Running Example: A Psychotherapist Server

Network Programming with Perl
By Lincoln  D.  Stein
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Table of Contents
Chapter  10.   Forking Servers and the inetd Daemon


Running Example: A Psychotherapist Server

Our running example for this and the next two chapters uses the Chatbot::Eliza module, John Nolan's marvelous pure-Perl clone of Joseph Weizenbaum's classic psychotherapist simulation. Chatbot::Eliza works very simply. It accepts a line of input from the user, transforms it according to a clever set of transformational rules, and echoes it back to the user in the form of a question. The effect is a lot like talking to a particularly robotlike Freudian psychoanalyst.

The Chatbot::Eliza module is available on CPAN. It is simple to use. You load it, create a new Chatbot::Eliza object with the new() method, and then invoke the object's command_interface() method. This method conducts a conversation with the user, reading from standard input and writing to standard output. The lines of code in Figure 10.2 are all that are needed to run a psychotherapist session.

Figure 10.2. Command-line Eliza program


Lines 1 “2: Load modules We load the Chatbot::Eliza module.

Line 3: Turn on autoflush We turn on autoflush mode for STDOUT so that, rather than be buffered, data is output immediately with each call to print() . Although this isn't necessary for the command-line version of the program, it is necessary for the server version.

Line 4: Create a new Chatbot::Eliza object We call Chatbot::Eliza->new() to create a new object named $bot .

Line 5: Enter Chatbot object's IO loop We now call the Chatbot object's command_interface() method. This starts a simple I/O loop, which prints out a prompt, accepts user input, transforms the input into a statement from the " psychiatrist ," and then repeats.

Here's a transcript of a conversation with Eliza (yours will vary):

 %  Eliza:  Hello, I am a computer program. you:    I am a human being. Eliza:  How long have you been a human being? you:    About 39 years. Eliza:  That is interesting. Please continue. you:    It started when I was born... Eliza:  Why do you tell me you were born now? you:    Because you asked. Eliza:  We were discussing you -- not me. you:    bye Eliza:  Goodbye.  It was nice talking to you. 

The psychotherapist application calls for a connection-oriented interface because the interaction between client and server is long-lived and because there is state associated with each connection. The Chatbot::Eliza object keeps track of the history of the conversation in order to construct its utterances based on the user's previous statements.


Network Programming with Perl
Network Programming with Perl
ISBN: 0201615711
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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