directories:

  • On a Unix platform, use the following command:

    ls -ltr $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/sp*.sql
  • On a Windows platform they should be available in a similar location at


As we have discussed earlier, the STATSPACK captures snapshots of performance statistics and stores them in permanent tables. Hence considerable effort should be provided in sizing the appropriate tablespaces based on the period of time that the data should be retained for historical purposes. For easy maintenance, it would be advisable to create tablespaces, to allow dropping and re-creation without affecting regular business data.

SQL>SPACK_DATA_P001 create tablespace SPACK_DATA_P001 datafile '/dev/vx/rdsk/oraracdg/partition_500m1a' size 450M extent management local uniform size 1M segment space management auto;

During the process of gathering these snapshots and during subsequent reporting, Oracle performs a considerable number of sort operations. Based on the intervals at which the various snapshots are captured and how busy the system has been during this period, the amount of sort activity could be very high. In order to isolate the sort activity performed by STATSPACK from the sort activity performed by the regular application, it is advisable to create a separate TEMP tablespace exclusively for STATSPACK:


Understanding the STATSPACK scripts

STATSPACK scripts are modularized. The main driver script called spcreate.sql controls the installation of the STATSPACK utility and this script calls the spcusr.sql, spctab.sql, and spcpkg.sql scripts. In order to report any errors during the installation, these scripts generate .lis files, which are verified to ensure that the installation has completed successfully.

Figure 13.1 illustrates the script interface and their dependency matrix. While the straight lines indicate how each of the scripts are called, the numbers indicate the order in which they are executed from the spcreate.sql script. The order also indicates the dependency of each script on the next.

click to expand
Figure 13.1: STATSPACK scripts.

There are few other scripts that do not have any direct dependency on the above scripts but require the previous set of scripts to be completed successfully before they can be run.

Table 13.1 provides a list of certain important STATSPACK scripts and their purposes. The script that is commonly used is spreport.sql, which provides a report on the overall database performance between two snapshot periods.

Table 13.1: STATSPACK Scripts




Deletes data pertaining to specific snapshots or a range of snapshots


Generates a report on the overall database performance between two snapshot periods


Creates a DBMS_JOB scheduled at regular intervals and collects snapshots of the database performance


Truncates all the tables, moving the high water mark to the beginning


Used to uninstall STATSPACK


Generates a report on information from a different instance. This is helpful in a RAC environment where reports from multiple instances are required


Generates a report providing SQL run time statistics for a specific SQL statement


STATSPACK installation requires that the user running the scripts has the SYSDBA privileges. It is idle to run the scripts as user sys.

  1. Connect using SQL*Plus as user sys:

    sqlplus SQL> connect as sys/<password> as sysdba SQL> 
  2. Execute the following script:

    SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spcreate.sql

    This script will in turn run the three other scripts, spcusr.sql, spctab.sql, and spcpack.sql to create the user, tables, and the packages that constitute the STATSPACK utility.

    During the execution process, the only user inputs that are required is the name of the default tablespace where the STATSPACK- specific tables are to be created and the temporary tablespace required for the temp sort area.


    spcusr.sql will create the PERFSTAT user with a default password of PERFSTAT. After the user is created, the script auto matically connects as the PERFSTAT user before executing the remaining scripts.

    In a RAC implementation, since the underlying database is the same for all instances, the spcreate.sql script should only be executed once. However, for gathering statistics, the required spauto.sql script could be executed individually on all instances participating in the clustered configuration. This is because the data relevant to the instance performance needs to be gathered individually by each instance.

13.3.2 Configuration

After the successful execution of the scripts provided, the STATSPACK utility is installed and after verification of all the .lis files to ensure that the installation did not generate any errors, the next step is configuring STATSPACK to collect statistics.

The configuration process is to ensure that the STATSPACK scripts are executed to collect snapshots of the database performance. Having the correct settings will prove extremely valuable to establish effective performance baselines or troubleshooting a performance issue.

To determine the amount of data that a STATSPACK snapshot will collect, Oracle has divided this data gathering process based on two different conditions:

  • Snapshot level, which will determine the granularity and volume of snapshot information to be collected.

  • SQL threshold, which will determine the amount of SQL to be captured when snapshot level 5 or greater is used.

Snapshot level

Oracle provides up to five levels of information gathering, depending on the granularity of the data that is to be collected. The higher the level, the more information is gathered. The data gathered is later analyzed using a report generated by the spreport.sql script.

Level 0: General performance

This level can be used to gather general performance information about the database. General performance information pertaining to the following areas is collected:

  • Wait statistics

  • System events

  • System statistics

  • Rollback segment data

  • Row cache

  • SGA

  • Latch statistics

  • Background events

  • Session events

  • Lock statistics

  • Buffer pool statistics

  • Resource limit

  • Enqueue statistics

If enabled, statistics will also be gathered for the following:

  • Automatic undo management

  • Buffer cache advisory data

  • Auto PGA memory management

  • Cluster DB statistics

Level 5: Level 0 + SQL statements

Level 5 will gather all the information from the previous level, plus it will collect performance data on high-resource SQL statements. This is also the default snapshot level.

When this snapshot level is chosen, there are additional SQL-related configuration parameter settings that can be adjusted. These parameters are called SQL thresholds. These parameters and their allowable settings are discussed later.

The STATSPACK information gatherer at this level and beyond collects high-performance SQL statements, which are retrieved by probing the shared pool of the instance. The larger the size of the pool, the greater the number of statements likely to be cached, and the STATSPACK information gatherer has to browse through more areas to capture all the complex queries.

The duration of a snapshot generation at this level is directly affected by the size assigned to the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter setting for the database. A low value assigned to the SHARED_POOL_SIZE will result in a shorter duration of this snapshot, whereas a high value will result in a longer duration.

Level 6: Level 5 + SQL plans and plan usage

Level 6 will gather all the information from the previous level, plus it will collect execution plans and the plan usage as they relate to the high- performing SQL queries captured in the previous level.

The higher the level (in order to capture the performance statistics and store them in the STATSPACK tables) the more resources are required by the information gatherer. Also the more data that is to be stored, the more the space and insert time to store the data is needed; hence unless information with this much detail is required most of the time, basic level 5 information should be sufficient. Higher levels could be utilized to drill down after a specific problem has been identified.

Level 7: Level 6 + segment level statistics

Level 7 will gather all the information from the previous level, plus it will collect performance data on highly used segments. At this level any RAC-specific segment-level statistics are also collected.

Segment-level information collected at this level helps make decisions about modification of physical layout on certain segments or tablespaces.

Top 5 CR Blocks Served (RAC) per Segment for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC1 Snaps: -> End Global Cache CR Blocks Served Threshold: 1000                                            CU                       Subobject    Obj.        Blocks Owner     Tablespace  Object Name  Name        Type    Served  %Total --------  ----------  ----------   ----------  ------  ------  ------ MVALLATH  USPRL_PK_   PK_USPRL     _INDX_P003  INDEX   1,065     12.9 MVALLATH  INDX_TBS20  COMP_INDX7               INDEX     963    11.72 MVALLATH  USERS       PK_USEC                  INDEX     704     8.57 MVALLATH  COMP_DATA_  COMPANY      _DATA_P003  TABLE     525     6.39 MVALLATH  USRLI_DATA  USER_LOGIN   _DATA_P001  TABLE     437     5.32 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Top 5 CU Blocks Served (RAC) per Segment for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC Snaps: -> End Global Cache CU Blocks Served Threshold: 1000 CU Subobject    Obj.        Blocks Owner     Tablespace  Object Name   Name        Type    Served  %Total --------  ----------  ----------    ----------  ------  ------  ------ MVALLATH  COMP_DATA_  COMPANY       _DATA_P002  TABLE   21,536   58.40 MVALLATH  COMP_DATA_  COMPANY       _DATA_P003  TABLE    5,755   15.61 MVALLATH  USPRL_DATA  USER_PROFILE  _DATA_P002  TABLE    2,537    6.88 MVALLATH  USERS       PK_USRLI      INDEX       662       1.80 MVALLATH  INDX_TBS30  USRLI_INDX1   _INDX_P001  INDEX      631    1.71 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Level 10: Level 7 + parent+ child latches

Level 10 will gather all the information from the previous level, plus it will collect parent–child latch information.

Due to the extensive detail of statistics collected at this level, gathering snapshot information at this level should be done with great caution.

SQL threshold

While capturing high-resource SQL queries, certain additional criteria or threshold values can be defined, for example, capture SQL queries with number of executions greater than 500.

Defining threshold values for various criteria provides additional levels of filtering when capturing SQL queries that have performance issues.

