
Pages with dynamic content and visual flair can attain excellent search engine visibility as long as web designers plan ahead. If a web site owner knows that he or she is going to utilize search engine marketing as part of an online marketing strategy, creating search engine “friendly design templates can save considerable time and expenses.

However, web sites should be designed primarily for your site's visitors , not the search engines. Thus, if a web site owner determines that his or her target audience prefers a design that is not search engine friendly, he or she should go with audience preference. Search engine spiders are not going to spend thousands or millions of dollars purchasing your products and services. Your target audience is making the purchases. Always design with your target audience in mind.

The search engines offer PFI programs and PFP advertising programs for sites that are not created with a search engine “friendly design template.

Nonetheless, a search engine “friendly design can be a more cost-effective use of time and resources than paid advertising. A carefully optimized site with a spider-friendly navigation scheme often delivers long-term results, often reaping a return on investment that lasts for years . Search engine advertising results frequently deliver short- term results, resulting in the continual development of new advertisements and destination pages.

Web site owners might also find that a combination of search engine marketing and search engine advertising delivers the best results. Ultimately, web site owners have to decide which form of search engine marketing delivers the best return on investment for their businesses.

Search Engine Visibility
Search Engine Visibility (2nd Edition)
ISBN: 0321503244
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 111
Authors: Shari Thurow © 2008-2017.
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