Tool 193: SWOT Analysis


Situation Analysis


Planning/Presenting (PP)

Tool description

The SWOT analysis is an effective tool to define a situation currently faced by an organization. This analysis identifies internal and external environmental characteristics such as organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This tool is instrumental in the strategic planning and goal-setting process.

Typical application

  • To assess the relevant characteristics within an organization in order to verify its strengths and weaknesses.

  • To evaluate organizational health.

  • To plan for and position an organization in order to capitalize on future opportunities.

Problem-solving phase

Select and define problem or opportunity

Identify and analyze causes or potential change

Develop and plan possible solutions or change

Implement and evaluate solution or change

Measure and report solution or change results

Recognize and reward team efforts

Typically used by






Project management





Customer/quality metrics


Change management

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links to other tools


  • Affinity Diagram

  • Factor Analysis

  • Circles of knowledge

  • Critical Dialogue

  • Benchmarking


  • Risk Space Analysis

  • Comparison Matrix

  • Gap Analysis

  • Futures Wheel

  • What-If Analysis

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Notes and key points

  • Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats (SWOT) definitions:

    • Strengths: Organizational resource and capabilities available to meet tactical and strategic business goals.

    • Weaknesses: Organizational deficiencies that may inhibit or limit business goal attainment.

    • Opportunities: A product idea, technological change, favorable trend, or market niche that could greatly improve an organization's position in the marketplace.

    • Threats: Porformance barriers or obstacles, unfavorable business trends, or operational problems that may have an adverse effect on the organization.

Step-by-step procedure

  • STEP 1 The team engages a facilitator who has considerable experience in organizational analysis.

  • STEP 2 The facilitator explains the SWOT analysis technique to the participants and draws four headings on a whiteboard or flip charts. These are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • STEP 3 Participants identify items under each heading. The facilitator records them under respective headings. See example Organizational Positioning Using SWOT Analysis.

  • STEP 4 Once the team has slowed generating items recorded information is reviewed for appropriateness and completeness.

  • STEP 5 The information is dated and presented to the planning team or committee.

Example of tool application

Organizational Positioning Using SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Date: xx/xx/xx

Team: Improvers

Organization: Alpha Research Group

Contact: W.J.M.

Internal Analysis



Good reputation

Cannot always meet demand

Proprietary materials

Limited resources

Technical expertise

Average marketing skills

On-time delivery

Limited product line

Strong research capability

Frequent prioritizing

Process/product innovations

External Analysis



Sell tools for teams on internet

Consultants reducing fees

Develop custom tools workshops

Loss of interest in TQM work ethic


"Stealing shamelessly" by others

Diversify into related services

"Retiree" competitors

Six Sigma Tool Navigator(c) The Master Guide for Teams
Six Sigma Tool Navigator: The Master Guide for Teams
ISBN: 1563272954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 326 © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: