5.3 Basic APIs

The following six interfaces provide the basic set of JDO APIs that most applications need to use:

  • PersistenceManagerFactory

  • PersistenceManager

  • Transaction

  • Query

  • Extent

  • InstanceCallbacks

For each interface described in the following sections, you find a description of its purpose, followed by an overview of each method, and then examples that show how to use those methods in practice.

5.3.1 javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory

The PersistenceManagerFactory interface is typically the starting point for any JDO application; from it, an application gets instances of PersistenceManager . The PersistenceManagerFactory has a number of standard properties that can be configured; in addition, vendors can add their own properties to their PersistenceManagerFactory implementations , although all properties should follow the JavaBean pattern of setters and getters.

PersistenceManagerFactory is responsible for managing the physical connections to the underlying datastore and may or may not implement connection pooling. In addition, a PersistenceManagerFactory can be used by both managed and non-managed applications. For non-managed applications, connection- related properties are used to indicate how to make a connection to the datastore. For managed applications, connection management is delegated to an external connection factory.

Chapter 7 provides more details on managed and non-managed applications. Simply put, a managed application typically runs within a J2EE container; a non-managed application is a standalone Java application.

A non-managed application creates its own connections to the datastore and explicitly manages its own transactions. A managed application gets connections from a connection factory and may delegate transaction management to the container within which it runs. Creating a PersistenceManagerFactory

There are three main ways to create a PersistenceManagerFactory :

JNDI Because PersistenceManagerFactory extends Serializable , it can be stored and looked up via JNDI. This is the typical approach for a managed application. The properties of a PersistenceManagerFactory created in this way cannot be modified, and the PersistenceManagerFactory instance cannot be serialized again.

JDOHelper The getPersistenceManagerFactory() method creates a PersistenceManagerFactory from a set of properties, one of which specifies the actual class name of the vendor's PersistenceManagerFactory . This is the expected and portable approach for non-managed applications to get a PersistenceManagerFactory instance. JDO requires each vendor to implement a static method on their PersistenceManagerFactory called getPersistenceManagerFactory() ; JDOHelper uses this to create a specific PersistenceManagerFactory instance. The properties of a PersistenceManagerFactory created in this way cannot be modified, and the PersistenceManagerFactory instance cannot be serialized.

Constructors Each vendor can provide their own constructors that allow an application to directly construct a PersistenceManagerFactory instance. This is suitable for non-managed applications, but has the disadvantage that it is non-portable and the code would need to be changed per JDO implementation. The properties of a PersistenceManagerFactory created in this way can be modified up to the first call to getPersistenceManager() and the PersistenceManagerFactory instance can be serialized.

A PersistenceManagerFactory instance created by either a JNDI lookup or by JDOHelper is not serializable in order to avoid a security hole. Because a PersistenceManagerFactory can potentially contain a password, if it were serializable, it could expose this password. PersistenceManagerFactory Properties

The standard properties defined by JDO for PersistenceManagerFactory are split between those that control the creation of connections to the underlying datastore (such as ConnectionURL and ConnectionUserName ) and those that configure the default behavior of PersistenceManager instances (such as IgnoreCache and Multithreaded ).

Depending on whether the application is managed or non-managed, different connection-based properties apply. Table 5-1 lists the non-managed connection properties.

Table 5-1. Non-Managed Connection Properties


Method Summary


 String getConnectionDriverName() void   setConnectionDriverName(String name) 

This property specifies the class name of the driver used when connecting to the datastore.

A JDO implementation that uses JDBC might use this property to allow the application to specify the name of the JDBC driver to be used.

ConnectionPassword [*]

 void   setConnectionPassword(String password) 

This property specifies the password of the user used to connect to the datastore.


 String getConnectionURL() void   setConnectionURL(String url) 

This property specifies the URL used to make the connection and is datastore-specific.

A JDO implementation that uses JDBC might expect this to be of the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname . Some implementations may allow the username and password to be specified in the connection URL.

ConnectionUserName [*]

 String getConnectionUserName() void   setConnectionUserName(String name) 

This property specifies the user name used to connect to the datastore.

[*] The user name and password can also be specified separately in the call to getPersistenceManager() .

The values of these properties are dependent on the underlying datastore being used, but not all may be required or even relevant. The documentation for a given JDO implementation should identify which of these properties are used and what values they should be given.

For managed applications, the PersistenceManagerFactory uses an external connection factory to create datastore connections. If any of the connection factory properties are set (non-null), then the un-managed properties above are effectively ignored and the external connection factory is used instead.

Typically, a managed application would not explicitly create or configure a PersistenceManagerFactory ; it would look one up via JNDI instead. A PersistenceManagerFactory instance would be initialized and registered with JNDI beforehand (although exactly how this is done depends on the managed environment being used and the JDO implementation).

Table 5-2 lists the managed connection properties.

Table 5-2. Managed Connection Properties


Method Summary

ConnectionFactory [*]

 Object getConnectionFactory() void   setConnectionFactory(Object factory) 

This property specifies the external connection factory used to create connections. The factory interface itself is not defined by JDO and is implementation dependent. If set, the PersistenceManagerFactory does not use its own connection pooling.

A JDO implementation that uses JDBC might accept an instance of javax.sql.DataSource as a connection factory for JDBC connections.

ConnectionFactoryName [*]

 String getConnectionFactoryName() void   setConnectionFactoryName(String name) 

This property specifies the JNDI name of the connection factory; if the ConnectionFactory property has not been set, then the PersistenceManagerFactory looks up the connection factory via this name using JNDI.

ConnectionFactory2 [*]

 Object getConnectionFactory2() void   setConnectionFactory2(Object factory) 

This property specifies an alternative external connection factory used to create connections for optimistic transactions. Typically, in managed environments, transaction control is delegated to an external coordinator ; however, when using optimistic transactions, implicit transaction control is not appropriate.

ConnectionFactory2Name [*]

 String getConnectionFactory2Name() void   setConnectionFactory2Name(String name) 

This property specifies the JNDI name for an alternative connection factory; if the ConnectionFactory2 property has not been set, then the PersistenceManagerFactory looks up the connection factory via this name using JNDI.

[*] A PersistenceManagerFactory that implements its own connection pooling may utilize these properties also, even for a non-managed application.

Table 5-3 lists the configuration properties that provide default values for each PersistenceManager instance created by a given PersistenceManagerFactory .

Table 5-3. Configuration Properties


Method Summary


 boolean getIgnoreCache() void    setIgnoreCache(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager can ignore in-memory changes when creating Extent and Query instances. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details.


 boolean getMultithreaded() void    setMultithreaded(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should synchronize itself for mutli-threaded use. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details.


 boolean getNontransactionalRead() void    setNontransactionalRead(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should allow non-transaction reads by default. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details.


 boolean getNontransactionalWrite() void    setNontransactionalWrite(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should allow non-transactional writes by default. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details.


 boolean getOptimistic() void    setOptimistic(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should use optimistic transactions by default. See the section on Transaction for more details.


 boolean getRestoreValues() void    setRestoreValues(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should restore the fields of persistent and transactional instances after rollback by default. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details.


 boolean getRetainValues() void   setRetainValues(boolean flag) 

This property specifies whether the PersistenceManager should retain the fields of persistent instances after commit by default. See the section on PersistenceManager for more details. Method summary

In addition to the methods to get and set properties, the PersistenceManagerFactory has five other methods:

  void close()  

Closes the PersistenceManagerFactory instance and all associated PersistenceManager instances.

If any associated PersistenceManager instances have currently active transactions, they are not closed and JDOUserException is thrown. This exception contains a nested JDOUserException for each PersistenceManager instance that could not be closed.

This method checks that the caller has the JDOPermission closePersistenceManagerFactory . If not, the method simply returns with no action.

This method was added in the JDO 1.0.1 maintenance release.

  PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()  

Returns a PersistenceManager instance.

The PersistenceManager is configured based on the connection and configuration properties of the PersistenceManagerFactory .

After the first call to this method, the properties of the PersistenceManagerFactory can no longer be modified.

  PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager  (String name, String password) 

Returns a PersistenceManager instance using the specified user name and password.

The PersistenceManager is configured based on the connection and configuration properties of the PersistenceManagerFactory , except that the specified user name and password are used. If the PersistenceManagerFactory implements connection pooling, it ensures that it returns a connection for the specified user.

After the first call to this method, the properties of the PersistenceManagerFactory can no longer modified.

  Properties getProperties()  

Returns the non-configurable, vendor-specific properties of the JDO implementation

JDO defines two standard vendor properties, VendorName and VersionNumber . All others are implementation-specific.

  Collection supportedOptions()  

Returns a collection of strings that represent the optional features and/or query languages that the JDO implementation supports.

Table 5-4 lists the strings used to denote support for the standard JDO optional features and query language:

Table 5-4. Optional Features

Optional Feature

Optional Feature





















javax.jdo.option.HashMap Usage guidelines

A non-managed application can create a PersistenceManagerFactory via JNDI, JDOHelper , or explicitly using a vendor-supplied constructor.

If using JNDI, a PersistenceManagerFactory needs to be initially created via an implementation-specific constructor and bound to its JNDI name. When the application looks up the PersistenceManagerFactory via JNDI, it gets a de-serialized instance. Typically, a PersistenceManagerFactory instance is shared within an application, in which case a singleton pattern should be used to manage the lookup and sharing of the PersistenceManagerFactory .

The following code snippet from PMFSingletonFromJNDIExample.java shows how a PersistenceManagerFactory can be created and registered with JNDI, and then looked and managed as a singleton instance:

 import javax.naming.*; import javax.jdo.*; public class PMFSingletonFromJNDIExample {   // JNDI name for the PersistenceManagerFactory instance   private static String name =     PMFSingletonFromJNDIExample.class.getName();   // PersistenceManagerFactory Singleton   private static PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;   /*    * This method returns the singleton    * PersistenceManagerFactory. If required, it first    * initializes the singleton by looking it up via JNDI.    * If it can't lookup the PersistenceManagerFactory via    * JNDI, it throws JDOFatalUserException    */   public static PersistenceManagerFactory   getPersistenceManagerFactory() {     if (pmf == null) {       try {         InitialContext context = new InitialContext();         pmf = (PersistenceManagerFactory)           context.lookup(name);       }       catch (NamingException e) {         throw new JDOFatalUserException(           "Can't lookup PersistenceManagerFactory: " +             name, e);       }     }     return pmf;   }   /*    * This class can be run to create a    * PersistenceManagerFactory instance    * and register it with JNDI.    * The PersistenceManagerFactoryClass property    * would need to be changed from "XXX".    */   public static void main(String[] args) {     if (args.length != 3) {       System.out.println(         "Invalid arguments, use: <url> <name> <password>");       System.exit(-1);     }     Properties properties = new Properties();     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "XXX");     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", args[0]);     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", args[1]);     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword", args[2]);     PersistenceManagerFactory pmf =       JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(properties);     try {       InitialContext context = new InitialContext();       context.bind(name, pmf);     }     catch (NamingException e) {       System.out.println("Can't bind PersistenceManager");       e.printStackTrace();     }   } } 

If not using JNDI, the singleton needs to be created and initialized directly. JDOHelper can be used to do this based on a set of properties. The following code snippet taken from PMFSingletonExample.java shows how this could work. It uses an initialize() method that creates the PersistenceManagerFactory singleton from the specified properties:

 import java.util.Properties; import javax.jdo.*; public class PMFSingletonExample {   // PersistenceManagerFactory singleton   private static PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;   /*    * This method returns the singleton    * PersistenceManagerFactory.    * If it the singleton hasn't been initialized, it throws    * JDOFatalUserException.    */   public static PersistenceManagerFactory   getPersistenceManagerFactory() {     if (pmf == null) {      throw new JDOUserException(        "PersistenceManagerFactory not initialized.");     }     return pmf;   }   /*    * Creates a PersistenceManagerFactory based on the    * specified properties and initializes the singleton.    * The actual PersistenceManagerFactoryClass needs to    * be specified rather than "XXX".    */   public static void intialize(     String url, String name, String password) {     Properties properties = new Properties();     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactoryClass", "XXX");     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", url);     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName", name);     properties.put(       "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword", password);     pmf =       JDOHelper.getPersistenceManagerFactory(properties);   } } 

Of course, before this example can be used, the "XXX" strings would need to be replaced with values appropriate to the JDO implementation being used.

The previous example has the disadvantage that the initialize() method needs to be explicitly called with the appropriate connection properties. An alternative to this is shown in the following code snippet taken from PMFSingletonFromFileExample.java . It reads the properties from a file whose name is specified using a system property:

 import java.util.Properties; import java.io.*; import javax.jdo.*; public class PMFSingletonFromFileExample {   // PersistenceManagerFactory singleton   private static PersistenceManagerFactory pmf;   /*    * This method returns the singleton    * PersistenceManagerFactory. If the singleton    * hasn't been initialized, it creates a    * PersistenceManagerFactory from a properties    * file denoted by the system property "jdo.properties"    * and initializes the singleton.    */   public static PersistenceManagerFactory   getPersistenceManagerFactory() {     if (pmf == null) {       String filename =         System.getProperty("jdo.properties");       if (filename == null) {         throw new JDOFatalUserException(           "System property 'jdo.properties' not defined");       }       else {         Properties properties = new Properties();         try {           properties.load(new FileInputStream(filename));           pmf =             JDOHelper.               getPersistenceManagerFactory(properties);         }         catch (java.io.IOException e) {           throw new JDOFatalUserException(             "Error reading '" + filename + "'", e);         }       }     }     return pmf;   } } 

The following code snippet taken from SupportedOptionsExample.java shows how to print out the options that a PersistenceManagerFactory instance supports:

 Iterator iter = pmf.supportedOptions().iterator(); System.out.println(   "PersistenceManagerFactory class '" +   pmf.getClass().getName() + "' supports:"); while (iter.hasNext()) {   String option = (String) iter.next();   System.out.println("  " + option); } 

Using the getPersistenceManager() methods is explained in the section on PersistenceManager.

5.3.2 PersistenceManager

PersistenceManager is the primary interface that a JDO application would use. It has a number of standard properties that govern how it manages persistent objects in memory and provides methods for an application to interact with those persistent objects and the underlying datastore. It also acts as a factory for Query , Extent , and Transaction instances. Creating a PersistenceManager

There are two main ways to create a PersistenceManager :

PersistenceManagerFactory The getPersistenceManager() methods on PersistenceManagerFactory return a PersistenceManager instance. For a managed application, this is the only way to get a PersistenceManager . For a non-managed application, this is the expected and portable approach to getting a PersistenceManager . A PersistenceManager got in this way inherits its properties from its PersistenceManagerFactory and remains associated with the PersistenceManagerFactory during its lifetime.

Constructors A JDO implementation may provide constructors that allow an application to directly create a PersistenceManager . This is suitable for non-managed applications, but has the disadvantage that it is non-portable and the code would need to be changed per JDO implementation. PersistenceManager properties

Table 5-5 lists the three properties defined by PersistenceManager .

Table 5-5. PersistenceManager Properties


Method Summary


 boolean getIgnoreCache() void    setIgnoreCache(boolean flag) 

This property is a hint to the PersistenceManager as to whether it can ignore in-memory changes when executing a Query or iterating through an Extent .


 boolean getMultithreaded() void    setMultithreaded(boolean flag) 

This property controls whether the PersistenceManager synchronizes internally to ensure that internal data structures do not get corrupted when used by multiple threads concurrently.


 object getUserObject() void   setUserObject(Object obj) 

This property allows the application to associate an arbitrary object with a PersistenceManager instance.

IgnoreCache Normally, the result from a Query or Extent reflects any in-memory changes made within the current transaction. If a new persistent object was created or a persistent object was modified or deleted, any result would reflect these changes. Generally , this is the desired behavior. However, it may come at a cost or be undesirable in certain situations. Depending on the underlying datastore, it might be necessary to synchronize any in-memory changes with the datastore prior to executing the Query or iterating through the Extent .

As an optimization, an application can choose not to incur this overhead, in which case the IgnoreCache property should be set to true . A result from a Query or iterating through an Extent may then not reflect in-memory changes made within the current transaction. If a new instance is created that matches a given query, it may not be part of the returned result. The advantage is that executing the query no longer requires in-memory changes to be synchronized with the datastore beforehand.

This property is just a hint; even if set, it may be ignored by a JDO implementation. An application can't rely on a Query to ignore in-memory changes just because this property is true . Unless there is a specific performance requirement, an application typically shouldn't set this property to true .

Multithreaded It is safe for an application to use multiple threads with JDO as long as there is only one thread using a given PersistenceManager or instances created by a PersistenceManager ( Query , Extent , PersistenceCapable instances, and so on) at a given time. Simply put, if each thread has its own PersistenceManager , there is no problem. However, if the application requires multiple threads to be able to use the same PersistenceManager instance at the same time, this property should be set to true .

If this property is true , the PersistenceManager synchronizes internally to ensure that internal data structures do not get corrupted when multiple threads use the PersistenceManager instance concurrently. Synchronization may incur additional overhead and adversely affect performance; this property should be set only if multi-threaded access is really required. See Chapter 7 for more details on developing multithreaded applications. Method summary

PersistenceManager has methods that allow an application to interact with persistent objects and the underlying datastore, and to get Query , Extent , and Transaction instances. There are many methods, but these are the key ones that a JDO application is likely to use:

 Transaction currentTransaction() 

The returned Transaction instance can be used to begin and end transactions.

 void makePersistent (Object obj) 

This makes a new instance of a persistence-capable class persistent.

 void deletePersistent (Object obj) 

This deletes a persistent object in the datastore.