Table 13.2 provides a list of threshold descriptions and their default values. Thresholds can be set during snapshot collection. If no value is specified for the threshold parameters, the default values shown are applied.

Table 13.2: Threshold parameter descriptions and values

Threshold Parameter Description

Default Value

Number of executions of the SQL statement


Number of disk reads performed by the SQL statement


Number of parse calls performed by the SQL statement


Number of buffer gets performed by the SQL statement


Size of shareable memory used by the SQL statement

1 MB

Version count for the SQL statement


Number of global cache consistent read blocks served (RAC)


Number of global cache current blocks served (RAC)


Table 13.3 provides a list of parameters that can be used with the STATSPACK utility during snapshot collection. If the parameters and a corresponding value are not used, the default values shown are applied during snapshot gathering.

Table 13.3: STATSPACK Parameters and Values



Range of Values

Default Values


Snapshot level

0, 5, 6, 7, 10



Comment to accompany snapshot




Number of times SQL statement executed




Number of disk reads that a statement makes




Number of parse calls the statement makes




Number of buffer gets the statement makes




Amount of shareable memory


1 MB


Session ID to capture session granular statistics

Valid SID from V$SESSION



Save the parameters specified for future

True, False


13.3.3 Execution

Snapshots to collect statistics can be gathered in one of two ways:

  • Interactively, by executing the following command:


    or by passing in a value to one of the parameters listed in Table 13.3. For example using the I_snap_level parameter to collect snapshot at a specific level (0, 5, 6, 7, 10)

    SQL> EXECUTE STATSPACK.SNAP(I_snap_level =>n)

    where 'n' could have a value of 0, 5, 6, 7, or 10.

  • Through an automated script that is executed at fixed intervals either through the Oracle provided DBMS_JOB package or through an operating-system-based utility such as cron shell or perl script. Oracle provides, along with the other STATSPACK scripts, a script spauto.sql to automate the snapshot collection using the DBMS_JOB package. If the spauto.sql script is executed for automated snapshot collection, the data is gathered every hour by the hour:


13.3.4 Reporting

The STATSPACK utility has been installed and configured, and snapshots have been taken at various intervals. Now the data gathered needs to be analyzed after extracting the data through a report generator. Oracle provides a report generator with STATSPACK. This script will provide the overall health of the database between two snapshot periods.

To generate this report, the spreport.sql script is executed, and the script requests for snapshot information: basically the starting and ending snapshot information that needs to be compared and the interval during which the performance summary of the instance is required.

SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/spreport.sql Current Instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3598885999 PRODDB 2 RAC1 Instances in this STATSPACK schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3598885999 1 PRODDB RAC1 ora-db1.summerskyus.com 3598885999 2 PRODDB RAC2 ora-db2.summerskyus.com Using 3598885999 for database Id Using 2 for instance number Completed Snapshots                                     Snap    Snap Instance DB Name    Id      Snap Started   Level  Comment -------- ------- -----  ----------------  ------  ------- RAC2     PRODDB  3509   22 Nov 2002 12:02     10                  3515   22 Nov 2002 14:03     10                  3520   22 Nov 2002 15:04     10                  3526   22 Nov 2002 16:04  10                  3527   22 Nov 2002 17:01  10 

Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enter value for begin_snap: 3509 Begin Snapshot Id specified: 3509 Enter value for end_snap: 3526 End Snapshot Id specified: 3526 Specify the Report Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default report file name is sp_3509_3526. To use this name, press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. Enter value for report_name:

Analysing the report

If no value is specified for the report a default name is used.

The output shown below is the first page of the STATSPACK report and provides the overall health of the instance, which includes:

  • Instance characteristics: This includes the database name, instance name, Oracle version, and the snapshot information.

  • Cache sizes: This section shows the various cache sizes based on the initRAC1.ora parameters.

  • Load profile: This section provides the database load characteristics during the snapshot period. It provides insight into potential problems with the instance. For example, a high hard parse could indicate that the SQL queries may be using literals and requires a parse operation because of using different values during every execution. There are a large number of physical reads per second, which could also mean that the queries have not been tuned well or the queries are performing full table scans instead of index-based retrieval.

  • Instance efficiency percentages (ratios): The various performance ratios and their respective values during this snapshot period are listed.

  • Shared pool statistics: Indicates the amount of shared pool consumed during the snapshot period.

