Uninstalling MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0

Uninstalling MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0

As with any software, at some time you may have to uninstall MPS from a particular server, whether for troubleshooting purposes or to install a newer version. In most cases, you can go into Control Panel and Add/Remove Programs and then just remove MPS. However, in some cases, when the server has lost connectivity to the Data Store and must be forcefully removed from the server, you can follow these steps to force an uninstall:

Make sure no applications are open .

Copy the mps.msi file from the MetaFrame Presentation Server folder on the MPS CD-ROM to a location on your hard drive. For the purposes of this example, copy it to the root of C:\.

Open a command prompt and run the following command:

 msiexec /x c:\mps.msi /L*v CTX_MF_FORCE_SUBSYSTEM_UNINSTALL=Yes 

The wizard runs and uninstalls MPS from the server.


You can output the results of the MPS uninstall that was triggered by the msiexec command by adding a path and filename to the command like this: msiexec /x c:\mps.msi /L*v c:\output.log CTX_MF_FORCE_SUBSYSTEM_UNINSTALL=Yes .

Citrix CCA MetaFrame Presentation Server 3. 0 and 4. 0 Exam CramT (Exams 223 and 256)
Citrix CCA MetaFrame Presentation Server 3. 0 and 4. 0 Exam CramT (Exams 223 and 256)
Year: 2003
Pages: 199

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