Self-Test Questions

Suggested Projects

  1. Create Sequence Diagrams For Aircraft Engine Simulator:   Using your UML modeling tool create a set of sequence diagrams to model the startEngine(), stopEngine(), and checkEngineStatus() method events.

  2. Programming Project — Aircraft Simulator:   Using the code supplied in the aircraft engine simulation project write a program that simulates aircraft with various numbers of engines. Give your aircraft the ability to start, stop, and check the status of each engine. Implement the capability to inject engine part faults. Utilize a simple text-based menu to control your aircraft’s engines. Draw a UML class diagram of your intended design.

  3. Programming Project — Automobile Simulator:   Write a program that implements a simple automobile simulation. Perform the analysis and determine what parts your simulated car needs. Modify the aircraft engine simulator code to use in this project or adopt it as-is. Control your car with a simple text-based menu. Draw a UML class diagram of your intended design.

  4. Programming Project — Gas Pump Simulation:   Write a program that implements a simple gas pump system. Perform the analysis to determine what components your gas pump system requires. Control your gas pump system with a simple text-based menu. Draw a UML class diagram of your intended design.

  5. Programming Project — Hubble Telescope:   Write a program that controls the Hubble Space Telescope. Perform the analysis to determine what components the telescope control system will need. Control the space telescope with a simple text-based menu. Draw a UML class diagram of your intended design.

  6. Programming Project — Mars Rover:   Write a program that controls the Mars Rover. Perform the analysis to determine what components your rover requires. Control the rover with a simple text-based menu. Draw a UML class diagram of your intended design.

Java For Artists(c) The Art, Philosophy, and Science of Object-Oriented Programming
Java For Artists: The Art, Philosophy, And Science Of Object-Oriented Programming
ISBN: 1932504052
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 452 © 2008-2017.
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