 Query newQuery (Class cls, String filter) 

The returned Query instance can be executed to find persistent objects based on the specified filter.

 void close() 

Indicates that the PersistenceManager instance is no longer needed.

The PersistenceManager methods can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Connection management methods

  • Cache management methods

  • Instance management methods

  • Factory methods

Connection Management Methods These methods allow the application to indicate that it no longer needs the PersistenceManager instance or allows it to get the associated PersistenceManagerFactory .

 void close() 

Indicates that the PersistenceManager instance is no longer needed. Depending on whether the PersistenceManagerFactory implements pooling, this may just return the PersistenceManager instance back to the PersistenceManagerFactory for reuse.

An attempt to close a PersistenceManager instance, in a non-managed environment where there is an active transaction, results in JDOUserException being thrown.

An attempt to use a PersistenceManager instance after it has closed (apart from the isClose() method) results in JDOFatalUserException being thrown.

 Boolean isClosed() 

Returns true if the PersistenceManager has been closed.

 PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory() 

Returns the PersistenceManagerFactory that created the PersistenceManager instance.

This may return null if the PersistenceManager was explicitly created by the application via a constructor.

Cache Management Methods Typically, an application does not need to explicitly manage persistent objects in-memory; the JDO runtime implicitly takes care of them. In some situations, the application may need to explicitly release, retrieve, or refresh a persistent object or group of persistent objects. A common reason for this is as a performance optimization: An application can explicitly retrieve a collection of persistent objects from the datastore into memory in one go, rather than retrieving them implicitly one by one.

The methods below all follow the same set of conventions. There is a base method that takes a single Object argument. Then there are additional methods whose names are post-fixed with "All" to indicate that they take multiple objects (either an Object[] or Collection argument). There may also be an "All" method that takes no argument, in which case it operates on all relevant in-memory instances.

If null is used as an argument to a method that takes Object , then the null is ignored and the method is effectively a no-op. If null is passed to a method that takes an Object[] or Collection , then NullPointerException is thrown. If the Object[] or Collection argument itself contains null elements, then these are ignored.

 void evict(Object obj) void evictAll(Object[] objs) void evictAll(Collection objs) void evictAll() 

By default, persistence objects are automatically evicted by the PersistenceManager at the end of a transaction. However, the evict methods allow an application to provide a hint to the PersistenceManager that the specified instances are no longer required in-memory and they can be made available for garbage collection during a transaction (although they are garbage collected only if actually no longer referenced by the application).

These methods evict instances even if the RetainValues property is true for the transaction and evicted instances transition to being hollow. The evictAll() method with no argument evicts all unmodified in-memory ( persistent-clean ) instances.

This is useful for applications that need to retrieve many persistent objects, more than would normally fit into memory, during a transaction. The application can call the evict methods to release instances after it has finished with them so that they can potentially be garbage collected during the transaction and make room for other persistent objects.

Typically, it makes sense only to evict unmodified instances, although evicting a modified instance is guaranteed to not cause any lose of in-memory changes. An implementation may choose to ensure this by ignoring the eviction of modified instances. Some implementations may support eviction of modified instances, perhaps by storing the changes in the underlying datastore.

These methods are generally useful within a transaction; however, if the RetainValues property is true , then these methods can be used to evict specific instances after a transaction ends also.

Garbage Collection

During a transaction, a PersistenceManager needs to maintain a reference to all in-memory persistent objects, even if the application no longer references them the JDO runtime does (although some implementations may choose to use weak references). This means that during a transaction, in-memory persistent objects typically won't be available for garbage collection.

Eviction allows the garbage collector to do its job and collect instances that are no longer referenced by the application.

 void refresh (Object obj) void refreshAll (Object[] objs) void refreshAll (Collection objs) void refreshAll() 

The refresh methods re-retrieve the values of the fields from the data-store for the specified instances.

These methods re-retrieve field values, even for instances that have been modified ( persistent-dirty ), in which case any in-memory changes are lost. Refreshed instances transition to being in-memory and unmodified (persistent-clean).

Typically, these methods make sense only for optimistic transactions where the in-memory state of a persistent object is not necessarily up to date with the datastore. These methods allow an application to refresh an instance, perhaps before making a modification, to reduce the likelihood of a conflicting update being detected when the transaction ends.

These methods can typically be used only within a transaction, unless a JDO implementation supports non-transactional read, in which case they can be used outside of a transaction also. If used outside of a transaction, refreshAll() is a no-op.

[View full width]
[View full width]
void retrieve (Object obj) void retrieveAll (Object[] objs) void retrieveAll (Object[] objs, boolean flag) [*] void retrieveAll (Collection objs) void retrieveAll (Collection objs, boolean flag) [*]

[*] These methods are defined in the 1.0.1 graphics/ccc.gif maintenance revision to the JDO specification and may not be supported by all JDO graphics/ccc.gif implementations.

The retrieve methods retrieve the values of the fields from the datastore for the specified instances. By default, these methods retrieve values for all fields, not just those in the default fetch group. A flag can optionally be used to control this behavior: If true , all field values are retrieved; if false , only values for fields in the default fetch group are retrieved.

Unlike the refresh methods, retrieve does not overwrite field values that have already been retrieved; therefore, modified fields are not overwritten.

These methods have two primary uses. One is to ensure that all the field values for an instance are in memory. This is useful before trying to make a persistent object transient. If a persistent object is made transient before retrieving all its field values, then some of the fields will have only their default values.

The second is as a performance optimization. This is useful when iterating through the result of a query: Rather than retrieving each object individually, an application can call a retrieve method and retrieve them all at once, avoiding multiple calls to the underlying datastore.

These methods can typically be used only within a transaction, unless a JDO implementation supports non-transactional read, in which case they can be used outside of a transaction also.

Instance Management Methods These methods allow an application to interact with the PersistenceManager and PersistenceCapable instances that it manages:

 Object getObjectId (Object obj) Object getTransactionalObjectId (Object obj) 

Every persistent object has an identity associated with it. An application can get the identity of a persistent object by calling the getObjectId() method.

If a persistence-capable class uses application identity, then it may be possible to modify a persistent object's identity during a transaction (by modifying the values of the primary key fields). The PersistenceManagerFactory option javax.jdo.option.ChangeApplicationIdentity denotes whether this is supported. If a persistent object's identity is changed during a transaction, then getObjectId() returns the original identity, as it was at the start of the transaction. If an application needs the changed identity, then it can call getTransactionalObjectId() . If changing application identity is not supported or the application identity hasn't been changed or application identity isn't being used, then calling getTransactionalObjectId() is the same as calling getObjectId() .

These methods are useful to get the identity of a persistent object and use this to retrieve the persistent object at a later time or with a different PersistenceManager by calling getObjectById() .

These methods can be used both in and outside of a transaction. If used outside of a transaction, getTransactionalObjectId() is equivalent to getObjectId() .

Object Identity

The object identity returned from getObjectId() is essentially an opaque type. The application need know nothing about it. If using application identity, the implementer of the persistence-capable class is responsible for providing the object identity class; otherwise , the class is provided by the JDO implementation itself. Regardless, any object identity class has a number of characteristics on which the application can rely.

One of these is that it must implement Serializable ”this allows a persistent object's identity to be sent to another application or stored somewhere for later use.

Another one is that the equals() and hashCode() methods for the class have to work based on the underlying object identity being represented. This allows an application to compare two persistence objects from different PersistenceManager instances based on their identities.

Yet another is that it must have a constructor that takes a single string argument that re-creates the object identity based on what was returned by the identity class's toString() method. The constructor is used by the newObjectIdInstance() method on PersistenceManager to recreate an object identity from a string. This allows an application to convert an object identity to a string that can be later used to re-create it, avoiding the need to serialize the object identity instance itself.

 Class getObjectIdClass (Class pcClass) 

If a persistence-capable class uses application identity, then this method can be used to retrieve the actual class used to represent the object identity for the class. If the specified class does not use application identity or is null , then this method returns null .

This method is useful only if the application needs to know for some reason the class that implements the object identity for a persistence-capable class.

This method can be used both in and outside of a transaction.

 Object newObjectIdInstance (Class pcClass, String oid) Object getObjectById (Object oid, boolean validate) 

These methods can be used to return a persistent object given its identity. If the persistence-capable class uses application identity, then these methods can be used between PersistenceManager instances from different JDO implementations; otherwise, they only work across PersistenceManager instances from the same JDO implementation.

The newObjectIdInstance() method is used to create an object identity instance from a string previously returned by the toString() method. The persistence-capable class of the persistent object whose identity is represented by the specified string needs to be provided.

The getObjectById() method returns the persistent object represented by the specified object identity instance. If the persistent object is already in memory, a reference to it is simply returned. If it is not, an in-memory instance is created with the specified identity. Whether the persistent object is actually retrieved from the datastore is dependent on the JDO implementation and the validate flag.

