

Data Exchange File - Export Options dialog, 137
data formats in PostScript, 73, 73
data type options for output, 60 “61, 61
date fields, 242, 242
default settings
changing default printer drivers for Windows PDFs, 12, 51
creating PDF files using, 78 “82, 79
managing, 89 “91
Default Settings menu (Acrobat Distiller dialog), 79 , 82, 84 , 87, 87
Delete Pages dialog, 176
comments, 274, 274
digital signatures, 145 “146, 145 , 146
Distiller settings, 91, 91
header and footer text, 189
pages, 176 “177, 176 , 177
watermarks and background graphics, 191 “192, 191
desktop printing, 68 “69, 79
destination links, 289 “291, 290 , 291
digital IDs
creating, 133 “135, 133 , 134 , 135
digital ID certificates, 136 “137, 137
managing, 135, 135 , 136, 136
digital signatures, 139 “146
creating certified, 139 “143, 139 143
customizing, 143 “145, 143 , 144 , 145
validating, checking, editing, and deleting, 145 “146
Distiller. See Adobe Acrobat Distiller
Distiller Default Settings menu, 79 , 82, 84 , 87, 87 , 91
distilling process.
See also Adobe Acrobat Distiller
about, 4, 16
creating PDFs using Distiller defaults, 78 “82
defined, 7
features of Acrobat Distiller and Elements for, 7
fine-tuning Distiller PDF settings, 82 “89
illustrated , 15
indexes, 211
PDF documents by e-mail, 296 “297
docking tools, 148, 148
document management, 171 “211
comparing PDF documents, 184 “186, 185 , 186
layering, 192 “199
about, 192 “193
controlling display of, 193 “194, 193 , 195
flattening layers , 199, 340
merging layers, 198 “199, 198
setting preferences for, 197, 197
viewing invisible content, 197, 198
viewing, printing, and exporting, 195 “196, 195 , 196
manipulating pages, 174 “184
cropping pages, 179 “181, 180
deleting pages, 176 “177, 176 , 177
extracting pages, 177 “178, 178
inserting pages, 175 “176, 175
moving pages, 174 “175, 174
numbering combined document pages, 175
renumbering pages, 183 “184, 184
reordering pages, 181 “182, 182
replacing pages, 178 “179, 178
rotating pages, 181, 181
size and orientation of changed pages, 179
repeating page elements, 187 “192
adding in Acrobat, 188
headers and footers, 187 “189, 187 , 190
watermarks and background graphics, 189 “192
searching, 199 “211
advanced, 204
catalog index, 208 “210, 209 , 210
creating searchable index, 205 “208, 205 208
individual PDF files, 200 “202, 200 , 201
multiple PDF files, 202 “204, 202 , 203
organizing files for searchable index, 204
words, phrases, or specific criteria, 209 “210
Document pane, 195
Document Preferences dialog
Description, 129
Initial View, 128
Security, 130
document properties
Acrobat, 127 “129
preferences vs., 128, 228
setting, 128 “129, 128 , 129
applying index settings to all documents, 208, 208
comments, 276 “277, 276
setting presentation, 226 “227, 227
Document Properties window, 193 “194, 193
Document Security - Digital ID Selection dialog, 133
document structure
accessibility and tagged PDFs, 161 “163, 162 , 163
creating bookmarks automatically from, 263 “264
removing, 339 , 340
documents. See page layout documents;
PDF documents;
pre-PDF documents
converted web page background elements, 305
free e-Books, 313
PostScript printer drivers, 13
dpi (dots per inch), 26, 27
drawing tools, 271
DSC (Document Structuring Convention) compliance, 161, 162
duplicating form fields, 234 “235, 235
Dynamic Zoom tool, 157 “158, 157

Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
Acrobat 6 and PDF Solutions
ISBN: 0782142737
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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