NAMES (reserved word), 463, 465


check constraints, 324

clustered index, 324

conventions, 110–112

default, 324

foreign key constraints, 324

functions, 324

non-clustered index, 324

overview, 322–325

primary key constraints, 324

stored procedures, 324

tables, 324

triggers, 324

views, 324

NATIONAL (reserved word), 461, 463

NATURAL (reserved word), 463, 465

navigating cursors, 297–298

NCHAR() function, 184, 479

NCHAR (reserved word), 463, 466

NCLOB (reserved word), 466

NEAR operator, 319

nested functions, 164

nested loop inner join, 291


.NET Framework incorporated with SQL Server 2005, 3–4

network database management systems (NDBMS), 4

new features of SQL Server 2005, 3

NEW (reserved word), 466

NEWID() function, 201, 481

NEXT (reserved word), 464, 466

NO (reserved word), 464, 466

NOCHECK (reserved word), 461

non-clustered index, 324

NONCLUSTERED (reserved word), 461

nondeterministic functions, 161–162

NONE (reserved word), 464, 466

non-equijoins, 240–241

normalization rules

application of, 34–42

Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF), 32–33

breaking, 42

bridge table, 39

described, 30–32

fifth normal form, 33

first normal form — 1NF, 32

fourth normal form, 32–33

identity, 37

join table, 39

multiple associations, 39–40

multi-valued columns, 40–41

Object Role Modeling (ORM), 33

planning ahead, 37–38

questioning, 42

second normal form — 2NF, 32

surrogate key, 37

third normal form — 3NF, 32

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 33

NOT EXISTS() function, 289

NOT operator, 142–143

NOT (reserved word), 461, 464

notification services procedures, 493–494

NSAdministrationHistory, 493

NSDiagnosticDeliveryChannel, 493

NSDiagnosticEventClass, 493

NSDiagnosticEventProvider, 494

NSDiagnosticFailedNotifications, 494

NSDiagnosticNotificationClass, 494

NSDiagnosticSubscriptionClass, 494

NSEventBatchDetails, 494

NSEventBeginBatch, 494

NSEventFlushBatch, 494

NSEventSubmitBatch, 494

NSEventWrite, 494

NSExecuteRuleFiring, 494

NSNotificationBatchDetails, 494

NSPrepareRuleFiring, 494

NSQuantumDetails, 494

NSQuantumExecutionTime, 494

NSQuantumFailures, 494

NSQuantumList, 494

NSQuantumPerformance, 494

NSQuantumsSkipped, 494

NSScheduledSubscriptionDetails, 494

NSScheduledSubscriptionList, 494

NSSetQuantumClock, 494

NSSetQuantumClockDate, 494

NSSnapshotApplications, 494

NSSnapshotDeliveryChannels, 494

NSSnapshotEvents, 494

NSSnapshotProviders, 494

NSSnapshotSubscriptions, 494

NSVacuum, 494

n-tier component solutions

component transaction management, 409

middle-tier component, 406–408

overview, 405

presentation layer, 408

resource pooling, 408–409

server-side SQL objects, 405–406

NTILE(n) function, 199, 477

NULL (reserved word), 461, 464

null value

inserting, 259–261

overview, 143–144

nullability, 13, 325–326

NULLIF() function, 201, 481

NULLIF (reserved word), 461, 464

NUMERIC (reserved word), 464, 466

NUMERIC_PRECISION view, 510, 512, 514, 515

NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX view, 510, 512, 514, 515

NUMERIC_SCALE view, 511, 512, 514, 515

Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005
Beginning Transact-SQL With SQL Server 2000 and 2005
ISBN: 076457955X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 131
Authors: Paul Turley

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