If validate is true , then the PersistenceManager checks that a persistent object with the specified identity actually exists and, if called within a transaction, actually retrieves it from the datastore. If there is no persistent object with the specified identity in the datastore, then JDOObjectNotFoundException [*] is thrown.

[*] This exception was introduced in the 10.1 maintenance release. Prior to this JDODatastoreException would have been thrown.

If validate is false , it is up to the JDO implementation as to whether it validates , whether there is actually a persistent object in the datastore with the specified identity, and whether it retrieves it. If this method doesn't validate that the persistent object exists, then JDOObjectNotFoundException [*] is thrown when the in-memory instance is used instead.

These methods can be used both in and outside of a transaction:

 void makePersistent (Object obj) void makePersistentAll (Object[] objs) void makePersistentAll (Collection objs) 

These methods can be used to explicitly make transient instances persistent so that they are stored in the datastore after the transaction successfully completes. A transient instance transitions to being a new persistent object ( persistent-new ) as a result of this method. If a specified instance is already persistent, it is left unchanged, although if it belongs to another PersistenceManager instance, JDOUserException is thrown.

After the transaction is committed, all persistent objects transition to being hollow (unless RetainValues is being used). If the transaction rolls back instead, then any new persistent objects (persistent-new) transition back to being transient again.

These methods can be used only within a transaction; if called outside of a transaction, JDOUserException is thrown:

 void deletePersistent (Object obj) void deletePersistentAll (Object[] objs) void deletePersistentAll (Collection objs) 

These methods can be used to explicitly delete persistent objects, so that they are no longer stored in the datastore after the transaction successfully commits. A persistent object transitions to being a deleted persistent object ( persistent-deleted or persistent-new-deleted) as a result of this method. If a specified instance has already been deleted within the transaction, it is ignored. If an instance belongs to a different PersistenceManager instance or is transient, JDOUserException is thrown.

After the transaction is committed, deleted persistent objects transition to being transient and lose their object identity. If the transaction rolls back instead, then deleted persistent objects transition to being a hollow again (unless RestoreValues is being used).

These methods can be used only within a transaction; if called outside of a transaction, JDOUserException is thrown.

Cascade Delete

Unlike making objects persistent, deleting objects deletes only the specified instances. There is no reachability algorithm; referenced persistent objects are not deleted (although some JDO implementations may provide vendor extensions that do this).

If an application needs to ensure that referenced persistent objects are also deleted, then a persistence-capable class can implement the jdoPreDelete() method defined by the InstanceCallbacks interface and explicitly delete the referenced instances. See section on InstanceCallbacks for more details.

 void makeTransient (Object obj) void makeTransientAll (Object[] objs) void makeTransientAll (Collection objs) 

These methods can be used to detach a persistent object from its PersistenceManager and make it transient. This allows the instance to be used outside of the context of the PersistenceManager instance. These methods do not affect persistent objects in the underlying datastore; it's just a change to the in-memory instance itself. The instance retains any field values as-is, but no longer has any object identity.

The effect of this method is immediate and is not subject to rollback. If a modified persistent (persistent-dirty) object is made transient, JDOUserException is thrown. If an instance is already transient, it is ignored.

These methods are useful if an application needs to move a persistent object to a different PersistenceManager or pass it to non-JDO application. If required later, the application needs to maintain the object identity of the persistent object because, when it is made transient, it loses its identity. Because the field values of the persistent object are left as-is when it is made transient, the application should ensure that all the field values have been retrieved from the datastore prior to making it transient. This can be done using retrieve methods on PersistenceManager .

 void makeTransactional (Object obj) void makeTransactionalAll (Object[] objs) void makeTransactionalAll (Collection objs) 

These methods can be used to make a transient or persistent but non-transactional instance transactional.

If the specified instances are transient and the JDO implementation supports the transient transactional optional feature, then the instances transition to being transient transactional (transient-clean). If not supported, JDOUnsupportedOptionException is thrown. When used with transient instances, these methods can be used both in and outside of a transaction.

If the specified instances are non-transactional persistent objects, then they transition to being persistent again (persistent-clean). The field values of the persistent objects are re-retrieved from the datastore. When used with non-transactional persistent objects, these methods can be called only within a transaction; otherwise, JDOUserException is thrown.

The affect of these methods is immediate and is not subject to rollback (i.e., once made transient transactional, an instance remains so, even if the transaction is rolled back).

 void makeNontransactional (Object obj) void makeNontransactionalAll (Object[] objs) void makeNontransactionalAll (Collection objs) 

These methods can be used to make transient transactional or persistent instances non-transactional.

If the specified instances are transient transactional, then they transition to being transient. If an instance has been modified (transient-dirty) within the current transaction, then JDOUserException is thrown.

If the specified instances are persistent and the JDO implementation supports the non-transactional optional feature, then they transition to being persistent, non-transactional ( persistent-nontransactional ). If not supported, JDOUnsupportedOptionException is thrown. If an instance has been modified (persistent-dirty) within the current transaction, then JDOUserException is thrown.

The affect of these methods is immediate and is not subject to rollback (i.e., once made non-transactional an instance remains so, even if the transaction is rolled back).

These methods can be used both in and outside of a transaction.

Factory Methods PersistenceMananger acts as a factory for Query , Extent , and Transaction instances. The following factory methods can be used to construct these instances:

 Query newQuery() Query newQuery (Object query) Query newQuery (String language, Object query) Query newQuery (Class cls) Query newQuery (Extent extent) Query newQuery (Class cls, Collection cln) Query newQuery (Class cls, String filter) Query newQuery (Class cls, Collection cln, String filter) Query newQuery (Extent extent, String filter) 

These methods return a Query instance that can be used to find persistent objects based on a filter. See the section on Query for more details.

These methods can be used both in and outside of a transaction.

 Extent getExtent (Class cls, boolean subclasses) 

This method returns an Extent instance that represents all the persistent objects of the specified class in the datastore. See section on Extent for more details.

If subclasses is true , then the returned Extent also represents all persistent objects of the specified class and all subclasses. If false , the Extent represents only persistent objects of the specified class itself.

This method can be used both in and outside of a transaction.

If the requires-extent attribute is false in the JDO metadata for the persistence-capable class, then this method throws JDOUserException .

 Transaction currentTransaction() 

This method returns the current Transaction instance associated with the PersistenceManager. This allows the application to begin and end transactions. See the section on Transaction for more details. Usage guidelines

The following examples demonstrate how to use the various APIs defined on PersistenceManager :

Connection Management Methods Getting a PersistenceManager instance is straightforward; however, for a server-side application, care needs to be taken to ensure that the PersistenceManager instance is always closed. The easiest way to do this is to wrap the use of a PersistenceManager instance within a try block and use a finally block to ensure that the PersistenceManager instance gets closed, even if an exception is thrown. The finally block can also ensure that any active transaction is first rolled back before the PersistenceManager instance is closed.

The following code snippet taken from PersistenceManagerExample.java shows how to use try and finally to ensure that a PersistenceManager instance is closed:

 PersistenceManager pm = null; try {   pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();   // Do something interesting   pm.close(); } finally {   if (pm != null && !pm.isClosed()) {     if (pm.currentTransaction().isActive()) {       pm.currentTransaction().rollback();     }     pm.close();   } } 

Transactions The currentTransaction() method returns the Transaction instance for the PersistenceManager instance. For a non-mananged application, the Transaction instance can be used to begin and end transactions. The following code snippet taken from TransactionExample.java shows how to begin and commit a transaction:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); // Do something interesting tx.commit(); 

Extents The getExtent() method can be used to get a collection of all the instances of a given persistence-capable class (and optionally subclasses) in the datastore. The following code snippet taken from ExtentExample.java shows how to iterate through all instances of the Book class (and subclasses):

 Extent extent = pm.getExtent(Book.class, true); Iterator books = extent.iterator(); System.out.println("Listing of all books:"); while (books.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) books.next();   System.out.println("  " + book.getTitle()); } extent.close(books); 

Evict Methods The previous example retrieved all instances of the Book class; however, if a large number of books are in the datastore, then they may not all fit into memory at the same time. The evict methods can be useful when an application needs to access a large number of persistent objects within a single transaction, but not all instances can possibly fit in memory. The following code snippet taken from EvictExample.java shows how to use the evict() method to evict each Book instance after it has been accessed:

 Extent extent = pm.getExtent(Book.class, true); Iterator books = extent.iterator(); System.out.println("Listing of all books:"); while (books.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) books.next();   System.out.println("  " + book.getTitle());   pm.evict(book); } extent.close(books); 

Retrieve Methods The previous example retrieved each persistent object one at a time from the datastore. As an optimization, the retrieveAll() method can be used to potentially retrieve multiple persistent objects from the datastore in one go. This can improve the performance of the application by reducing the number of times the underlying datastore needs to be accessed. The following code snippet taken from RetrieveExample.java shows how the retrieveAll() method can be used to retrieve a group of instances:

 Extent extent = pm.getExtent(Book.class, true); Iterator books = extent.iterator(); System.out.println("Listing of all books:"); List list = new ArrayList(1024); while (books.hasNext()) {   list.add(iter.next());   if (list.size() == 1024  !books.hasNext()) {     pm.retrieveAll(list);     for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {       Book book = (Book) list.get(i);       System.out.println("  " + book.getTitle());     }     pm.evictAll(list);     list.clear();   } } extent.close(books); 

If supported, a further optimization would be to use a retrieveAll() method that takes a Boolean flag to indicate that only the fields in the default fetch group are required. These methods were introduced in the 1.0.1 maintenance revision, so they may not be supported by all JDO implementations initially.

