paired operators, 635–637

parameterized templates compared to generics, 265


arrays, 213–214

bound parameters, 243

functions, 58–61

multiple parameters for generics, 241

params keyword, 211–212

pointers, 608–611

type parameters, 239

parametric polymorphism

compared to generics, 265

overview, 238

params keyword, 211–212

partial classes, 74–76

PE COFF (Portable Executable Common Object File Format), 352

performance, function call, 383

Performance Monitor, 503, 538–539


arguments, 359

metadata validation, 359

options, 359–360

syntax, 359

pinned pointers, 599

PInvoke. See Platform invocation services (PInvoke)

Platform invocation services (PInvoke)

BestFitMapping, 617

CharSet, 617

directional attributes, 620

DllImport, 612–616

explicit marshaling, 622–624

fixed-size buffers, 624–625

formatted types, 618–620

Interop marshaler, 611

LayoutKind enumeration, 618

MarshalAs attribute, 624

overview, 602, 611

StringBuilder class, 620–621

ThrowOnUnmappableChar, 617

unmanaged callbacks, 621–622

pointer operators

list of, 24

overview, 24

sample code, 24


exposing, 605

fixed statement, 609–610

initializing, 605

parameters, 608–611

pinned, 599

raw, 599

return types, 608–611

stackalloc command, 610–611

symbols, 606–607

syntax, 605

unsafe code, 604–607

void, 605


advantages, 120

inheritance, 236

interfaces, 123

new modifier, 124–125

overview, 119–123

parametric, 238

requirements, 121

Portable Executable Common Object File Format (PE COFF), 352

position parameters, 391

predefined attributes, 390

preprocessor directives

conditional, 14

declarative, 13

diagnostic, 15

line, 16

overview, 13

region, 15

PreserveSig, 615

Preview Changes dialog box, 172


list of, 29–30

overview, 29

private constructors, 63

private fields, 53

private nested classes, 317

private static methods, 317

process execution, 433–436

Processes window, 473

profiles, 160

program samples, 30–31

programmer-defined custom attributes, 390

propagating exceptions, 330–331


abstract, 106

error handling, 72

generics, 238

IAsyncResult object, 308

indexers, compared to, 208–209

IsGeneric Boolean, 383

IsGenericMethod, 383

IsGenericTypeDefinition Boolean, 383

Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild), 177

MulticastDelegate type, 306

overview, 69–72

read-only, 72

sealed, 107

SourceSwitch, 480

syntax, 70

System.Array, 203–204

System.Exception, 337

TraceListener class, 482

TraceSource, 478

validating object states, 72

write-only, 72

pseudo-custom attributes, 390

Public Symbol Store Web site, 548

Publish Wizard, 185–186

publishers, 320


colon, 9

comma, 9

dot, 9

overview, 8

semicolon, 8

pure time, 360

Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2005(c) The Language
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 BASICS
ISBN: 0619267208
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 161

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