The Chasm

Rogers's work was extended in the mid-1990s by Geoffrey Moore in Crossing the Chasm.[22] Moore pointed out that the differences in decision-making styles between the adopter groups create gaps between them. A message that persuades Innovators to adopt something new would not necessarily persuade Early Adopters.

Moore's most significant insight was that not all the gaps are equal. As Figure 21-2 illustrates, Moore believes that the gap between Early Adopters and the Early Majority is much wider than the rest, wide enough that he calls it a chasm.

Figure 21-2. One difficulty with technology transfer is crossing the chasm that separates the needs of the Early Adopters from the needs of the Early Majority.

Source: Adapted from Crossing the Chasm.[24]


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Professional Software Development(c) Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, [... ]reers
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