Timing the two examples EvictExample.java and RetrieveExample.java using the same dataset shows how retrieving objects can dramatically improve the performance of an application.

Refresh Methods These methods are primarily useful when using an optimistic transaction or using non-transactional instances to re-retrieve the fields of an instance from the datastore. However, another use is as a way to undo an in-memory modification to a persistent object within a transaction without rolling back the entire transaction. If an application decides that a change should not have been made to a particular instance, it is possible to use refresh() to re-retrieve the instance's fields from the datastore and thus overwrite any modified fields. The following code snippet taken from RefreshExample.java shows how retrieve() can be used to undo a change made to a book's title:

 tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); tx.begin(); System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'."); author.setName("Sameer Tyagi"); System.out.println(   "Author's name changed to '" + author.getName() + "'."); pm.refresh(author); System.out.println(   "Author's name after refresh is '"   + author.getName() + "'."); tx.commit(); 

The output would be as follows :

 Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Author's name changed to 'Sameer Tyagi'. Author's name after refresh is 'Keiron McCammon'. 

Object Identity Methods A persistence object's identity is represented by an instance of a normal Java class. An object identity instance is a useful way to pass a reference to a persistent object between PersistenceManager instances and even between PersistenceManager instances in different JVMs (because it is serializable).

The following code snippet taken from ObjectIdentityExample.java shows how to get the identity of a persistent object and use it to create a reference to the persistent object in a different PersistenceManager instance:

 PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); Object oid = pm.getObjectId(author); System.out.println("Author's object identity is: " + oid); pm.close(); PersistenceManager pm2 = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx2 = pm2.currentTransaction(); tx2.begin(); Author author2 = (Author) pm.getObjectById(oid, true); System.out.println("Author is: " + author2.getName()); tx2.commit(); pm2.close(); 

Although the above example shows how to use a persistent object's identity to re-create a reference to it in a different PersistenceManager instance within the same JVM, it could easily have been passed via RMI to a different JVM altogether. In this case, the object identity instance just gets serialized and passed over the wire.

In some situations, it is desirable to pass the identity of a persistent object to a non-JDO application. This application would then use the identity as a parameter in additional requests (a Web browser, for example). In this situation, the object identity instance can be converted to a string representation. The following code snippet taken from StringObjectIdentityExample.java shows how to convert a persistent object's identity to a string and re-create a reference to the persistent object again from the string:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); String oid = pm.getObjectId(author).toString(); System.out.println("Author's object identity is: " + oid); pm.close(); PersistenceManager pm2 = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx2 = pm2.currentTransaction(); tx2.begin(); Author author2 =   (Author) pm.getObjectById(     pm.newObjectIdInstance(Author.class, oid),     true); System.out.println("Author is: " + author2.getName()); tx2.commit(); 

The toString() method is used to convert the persistent object's identity to a string. In a different PersistenceManager instance, newObjectIdInstance() is used to re-create an object identity instance from the string; this is then used to get a reference to the original persistent object.

Make and Delete Persistent Methods The makePersistent() and deletePersistent() methods create and delete persistent objects in the underlying datastore.

The makePersistent() methods mark in-memory transient instances of persistence-capable classes as persistent. The methods can be called at any point within a transaction, and because of persistence by reachability, only the root of a graph of interconnected instances needs to be made persistent. The following code snippet taken from MakePersistentExample.java creates instances of Author, Address, Book, and Publisher and associates them together. Because an Author references an Address and a Book, and a Book references a Publisher, only the Author instance needs to be made persistent. However, it wouldn't matter if the application also made the Address, Book and Publisher instances explicitly persistent (which might be the case if there is doubt about what is reachable from where):

 tx.begin(); Author author =   new Author(     "Keiron McCammon",     new Address(       "6539 Dumbarton Circle",       "Fremont", "CA", "94555")); Publisher publisher =   new Publisher("Sun Microsystems Press"); Book book =   new Book("Core Java Data Objects", "0-13-140731-7"); author.addBook(book); publisher.addBook(book); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); 

The deletePersistent() methods mark in-memory persistent objects as deleted. The methods can be called at any point during a transaction, but unlike makePersistent() , they affect only the specific persistent object being deleted. It is the responsibility of the application to delete any referenced persistent objects that are no longer required. The following code snippet taken from DeletePersistentExample.java gets the first Author instance from the class Extent , deletes the associated Address instance, and removes each Book from the Author:

 Iterator authors = extent.iterator(); if (authors.hasNext()) {   Author author = (Author) authors.next();   pm.deletePersistent(author.getAddress());   Iterator books = author.getAllBooks();   while (books.hasNext()) {     Book book = (Book) books.next();     author.removeBook(book);   }   pm.deletePersistent(author); } 

Rather than relying on the application to remember to tidy up every time it deletes a persistent object, a persistence-capable class can implement the InstanceCallbacks interface and use the jdoPreDelete() method to tidy up automatically upon deletion. See the section on InstanceCallbacks for more details.

Make Transient Methods An in-memory persistent object can be made transient using the makeTransient() methods. After it is made transient, the in-memory instance has no object identity and is no longer associated with a PersistenceManager . Because the fields of the instance are left as-is, the application should first use one of the retrieve() methods to ensure that all the fields of the instance have been retrieved from the datastore. The following code snippet taken from MakeTransientExample.java first creates an Author instance in one transaction, and then in another retrieves all its fields and makes it transient. Even after the PersistenceManager instance is closed, the transient Author instance can still be used:

 PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); tx.begin(); pm.retrieve(author); pm.makeTransient(author); tx.commit(); pm.close(); System.out.println(   "Author's name is: " + author.getName()); 

The makeTransient() methods affect only the specific instance being made transient. If referenced persistent objects should also be made transient, it is the application's responsibility to make each instance explicitly transient.

Usage Warning

Care must be taken when making instances transient. If an in-memory persistent object that has been modified references an instance that was made transient, then at commit, due to persistence by reachability, the transient instance is treated as a new persistent object.

It is the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no references to the transient instance. For this reason, great care must be taken when making persistent objects transient.

Transactional and Non-Transactional Methods The behavior of these methods depends on whether a transient or persistent instance is used.

The following code snippet taken from TransientTransactionalExample.java shows how a transient instance of a persistence-capable class can be made transactional so that, on rollback, the instance's fields revert to their values at the beginning of the transaction and how, when made non-transactional again, the fields are left as-is on rollback:

 Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); System.out.println("Making instance transactional.");  pm.makeTransactional(author);  Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  author.setName("Sameer Tyagi");  System.out.println(   "Modified name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  tx.rollback();  System.out.println(   "Name after rollback is '" + author.getName() + "'"); System.out.println("Making instance non-transactional.");  pm.makeNontransactional(author);  tx.begin(); System.out.println("Name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  author.setName("Sameer Tyagi");  System.out.println(   "Modified name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  tx.rollback();  System.out.println(   "Name after rollback is '" + author.getName() + "'"); 

The output would be as follows:

 Making instance transactional. Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Modified name is 'Sameer Tyagi'. Name after rollback is 'Keiron McCammon'. Making instance non-transactional. Name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Modified name is 'Sameer Tyagi'. Name after rollback is 'Sameer Tyagi'. 

The following code snippet taken from PersistentTransactionalExample.java shows how a persistent object can be made non-transactional and accessed outside of the transaction and even modified. It then shows how, when the instance is made transactional again, any modified fields are simply discarded:

 tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author);  tx.commit();  System.out.println("Making instance non-transactional.");  pm.makeNontransactional(author);  System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  author.setName("Sameer Tyagi");  System.out.println(   "Modified name is '" + author.getName() + "'");  tx.begin();  System.out.println("Making instance transactional.");  pm.makeTransactional(author);  System.out.println(   "Transactional name is '" + author.getName() + "'"); tx.commit(); 

The output would be as follows:

 Making instance non-transactional. Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Modified name is 'Sameer Tyagi'. Making instance transactional. Transactional name is 'Keiron McCammon'. 

5.3.3 Extent

An Extent instance essentially represents a collection of all the persistent objects of a persistence-capable class in the datastore. An Extent can be used to iterate through all the persistent objects of the class in no particular order or used to construct a Query .