  • Top 5 Timed (wait) events: This is a very important section of the STATSPACK report and provides the top 5 reasons why an instance is behaving the way it is. The top 5 waits indicate the overall health of the database. This section also provides the CPU information for this snapshot period; inclusion of CPU statistics in the STATSPACK report is new in Oracle 9i.

STATSPACK report for DB Name     DB Id   Instance  Inst Num  Release  Cluster  Host ------      -----   --------  --------  -------  -------  ---- PRODDB  3598885999  RAC1            1      YES  ora-db1.

                                                        summerskyus.com Snap Id     Snap Time          Sessions   Curs/Sess  Comment ------      --------- -----------------   ---------  ------ Begin Snap: 3509      22-Nov-02 12:00:02   #######   .0 End Snap:   3526      22-Nov-02 16:00:04   #######   .0 Elapsed:                   240.03 (mins) 

Cache Sizes (end) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffer Cache: 1,024M Std Block Size: 8K Shared Pool Size: 256M Log Buffer: 976K Load Profile ~~~~~~~~~~~~                    Per Second      Per Transaction                --------------      --------------- Redo size:           3,103.00             1,360.33 Logical reads:      16,323.94             2,772.35 Block changes:         119.86                18.70 Physical reads:  3,495.09               121.35 Physical writes:        28.42                11.50 User calls:            114.31                50.11 Parses:                168.06                73.68 Hard parses:          3958.01               199.00 Sorts:                1287.61               126.09 Logons:             10,348.00                98.76 Executes:              174.20                76.37 Transactions:            2.28

 % Blocks changed per Read: 0.31 Recursive Call %: 87.42 Rollback per transaction% : 13.50 Rows per Sort : 3.79 Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buffer Nowait %: 100.00 Redo NoWait %: 100.00 Buffer Hit %: 100.00 In-memory Sort % : 100.00 Library Hit %: 100.00 Soft Parse %: 100.00 Execute to Parse %: 3.52 Latch Hit % : 99.98 Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %:92.06 % Non-Parse CPU: 97.95 Shared Pool Statistics Begin End                      ------ ------  --- Memory Usage %:            40.38    41.62 % SQL with executions>1:   66.67    66.39 % Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 63.38    64.26 Top 5 Timed Events ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %Total Event                     Waits   Time (s)  Ela Time ------------------------  ------  --------  -------- CPU time                            5,085      49.68 enqueue                   17,618    3,442      33.63 global cache null to x    30,079      399       3.90 global cache cr request   105,492     353       3.45 log file sync             36,619      272       2.66                ------------------------------------------------------

  • Workload characteristics: The output section below provides RAC- specific information; this information is not found in a STATSPACK report generated for a stand-alone configuration.

Cluster Statistics for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC1 Snaps: 3509 -3526 Global Cache Service - Workload Characteristics ----------------------------------------------- Ave global cache get time (ms):                   2.7 Ave global cache convert time (ms):              10.2 Ave build time for CR block (ms):                 0.1 Ave flush time for CR block (ms):                 2.5 Ave send time for CR block (ms):                  0.2 Ave time to process CR block request (ms):        2.8 Ave receive time for CR block (ms):               3.7 Ave pin time for current block (ms):              9.1 Ave flush time for current block (ms):            0.9 Ave send time for current block (ms):             0.2 Ave time to process current block request (ms):  10.2 Ave receive time for current block (ms):         10.6 Global cache hit ratio:                       0.2 Ratio of current block defers:  0.1 % of messages sent for buffer gets:               0.2 % of remote buffer gets:                          0.2 Ratio of I/O for coherence:                       0.2 Ratio of local vs remote work:                    0.4 Ratio of fusion vs physical writes:               0.0 Global Enqueue Service Statistics --------------------------------- Ave global lock get time (ms):                      1.9 Ave global lock convert time (ms):                 48.8 Ratio of global lock gets vs global lock releases:  1.1 GCS and GES Messaging statistics -------------------------------- Ave message sent queue time (ms):                   0.1 Ave message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):           0.6 Ave message received queue time (ms):               0.0 Ave GCS message process time (ms):                  0.2 Ave GES message process time (ms):                  0.0 % of direct sent messages:                         94.2 % of indirect sent messages:                        5.1 % of flow controlled messages:                      0.7 -------------------------------------------------------

