PadLeft( ), 639–640

PadRight( ), 639–640

Parameter(s), 116

and constructors, 127–128

and methods, 122–126

modifiers, ref and out, 172–178

and overloaded constructors, 191

and overloaded methods, 185–186

positional vs. named, 474–478

type. See Type parameter(s)

ParameterInfo class, 453

ParameterizedThreadStart delegate, 669

ParameterType property, 453

params parameter modifier, 178–181, 190

Parse( ) methods, 392, 393–394, 570, 571, 572, 573–574, 576, 580, 586, 589

Parser, recursive descent expression, 845–866

adding variables to, 857–865

definition of, 847

simple example of, 851–857

syntax checking in, 865

Parsing, expression, 845, 846–848

partial contextual keyword, 32, 551–552

PathAndQuery property, 790

PathTooLongException, 371

Peek( ), 364, 726, 727, 729, 753, 754, 755

Permits, semaphore, 690

PI field, 564

Point structure, 830

Pointer(s), 532, 533–545

arithmetic, 538–539, 541

comparisons, 539–540

indexing, 541–542

multiple indirection and, 543–544

operators, 535

Polymorphism, 12–13

and interfaces, 305

and overloaded methods, 185, 189–190

and overridden methods, runtime, 288, 291

Pop( ), 726, 727, 753, 754

Port property, 790

Portability, 5, 8, 36

Position property, 363

PositiveInfinity field, 575, 577

Pow( ), 566, 568–569

#pragma directive, 439, 445

PreAuthenticate property, 782

Predicate delegate, 594–595

Preprocessor directives, 439–445

Previous property, 742

Primitive type, 35

Priority property, 672

private access specifier, 20, 161–168

and inheritance, 270

Private class members and inheritance, 266–269

Process class, 704

Process, definition of, 659


component-oriented. 823

mixed-language, 5, 7, 8, 545

multithreaded. See Multithreaded programming

object-oriented (OOP), 4, 11–13

structured, 3, 11

Properties, 241, 250–262

abstract, 295

and generics, 532

interface, 312–314

overridden, 291

read-only or write-only, creating, 252

restrictions on, 256

using to access private base class members, 267–269

virtual, 291

protected access specifier, 161, 267, 269–270, 446

Protocol, network, 779

pluggable, 780

ProtocolVersion property, 791

ProtocolViolationException, 787

Proxy property, 782, 799

public access specifier, 20, 110, 161–168

and inheritance, 270

Pulse( ), 679–684

PulseAll( ), 679–680

Push( ), 726, 727, 753, 754

C# 2.0(c) The Complete Reference
C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072262095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 300

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