By default, the JDO runtime in conjunction with the underlying datastore maintains an Extent for every persistence-capable class. Some datastores don't implicitly maintain a collection of all persistent objects being stored per class, in which case a collection of instances must be explicitly maintained instead. This can add overhead. If the application has no need to get an Extent or Query the instances of a class, then it can avoid any unnecessary overhead by setting the requires-extent attribute to false in the metadata for the class. For many datastores, Extent management is implicit (for example, a relational database always knows all the rows in a table). In this case, setting the requires-extent attribute to false makes no difference.

The Extent instance itself doesn't actually reference persistent objects; rather, it just maintains a reference to a persistence-capable class, a subclasses flag, and a collection of open Iterators . It's the Iterators created by the Extent or Query instances created using the Extent that return the persistent objects.

Because the instances of persistence-capable classes can vary over time as different applications create and delete persistent objects, Iterators created by an Extent at different points may return different sets of persistent objects. An Iterator returns the persistent objects in the datastore at the time the Iterator is created. Depending on the IgnoreCache property of the PersistenceManager , the Iterator may or may include instances made persistent or deleted within the current transaction. Creating an Extent

An Extent is created using the getExtent() method on PersistenceManager :

 public Extent getExtent(Class cls, Boolean subclasses) 

The boolean flag controls whether the Extent contains persistent objects of just the specified class or includes persistent objects of all subclasses also. Extent properties

Extent defines three read-only properties that are set when the Extent is created, as shown in Table 5-6.

Table 5-6. Extent Properties


Method Summary


Class getCandidateClass()

This property denotes the persistence-capable class specified when the Extent instance was created.


PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()

This property denotes the PersistenceManager that created the Extent instance.


boolean hasSubclasses()

This property determines whether the Extent contains persistent objects of the specified class and its subclasses. If true , then the Extent includes all persistent objects of the specified class and all subclasses. If false , it includes persistent objects of the specified class only. Method summary

Extent provides a method to get an Iterator (that can then be used to iterate through all the persistent objects represented by the Extent ) and methods to close iterators after they have been used.

 void close (Iterator iter) 

This method closes the specified Iterator . Once closed, the iterator's hasNext() method returns false , and next() throws NoSuchElementException .

 void closeAll() 

This method closes all iterators that have been created from the Extent . Once closed, any iterator's hasNext() method returns false , and next() throws NoSuchElementException .

This method closes only open iterators; the Extent itself is still valid and can be used to create new iterators or Query instances.

 Iterator iterator() 

This method returns an Iterator . The iterator can be used to iterate through all the persistent objects represented by the Extent .

If the IgnoreCache property is false , then the Iterator returns instances that have been made persistent within the current transaction and doesn't return instances that have been deleted within the current transaction. As an optimization, if the PersistenceManager instances IgnoreCache property is true , then the returned Iterator may or may not return instances that have been made persistent within the current transaction and may or may not return instances that have been deleted within the current transaction.

When an application has finished with an Iterator , it is closed using the close() method. Alternatively, all iterators can be closed in one go using the closeAll() method.

The returned Iterator does not implement the remove() method; if called, UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.

Closing Iterators

It is a best practice to ensure that any Iterator is closed when finished with. Depending on the JDO implementation, this may release datastore resources used by the Iterator (a database cursor, for example). Usage guidelines

The following code snippet taken from ExtentExample.java shows how to iterate through all instances of the Book class, closing the Iterator when finished:

 Extent extent = pm.getExtent(Book.class, true); Iterator books = extent.iterator(); System.out.println("Listing of all books:"); while (books.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) books.next();   System.out.println("  " + book.getTitle()); } extent.close(books); 

5.3.4 Query

JDO defines both a query API and a query language. The API allows an application to construct and execute a query programmatically, and the query language allows an application to specify the persistent objects that it wants. The query language is called JDOQL (JDO Query Language), and its syntax is a Java Boolean expression.

Essentially, a JDO application uses a JDOQL string (referred to as a filter) to create a Query instance; this instance is then executed and returns a collection of persistent objects that satisfy the specified filter.

As well as its own query language, JDO allows implementations to offer additional query languages. An application would use the same query APIs defined by JDO; however, the syntax of the query string would instead be SQL, OQL, or some other proprietary language. JDO mandates support for JDOQL, but leaves support for additional languages as optional. An implementation that supports additional query languages would include them in the list of supported options returned from the supportedOptions() method on PersistenceManager .

A Query consists of a set of candidate instances, which can be specified using a Java class, an Extent , or a Java collection, and a filter string. In addition, it is possible to also declare import statements, parameters, and variables , as well as an ordering for the set of results. When executed, a Query takes the set of candidate instances and returns a Java collection of references to the instances that satisfy the query filter.

The goal of JDOQL is to provide a simple query grammar that is familiar to Java programmers and that can be executed by the JDO implementation, possibly by converting it to a different representation and passing it to the underlying data-store. JDO makes no assumptions about where the query is actually executed. Depending on the JDO implementation and the underlying datastore being used, a query may be executed be retrieving all the persistent objects into memory, or it may simply be passed to the underlying datastore.

See Chapter 6 for more details on the JDOQL syntax. Creating a Query

A Query is created using the newQuery() methods on PersistenceManager . There are essentially five ways to create a Query :

  • Create an empty one, and specify the candidate instances and filter later.

  • Create a copy of another one.

  • Create one in which the candidate instances are denoted by a Java class.

  • Create one in which the candidate instances are denoted by an Extent.

  • Create one in which the candidate instances are denoted by a Java collection.

The set of candidate instances for a Query should be specified one way, using a Java class, an Extent , or a Java collection.

 Query newQuery() 

Creates an empty Query .

The candidate instances and filter have to be specified before the query can be executed.

 Query newQuery (Object query) 

Creates a Query as a copy of the specified Query .

This is useful when creating a Query based on an existing Query owned by a different PersistenceManager . It can also be used to create a Query based on a Query that was previously de-serialized.

 Query newQuery (String language, Object query) 

Creates a Query for the specified query language.

The string used to denote the language being used and the query parameter are both implementation-specific.

 Query newQuery (Class cls) Query newQuery (Class cls, String filter) 

Creates a Query using the specified Class to denote the set of candidate instances.

The candidate instances for a Query created using a class include all persistent objects in the datastore of the specified persistence-capable class and all subclasses.

 Query newQuery (Extent extent) Query newQuery (Extent extent, String filter) 

Creates a Query using the specified Extent to denote the set of candidate instances.

If the subclasses flag for the Extent is false , then the set of candidate instances includes persistent objects in the datastore of persistence-capable class used to create the Extent only. Otherwise, the candidate instances include persistent objects of all subclasses also.

 Query newQuery (Class cls, Collection cln) Query newQuery (Class cls, Collection cln, String filter) 

Creates a Query using the specified Collection to denote the set of candidate instances. The specified class denotes the persistence-capable class of the instances contained in the collection.

A Query created using a Collection queries on only the instances contained in the collection. Query properties

Query defines two properties, as shown in Table 5-7.

Table 5-7. Query Properties


Method Summary


 boolean getIgnoreCache() void    setIgnoreCache(boolean flag) 

This property is a hint as to whether the Query can ignore in-memory changes when executed. The initial value is the same as the setting of the PersistenceManager instance's IgnoreCache property at the time the Query was constructed .


PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()

This property denotes the PersistenceManager used to create the Query . Method summary

The Query methods can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Query Definition Methods

  • Query Execution Methods

Query Definition Methods The following methods are used to define a Query . Before a Query can be executed, a set of candidate instances and a filter have to be set as a minimum.

 void declareImports (String imports) 

It is possible to provide import statements that are used to resolve type ambiguities within a filter expression.

The imports string is a list of Java import statements separated by semicolons (as per normal Java import statements).

 void declareParameters (String params) 

It is possible to declare parameters that can be used within a filter expression. The parameters are substituted for actual values when the Query is executed.

The params string is a list of Java parameters (type and identifier) separated by commas (as per normal Java parameter declarations for a method).

 void declareVariables (String vars) 

It is possible to declare variables that can be used within a filter expression.

The vars string is a list of Java local variables separated by semicolons (as per normal Java local variable declarations).

 void setClass (Class cls) 

This method sets the candidate class for the Query as the specified persistence-capable class.

If a setCandidates() method is not used, then the set of candidate instances is all those persistent objects in the datastore belonging to the specified class and its subclasses.

 void setCandidates (Extent extent) 

This method specifies the set of candidate instances as those belonging to the specified Extent .

If the subclasses flag for the Extent is false , then the set of candidate instances includes persistent objects in the datastore of the persistence-capable class used to create the Extent only. Otherwise, the candidate instances include persistent objects of all subclasses also.

There is no need to call setClass() because an Extent implicitly specifies the candidate class for the Query as the persistence-capable class used to create the Extent .

 void setCandidates (Collection collection) 

This method restricts the set of candidate instances for a class to those contained in the collection.