 GES Statistics for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC1 Snaps: 3509-3526 Statistic                            Total      per     per                                              Second   Trans -------------------------------      -----   ------   ------ dynamically allocated gcs resourc       0       0.0      0.0 dynamically allocated gcs shadows       0       0.0      0.0 flow control messages received          0       0.0      0.0 flow control messages sent              0       0.0      0.0 gcs ast xid                            11       0.0      0.0 gcs blocked converts               34,077       2.4      1.0 gcs blocked cr converts            64,259       4.5      2.0 gcs compatible basts                   12       0.0      0.0 gcs compatible cr basts (global)    3,595       0.2      0.1 gcs compatible cr basts (local)        21       0.0      0.0 gcs cr basts to PIs                     0       0.0      0.0 gcs cr serve without current lock       0       0.0      0.0 gcs error msgs                          0       0.0      0.0 gcs flush pi msgs                   1,358       0.1      0.0 gcs forward cr to pinged instance       0       0.0      0.0 gcs immediate (compatible) conver   2,272       0.2      0.1 gcs immediate (null) converts       3,857       0.3      0.1 gcs immediate cr (compatible) con      24       0.0      0.0 gcs immediate cr (null) converts   32,803       2.3      1.0 gcs msgs process time(ms)          35,540       2.5      1.1 gcs msgs received                 157,776      11.0      4.8 gcs out-of-order msgs                   0       0.0      0.0 gcs pings refused                      18       0.0      0.0 gcs queued converts                     4       0.0      0.0 gcs recovery claim msgs                 0       0.0      0.0 gcs refuse xid                          3       0.0      0.0 gcs retry convert request               0       0.0      0.0 gcs side channel msgs actual        1,636       0.1      0.0 gcs side channel msgs logical     144,217      10.0      4.4 gcs write notification msgs             2       0.0      0.0 gcs write request msgs              1,954       0.1      0.1 gcs writes refused                     32       0.0      0.0 ges msgs process time(ms)           8,398       0.6      0.3 ges msgs received                 211,190      14.7      6.4 implicit batch messages received      905       0.1      0.0 implicit batch messages sent          431       0.0      0.0 lmd msg send time(ms)               3,394       0.2      0.1 lms(s) msg send time(ms)              112       0.0      0.0 messages flow controlled            2,052       0.1      0.1 messages received actual          365,272      25.4     11.1 messages received logical         368,964      25.6     11.2 messages sent directly            277,620      19.3      8.5 messages sent indirectly           14,960       1.0      0.5 msgs causing lmd to send msgs      62,250       4.3      1.9 msgs causing lms(s) to send msgs   14,573       1.0      0.4 msgs received queue time ms)        8,999       0.6      0.3 msgs received queued              368,963      25.6     11.2 msgs sent queue time ms)            1,363       0.1      0.0 msgs sent queue time on ksxp ms)  174,191      12.1      5.3 msgs sent queued                   15,004       1.0      0.5 msgs sent queued on ksxp          292,726      20.3      8.9 process batch messages received       474       0.0      0.0 process batch messages sent           211       0.0      0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------

