

.fdf file extension, 137, 282
Field Selection dialog, 245
adjusting form, 231
calculation, 244 “246, 245 , 246
date, 242, 242
duplicating form, 234 “235, 235
list box, 235 “238, 235 238
phone number, 239 “240, 240
selecting form, 234
sequence of form, 254 “256, 255
special, 239
text, 229 “233, 229 231
file formats.
See also files
about, 368
changing in Save As dialog, 367 “369, 368 , 369
compression recommendations by, 30, 31
.fdf, 137, 282
file extensions and, 369
PDF, 7 “8
.pdx, 207
preflight report, 329
for batches, 391 “392, 391 , 392
for graphics output, 27 “28
for PostScript files, 70 “72, 71
sound files supported for actions, 394
See also editing, PDF files;
file formats;
PDF documents;
PostScript files
changing Distiller file location and logging, 94 “95, 95
choosing applications for creating, 18 “19
compressing image, 29 “30
converting PowerPoint, 222 “223, 222 , 223
creating PostScript, 70 “72, 71
ensuring full resolution on TIFF output, 61
font integrity and size of, 83 “84, 83 , 84
linking to documents, 32
naming optimized, 341
OPI settings for, 61, 63, 63
organizing for searchable index, 204
attaching, 296
auditing size, 337, 338
changing read order, 342 “343, 342 , 343
controlling file location and logging, 94 “95
default Distiller settings for, 78 “82
document order for combining, 221
file format for, 7 “8
fine-tuning Distiller settings, 82 “89
native documents vs., 4 “6, 5
optimizing, 336 “341, 337 , 338 , 339
reducing size, 336, 336
removing PDF/X-specific contents from, 333, 333
searching, 200 “204, 200 203
PPDs, 55
printing to
PDF, 359 “361, 359 , 360
PostScript, 359, 359
individual PDF, 200 “202, 200 , 201
multiple PDF, 202 “204, 202 , 203
selecting data output for PostScript, 60 “61, 61
filling out forms, 94, 256, 257
filtering comments, 279, 279
flattening layers , 199, 340
FlightCheck, 42 “43, 42 , 334
floating Comments pane, 277, 277
floating tools, 148, 148
font management utilities, 33 “34, 34
font substitution, 35 “36, 85
fonts, 32 “37
assigning with style sheets, 36, 38
computer station fonts vs. embedded, 348
configuring PostScript printer driver, 74
text and strokes to outlines, 366
web site, 305, 306
copyright problems for, 35 “36
editing characteristics of, 348 “349
embedding, 84, 305
linking files to documents, 32
matching architecture to document use, 34 “35
monitor display of formatting unreliable, 39
preserving integrity of PDF document, 83 “84, 83 , 84
processing copyright-protected, 36
proper and improper application of styles, 38
for forms, 232
typefaces and styles, 37, 37
separating system and document construction, 33, 33
substitution of, 35 “36, 85
unembedding and removing from PDFs, 339, 339
using font management utilities, 33 “34, 34
Fonts tab (Adobe PDF Settings:
Smallest File Size dialog), 83 “84, 83 , 84
Fonts tab (PDF Optimizer dialog), 339
form fields
duplicating, 234 “235, 235
selecting, 234
sequence of, 254 “256, 255
forms, 228 “258
adding submit button, 249 “254, 249 254
adjusting accessibility of, 164 “165, 165
auto-forms filling, 235, 256
calculation fields for, 244 “246, 245 , 246
combo boxes and list box fields in, 235 “238, 235 238
completed form, 254
complex and custom calculations, 246
creating templates for, 228
date fields, 242, 242
Distiller settings and graphics formats for, 230
duplicating form fields, 234 “235, 235
exporting forms data in HTML or XFDF, 253
filling out, 256, 257
fonts for, 232
form field sequence in, 254 “256, 255
hidden values for calculations, 242 “243, 243 , 244
List Box tool, 239, 239 , 243
lists of numbers on, 240 “242, 241 , 242
phone number fields for, 239 “240, 240
preference settings for, 165, 257
radio buttons and check boxes, 246 “248, 247 , 248
security for, 256
selecting form fields, 234
spell-checking, 257, 257
text fields in, 229 “233, 229 231
versions for saving, 229
frequency, 59
Full Keyboard Access tab (Keyboard dialog), 167
Full Screen mode, 226, 227

Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
ISBN: 0782142737
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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