The setClass() method must be used to specify the persistence-capable class of the instances in the collection.

 void setFilter (String filter) 

This method sets the filter for the Query .

See the chapter on JDOQL for more details on the format of the filter string.

 void setOrdering (String ordering) 

It is possible to specify that persistent objects should be returned sorted in an ascending or descending order.

The ordering string is a list of fields, followed by the ascending or descending keyword, each separated by a comma.

Query Execution Methods The following methods are used to execute a Query and get a collection of persistent objects that satisfy the filter.

 void close (Object result) 

This method closes the result returned from an execute() method. Any Iterators retrieved from a result after it has been closed return false to hasNext() , and next() throws NoSuchElementException .

 void closeAll() 

This method closes all the results returned from an execute() method.

The Query itself can still be used; only the results returned by the execute() methods are closed.

 void compile() 

This method validates that the Query is valid; if not, JDOUserException is thrown.

It also acts as a hint to the JDO implementation that the Query should be prepared ready for execution.

 Object execute() Object execute (Object param) Object execute (Object param1, Object param2) Object execute (Object param1, Object param2, Object param3) Object executeWithArray (Object[] params) Object executeWithMap (Map params) 

After a Query has been defined, it can be executed. An execute() method returns an Object . If the query language being used is JDOQL, then returned Object is an un-modifiable java.util.Collection that contains the persistent objects that satisfy the filter. If the query language is not JDOQL, then the class of the returned Object is implementation-specific.

The returned java.util.Collection can be used to iterate through the set of persistent objects that satisfy the specified filter. UnsupportedOperationException is thrown if the collection is modified in any way. The size() method may return Integer.MAX_VALUE if the number of instances is unknown. Depending on the JDO implementation, the execute() method may use a cursor of some kind, so the actual number of instances in the result set is not known until they have all been retrieved.

If the Query does not have any parameters, then the execute() method with no parameters can be used.

If the Query defines up to three parameters, then one of the execute() methods that takes one, two, or three Object parameters can be used. The Object parameters are bound in order to the parameters defined by the declareParameters() method (the first parameter defined is bound to the first value specified in the execute() method and so on). The types of the parameters specified in the execute() method should match those specified by the declareParamaters() method; otherwise, JDOUserException is thrown. For primitive types, an instance of the equivalent wrapper class should be used.

If more than three parameters are defined, then the executeWithArray() or executeWithMap() method should be used.

The executeWithArray() method takes an array of parameters and binds each one in order to the parameters defined by the declareParameters() method.

The executeWithMap() method takes a map of parameters. Each key should be a string that matches the name of a parameter defined by the declareParameters() method. The associated value is bound to the matching parameter in the Query .

If a value for a parameter is not specified when a Query is executed, JDOUserException is thrown.

Closing Results

It is a best practice to ensure that any result returned from an execute() method is closed when finished with. Depending on the JDO implementation, this may release datastore resources used during the execution of the Query (a cursor, for example). Usage guidelines

Chapter 6 provides greater details on the JDOQL syntax and how to use queries within a JDO application. The following examples serve to provide an introduction to the basics.

Finding a persistent object by a field value requires only a simple query. The following code snippet taken from SimpleQueryExample.java shows how to create and execute a simple query to find all instances of Book with a given title. The Book's title is hard coded into the filter string used to create the Query:

 Query query =   pm.newQuery(     Book.class,     "title == \"Core Java Data Objects\""); Collection result = (Collection) query.execute(); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) iter.next();   System.out.println(     book.getTitle() + " - " + book.getISBN()); } query.close(result); 

Rather than hard coding a literal in the filter string, a parameter can be used instead. The following code snippet taken from SimpleQueryWithParameterExample.java is the same as the previous example, except that it defines a parameter to specify the Book's title rather than hard coding it. The this keyword is used to resolve the ambiguity between the class's field name and the parameter's name (both of which are called title ):

 Query query =   pm.newQuery(Book.class, "this.title == title"); query.declareParameters("String title"); Collection result = (Collection)   query.execute("Core Java Data Objects"); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) iter.next();   System.out.println(     book.getTitle() + " - " + book.getISBN()); } query.close(result); 

The results from a query are not returned in any particular order by default. To specify an order, use the setOrdering() method. The following code snippet taken from SimpleQueryWithOrderingExample.java extends the previous example, but specifies that the returned Book instances should be ordered by their ISBN numbers :

 Query query =   pm.newQuery(Book.class, "this.title == title"); query.declareParameters("String title"); query.setOrdering("isbn ascending"); Collection result = (Collection)   query.execute("Core Java Data Objects"); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) iter.next();   System.out.println(     book.getTitle() + " - " + book.getISBN()); } query.close(result); 

A Query can also use navigation to specify fields of referenced instances. The following code snippet taken from SimpleQueryWithNavigationExample.java shows how to use the " . " notation to navigate to fields of a referenced instance. The query returns all books published by a given publisher, using the " . " notation to check the name field of the Publisher instance referenced by the publisher field for each book:

 Query query =   pm.newQuery(Book.class, "publisher.name == name"); query.declareParameters("String name"); Collection result = (Collection)   query.execute("Sun Microsystems Press"); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) iter.next();   System.out.println(     book.getTitle() + " - " + book.getISBN()); } query.close(result); 

A Query can also navigate to multiple persistent objects contained in a collection and check the fields of those contained persistent objects. If there is at least one persistent object in the collection that matches, then the referencing persistent object is returned. The following code snippet taken from SimpleQueryUsingContainsExample.java shows how to use contains() and a variable to navigate to fields of persistent objects contained in a collection. The query returns all Books by a given Author. Essentially, for each Book, the Authors contained in the authors collection are checked to see whether the name matches that given. If there is at least one Author contained in the collection with the given name, then the Book is returned:

 Query query =   pm.newQuery(     Book.class,     "authors.contains(author) && author.name == name"); query.declareParameters("String name"); query.declareVariables("Author author"); Collection result = (Collection)   query.execute("Keiron McCammon"); Iterator iter = result.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) {   Book book = (Book) iter.next();   System.out.println(     book.getTitle() + " - " + book.getISBN()); } query.close(result); 

See Chapter 6 for more details on using JDOQL.

5.3.5 Transaction

The Transaction interface provides the methods that allow an application to control the underlying datastore transactions. Each PersistenceManager has an associated Transaction instance. A Transaction is initially inactive, becomes active after begin() , and remains active until either commit() or rollback() (or JDOFatalDataStoreException is thrown), at which point it becomes inactive again. Creating a Transaction

The currentTransaction() method defined on PersistenceManager can be used to get the Transaction instance associated with a PersistenceManager ; each PersistenceManager has one Transaction instance:

 public Transaction currentTransaction() Transaction properties

Transaction defines a number of properties that control various semantics of a transaction. Once set, the properties of a Transaction remain so until changed again (they are not affected by transaction completion).

Support for a number of the Transaction properties is optional; if an implementation does not support a particular optional feature, then JDOUnsupportedOptionException is thrown if the property is set to true , as shown in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8. Transaction Properties


Method Summary

NontransactionalRead [*]

 boolean getNontransactionalRead() void    setNontransactionalRead(boolean flag) 

This property determines whether non-transactional reads are allowed. If true , they are allowed; if false , an attempt to access a persistent object outside of a transaction results in JDOUserException being thrown.

If non-transactional read is not supported by a JDO implementation, JDOUnsupportedOption is thrown if an attempt is made to set this property to true .

NontransactionalWrite [*]

 boolean getNontransactionalWrite() void    setNontransactionalWrite(boolean flg) 

This property determines whether non-transactional writes are allowed. If true , they are allowed; if false , an attempt to modify a persistent object outside of a transaction results in JDOUserException being thrown.

If non-transactional write is not supported by a JDO implementation, JDOUnsupportedOption is thrown if an attempt is made to set this property to true .

Optimistic [*]

 boolean getOptimistic() void    setOptimistic(boolean flag) 

This property determines whether the transaction is optimistic or not. True indicates that the Transaction is optimistic.

This property cannot be changed if a transaction is currently active; JDOUserException is thrown. If optimistic transactions are not supported by a JDO implementation, JDOUnsupportedOption is thrown if an attempt is made to set this property to true .


PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()

This property denotes the PersistenceManager associated with the Transaction instance.

RestoreValues [*]

 boolean getRestoreValues() void    setRestoreValues(boolean flag) 

This property determines whether the fields of persistent objects are restored to their values as of the beginning of a transaction on rollback. If true , they are restored and the persistent objects transition to being persistent, non-transactional at the end of the transaction.

This property cannot be changed if a transaction is currently active; JDOUserException is thrown. If restoring values is not supported by a JDO implementation, JDOUnsupportedOption is thrown if an attempt is made to set this property to true .