 Wait Events for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC1 Snaps:  3509 -3526  -> s - second  -> cs - centisecond - 100th of a second  -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)                                                             Avg                                                 Total Wait  wait  Waits Event                        Waits     Timeouts  Time (s)   (ms)   /txn ---------------------         -------  -------   --------   ----   ---- enqueue                        17,618     1,775     3,442    195    0.5 global cache null to x         30,079        23       399     13    0.9 global cache cr request       105,492       101       353      3    3.2 log file sync                  36,619        49       272      7    1.1 DFS lock handle                92,013        29       235      3    2.8 control file parallel write     4,659         0        53     11    0.1 buffer busy global cache        1,152         0        44     38    0.0 log file parallel write        36,209    36,201        42      1    1.1 control file sequential read   18,309         0        35      2    0.6 PX Deq: Execute Reply          10,797         0        31      3    0.3 PX Deq: Parse Reply            13,099         0        30      2    0.4 PX qref latch                      29        29        28    981    0.0 direct path read                2,625         0        26     10    0.1 PX Deq: Join ACK               13,793     6,592        26      2    0.4 buffer busy global CR           1,617         0        19     12    0.0 global cache open x             2,592         0        13      5    0.1 global cache s to x             8,153         3        13      2    0.2 SQL*Net more data to client   164,396         0        10      0    5.0 PX Deq: Signal ACK              3,990     1,357        10      3    0.1 PX Deq: reap credit           210,299   195,058         8      0    6.4 IPC send completion sync        6,707         0         8      1    0.2 global cache busy                 193         0         7     35    0.0 wait for master scn             9,528         0         6      1    0.3 buffer busy waits                 289         0         5     18    0.0 db file parallel write          1,803         0         5      3    0.1 db file sequential read           424         0         4      9    0.0 direct path write               6,032         0         4      1    0.2 global cache open s             1,944         0         4      2    0.1 row cache lock                    126         0         3     27    0.0 process startup                    12         1         3    261    0.0 global cache null to s            875         0         3      3    0.0 library cache lock              4,903         0         2      0    0.1 latch free                        519       228         1      3    0.0 CGS wait for IPC msg           50,310    46,897         1      0    1.5 name-service call wait              4         1         1    304    0.0 ksxr poll remote instances     37,777    23,639         1      0    1.1 SQL*Net break/reset to clien      240         0         0      2    0.0 KJC: Wait for msg sends to c      939         0         0      0    0.0 PX Deq Credit: send blkd           27         0         0      2    0.0 library cache pin                  39         0         0      1    0.0 LGWR wait for redo copy            43         0         0      0    0.0 buffer deadlock                    84        83         0      0    0.0 cr request retry                   47        47         0      0    0.0 lock escalate retry                18        18         0      0    0.0 SQL*Net message from client                      1,611,345         0   201,600    125   49.0 PX Idle Wait                   33,509    26,541    72,502   2164    1.0 gcs remote message            443,378   288,380    27,927     63   13.5 ges remote message            487,520   268,165    14,028     29   14.8 PX Deq: Execution Msg          28,974     1,101     7,113    246    0.9

 Wait Events for DB: PRODDB Instance:  RAC1 Snaps:  3509 -3526 -> s - second -> cs - centisecond -     100th of a second  -> ms - millisecond - 1000th of a second  -> us - microsecond - 1000000th of a second -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last) Avg                                                  Total Wait  wait  Waits Event                         Waits     Timeouts  Time (s)   (ms)   /txn ---------------------         -------  -------   --------   ----   ---- jobq slave wait                   172      166     512     2975     0.0 SQL*Net more data from clien    3,786        0     224       59     0.1 SQL*Net message to client   1,611,349        0       3        0    49.0 ---------------------------------------------

Background Wait Events for DB: PRODDB Instance: RAC1 Snaps:  3509 -3526  -> ordered by wait time desc, waits desc (idle events last)                                                              Avg                                                  Total Wait  wait  Waits Event                        Waits     Timeouts  Time (s)    (ms)   /txn ---------------------        -------  -------   ---------    ----   ---- log file sync                 2,952       27          71       24    0.1 control file parallel write   4,659        0          53       11    0.1 log file parallel            36,209   36,201          42        1    1.1 write control file                 17,281        0          35        2    0.5 sequential read DFS lock handle                 830        0           4        5    0.0 row cache lock                   25        0           3      118    0.0 db file parallel write          925        0           2        3    0.0 enqueue                       1,388        0           1        1    0.0 process startup                   8        0           1      164    0.0 CGS wait for IPC msg         50,310   46,897           1        0    1.5 global cache null to x           11        0           0        1    0.0 latch free                       15        1           0        1    0.0 global cache cr request           8        0           0        1    0.0 rdbms ipc reply                  13        0           0        0    0.0 buffer busy waits                 6        0           0        1    0.0 LGWR wait for redo copy          43        0           0        0    0.0 global cache null to s            2        0           0        1    0.0 library cache lock                2        0           0        1    0.0 global cache s to x               1        0           0        1    0.0 Chapter13  global cache open x               1        0           0        1    0.0 KJC: Wait for msg                 2        0           0        0    0.0 sends to c rdbms ipc message           206,156  126,240      95,578      464    6.3 ges remote message          487,521  268,166      14,028       29   14.8 gcs remote message          208,763  146,147      13,966       67    6.4 smon timer                       52       43      13,265   ######    0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 534 13.4 Oracle EnterpriseManager


For more discussions about many of the above statistics and wait events, please refer to the subsequent chapters on performance tuning.

 < Day Day Up > 

Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Real Application Clusters
ISBN: 1555582885
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 174

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