RetainValues [*]

 boolean getRetainValues() void   setRetainValues(boolean flag) 

This property determines whether the field values of persistent objects should be retained in memory after a transaction ends. If true , they are retained and in-memory persistent objects transition to being persistent, non-transactional at the end of the transaction.

If retaining values is not supported by a JDO implementation, JDOUnsupportedOption is thrown if an attempt is made to set this property to true .


 Object getSynchronization() void   setSynchronization(Synchronization s) 

This property allows an application to register an instance of the Synchronization interface with the Transaction . If not null , then the beforeCompletion() and afterCompletion() methods of the specified Synchronization instance are invoked before and after commit() , and afterCompletion() is invoked after rollback() .

If no Synchronization callback is required, then null can be used.

[*] Support is optional. Method summary

The Transaction methods allow an application to explicitly control transactions. If used within a managed environment where transactions are controlled by an external coordinator, any attempt to explicitly begin or end a transaction results in JDOUserException being thrown. Only isActive() can be called when using an external coordinator.

 void begin() 

This method can be used to begin a transaction.

If called when an external coordinator is being used, JDOUserException is thrown.

 void commit() 

This method can be used to end a transaction and commit all new, modified, and deleted instances to the datastore.

If called when an external coordinator is being used, JDOUserException is thrown.

 boolean isActive() 

This is method returns true if the Transaction is active (i.e., begin() has been called, but no commit() or rollback() has yet occurred), false otherwise.

 void rollback() 

This method can be used to roll back a transaction and discard all changes (new, modified, or deleted instances).

If called when an external coordinator is being used, JDOUserException is thrown. Usage guidelines

Using the Transaction interface is simple. The following code snippet taken from TransactionExample.java shows how to begin and commit a transaction:

 PersistenceManager pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); // Do something interesting tx.commit(); 

The following code snippet taken from NonTransactionalReadExample.java shows how a persistent object can be accessed outside of a transaction using a non-transactional read. If setNontransactionalRead(true) was not supported, then accessing a persistent object outside of a transaction would result in JDOUserException being thrown:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.setNontransactionalRead(true); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); // Author instance transitions to hollow after commit System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'."); // Author instance is retrieved from the datastore and // transitions to being non-transactional if (!JDOHelper.isTransactional(author)) {   System.out.println("Author is non-transactional."); } 

The output would be as follows:

 Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Author is non-transactional. 

The following code snippet taken from RetainValuesExample.java differs from the previous example only in that it calls setRetainValues() instead of setNontransactionalRead() . In the previous example, the Author instance transitions to being hollow after the commit, and when accessed outside of the transaction, its fields are re-retrieved from the datastore and the instance transitions to being non-transactional. With retainValues() , the Author instance transitions to being non-transactional after the commit and its field values are kept in memory. This has the advantage that the fields of the instance don't have to be re-retrieved again:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.setRetainValues(true); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); // Author instance transitions to being non-transactional // after commit and its fields remain in-memory if (!JDOHelper.isTransactional(author)) {   System.out.println("Author is non-transactional."); } System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'."); 

The output would be as follows:

 Author is non-transactional. Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. 

RetainValues can be used to retain the fields of persistent objects in memory after a transaction commits. However, if a rollback is used instead of a commit, then the in-memory instances retain the values of any fields that were modified during the transaction, even though the modifications have been rolled back in the datastore. If this is undesirable, then the restore values option can be used to revert the modified fields to the values they had at the beginning of the transaction. The following code snippet taken from RestoreValuesExample.java shows that if the name of an Author instance is modified but the transaction is rolled back, then the modified name remains in memory unless RestoreValues is used:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.setRetainValues(true); tx.begin(); Author author = new Author("Keiron McCammon"); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); // Author instance is retained after commit and transitions // to being non-transactional if (!JDOHelper.isTransactional(author)) {   System.out.println("Author is non-transactional."); } System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() + "'."); tx.begin(); author.setName("Sameer Tyagi"); tx.rollback(); // Transaction was rolled back rather than committed // therefore the name change is not in the datastore. // However, the changed name is retained in-memory. System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() +   "' after rollback."); tx.setRestoreValues(true); tx.begin(); author.setName("Sameer Tyagi"); tx.rollback(); // This time because RestoreValues is true the author's // name is reverted back to its original name on rollback System.out.println(   "Author's name is '" + author.getName() +   "' after rollback with RestoreValues."); 

The output would be as follows:

 Author is non-transactional. Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon'. Author's name is 'Sameer Tyagi' after rollback. Author's name is 'Keiron McCammon' after rollback with RestoreValues. 

The following code snippet taken from OptimisticExample.java changes the zip code of an Author's address in an optimistic transaction and makes the Author instance transactional. In another transaction, the name of the Author is modified and committed before the original optimistic transaction is committed. When the optimistic transaction is committed, an exception is thrown because the Author instance was modified by the other transaction:

 Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); tx.begin(); Author author =   new Author(     "Keiron McCammon",     new Address(       "6539 Dumbarton Circle", "Fremont", "CA", "94555")); pm.makePersistent(author); tx.commit(); tx.setOptimistic(true); tx.begin(); Address address = author.getAddress(); address.setZipcode("12345"); pm.makeTransactional(author); /*  * Another PersistenceManager instance is used to modify  * the author's name in a different transaction.  */ PersistenceManager pm2 = pmf.getPersistenceManager(); Transaction tx2 = pm2.currentTransaction(); tx2.begin(); /*  * The object identity of the Author is used to retrieve  * the Author instance within the context of the new  * PersistenceManager instance.  */ Author author2 = (Author)   pm.getObjectById(JDOHelper.getObjectId(author), false); author.setName("Sameer Tyagi"); tx2.commit(); pm2.close(); // Because the Author's name was updated in a different // transaction, the optimistic transaction will throw // an exception on commit. try {   tx.commit(); } catch (JDOOptimisticVerificationException e) {   System.out.println("Transaction failed."); } 

If the Author instance hadn't been explicitly made transactional, the commit would have been successful, because in the first transaction the Address instance was modified, and in the second transaction the Author instance was modified, which would not have resulted in a conflicting update.

5.3.6 InstanceCallbacks

The InstanceCallbacks interface provides a means whereby instances of persistence-capable classes can take action on certain state changes in a persistent object's lifecycle. The JDO implementation invokes these methods as persistent objects that are stored, retrieved, and deleted. Method summary

Figure 5-4 provides a simplified view of when the various InstanceCallbacks methods are invoked.

Figure 5-4. Invocation of InstanceCallbacks .


When a persistent object is retrieved from the datastore, jdoPostLoad() is invoked. Before a persistent object is sent to the datastore (typically during commit), jdoPreStore() is invoked. If a persistent object is deleted, then jdoPreDelete() is invoked, and before a persistent object transitions to being hollow, jdoPreClear() is invoked.

 void jdoPostLoad() 

This method is invoked after the fields in the default fetch group have been retrieved from the datastore.

Access to fields in the default fetch group is permitted, but other fields are uninitialized and should not be accessed. Access to other persistent objects from within this method is also not allowed. Any exceptions thrown during this method are ignored.

This method is useful to initialize the values of any non-persistent fields or to register the in-memory persistent object with other instances in the JVM.

 void jdoPreClear() 

This method is invoked before the fields of an instance are cleared. The fields are cleared when a persistent object transitions to being hollow, typically at the end of a transaction or the result of an eviction.

Access to fields in the default fetch group is permitted but other fields may not have been initialized and should not be accessed. Any exceptions thrown during this method are ignored.

This method is useful to clear the values of any non-persistent, non-transactional fields or to un-register the in-memory persistent object with other instances in the JVM.

 void jdoPreDelete() 

This method is invoked before an instance is deleted. An instance is deleted using the deletePersistent() method on PersistenceManager .

Access to all fields is permitted within this method. Any exceptions thrown during this method are propagated to the application immediately, and the persistent object won't be deleted.

This method is useful to CascadeDelete other referenced instances.

 void jdoPreStore() 

This method is invoked before the fields of an instance are sent to the datastore. This typically happens during commit.

Access to all fields is permitted within this method. Any exceptions thrown during this method are propagated to the application immediately, and the persistent object won't be stored in the datastore.

This method is useful to update persistent fields based on the values of non-persistent fields or implement simple constraint checks on field values. Usage guidelines

The following code snippet taken from Author.java shows how jdoPreDelete() can be used to delete an Author's Address and remove the Author from each of its referenced books:

 public class Author implements InstanceCallbacks {   private String name;   private Address address;   private Set books;   // Additional methods not shown   public void jdoPostLoad() {   }   public void jdoPreClear() {   }   public void jdoPreDelete() {     JDOHelper.getPersistenceManager(this).       deletePersistent(address);     if (books != null) {       Iterator iter = books.iterator();       while (iter.hasNext()) {         Book book = (Book) iter.next();         book.removeAuthor(this);       }     }   }   public void jdoPreStore() {   } } 

Core Java Data Objects
Core Java Data Objects
ISBN: 0131407317
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 146

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