15.3 The Lucas Test


Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
By Ronald  Mak

Table of Contents
Chapter  15.   Prime Numbers

15.3 The Lucas Test

In 1640, French mathematician Pierre de Fermat first wrote what is now known as Fermat's Little Theorem. [4] It states

[4] This is to distinguish it from the more famous Fermat's Last Theorem, which states that x n + y n = z n has no nonzero integer solutions for x, y, and z when n > 2. Fermat (1601 C1665) wrote in a math book he was reading at the time that he had discovered a proof for this theorem but that the book's margins were too small to contain it! Actually, the theorem wasn't proved until 1993. Fermat didn't write down a proof for his Little Theorem, either Euler did it in 1736.

If p is a prime number, and a is any integer that is not divisible by p, then a p - 1 1 (mod p ).

For example, let p = 5, and let a = 7, which is certainly not divisible by 5. Then 7 5 - 1 = 7 4 = 2401 1 (mod 5).

By itself, this theorem is not sufficient to prove that p is prime. There are also composite values for p that satisfy a p 1 (mod p ) such composite numbers are called pseudoprimes. But based on this theorem, in 1876 Lucas [5] devised a primality test, now known as the Lucas test:

[5] Fran §ois-Edouard-Anatole Lucas (1842 C1891) was a French mathematics professor .

Let p be a positive integer. If there exists a positive integer a such that a p - 1 1 (mod p ) and, for all prime factors q of p -1, a ( p - 1)/ q 1 (mod p ), then p is prime.

For example, let p = 7 and a = 2. Then 3 7 - 1 = 3 6 = 729 1 (mod 7), and so 7 passes the first part of the test. The prime factors of p -1 = 6 are 2 and 3. We have 3 (7 - 1)/2 = 3 3 = 27 1 (mod 7), and 3 (7-1)/3 = 3 2 = 9 1 (mod 7), and so 7 also passes the second part of the test. Therefore, according to the Lucas test, 7 is prime.

This test has two serious drawbacks. First, we need to compute the prime factors of p -1. We've written a method to do this, but if p is large, it will take a while, assuming we have sufficient memory. Then there's the matter of finding the integer a. How many integers should we try before we give up and conclude that p is not prime?

Listing 15-1a shows our implementation of the Lucas test in class LucasTest in package numbercruncher.primeutils . It tries values of a from 2 up to and including p. (The values of a ( p - 1)/ q (mod p ) start to repeat themselves every time the value of a reaches a multiple of p. )

Listing 15-1a The Lucas test for primality.
 package numbercruncher.primeutils; import numbercruncher.mathutils.ModuloArithmetic; import numbercruncher.mathutils.PrimeFactors; /**  * An implemention of the the Lucas test for primality.  */ public class LucasTest {     private static LucasStatus status = new LucasStatus();     /** number to test for primality */     int p;     /** prime factors of p-1 */             int q[];     /** caller of the test */               LucasCaller caller;     /**      * Constructor.      * @param p the number to test for primality      * @param caller the caller of the test      */     public LucasTest(int p, LucasCaller caller)     {         this.p      = p;         this.caller = caller;         q = PrimeFactors.factorsOf(p-1);     }     /**      * Perform the Lucas test.      * @return true if p is prime, false if p is composite      */     public boolean test()     {         // Try integers a from 2 through p.         for (int a = 2; a <= p; ++a) {             if (passPart1(a) && passPart2(a)) return true;  // prime         }         return false;   // composite     }     /**      * Test if integer a passes the first part of the test.      * @param a the value of a      * @return true if [a^(p-1)]%p == 1, else false      */     private boolean passPart1(int a)     {         int exponent = p-1;         int value    = ModuloArithmetic.raise(a, exponent, p);         // Report status back to the caller.         if (caller != null) {             status.a        = a;             status.q        = 1;             status.exponent = exponent;             status.value    = value;             status.pass     = (value == 1);             caller.reportStatus(status);         }         return (value == 1);    // pass if it's 1     }     /**      * Test if integer a passes the second part of the test.      * @param a the value of a      * @return true if [a^(p-1)/q]%p != 1 for all prime factors q,      *              else false      */     private boolean passPart2(int a)     {         int pm1 = p-1;         // Loop to try each prime factor.         for (int i = 0; i < q.length; ++i) {             int exponent = pm1/q[i];             int value    = ModuloArithmetic.raise(a, exponent, p);             // Report status back to the caller.             if (caller != null) {                 status.a        = a;                 status.q        = q[i];                 status.exponent = exponent;                 status.value    = value;                 status.pass     = (value != 1);                 caller.reportStatus(status);             }             if (value == 1) return false;   // fail         }         return true;    // pass     } } 

The class breaks the test into two parts , methods passPart1() and passPart2() . It can also report the current status of the test back to the caller. Listing 15-1b shows the class LucasStatus .

Listing 15-1b Status of the Lucas test.
 package numbercruncher.primeutils; /**  * The current status of the Lucas test.  * / public class LucasStatus {     /** trial integer a */      int     a;     /** prime factor */         int     q;     /** exponent of a */        int     exponent;     /** modulo value */         int     value;     /** pass or fail */         boolean pass;     public int getA()        { return a; }     public int getQ()        { return q; }     public int getExponent() { return exponent; }     public int getValue()    { return value; }     public boolean didPass() { return pass; } } 

In order for the status reporting to work, the caller of the Lucas test must implement the interface LucasCaller , shown in Listing 15-1c.

Listing 15-1c Interface LucasCaller .
 package numbercruncher.primeutils; /**  * Interface for a caller of the Lucas test.  */ public interface LucasCaller {     /**      * Report on the status of the Lucas test.      * @param status the current status      */     void reportStatus(LucasStatus status); } 

Finally, Listing 15-1d shows a demonstration program for the Lucas test, as well as its output for three prime numbers and a composite number.

Listing 15-1d Demonstration of the Lucas test.
 package numbercruncher.program15_1; import numbercruncher.mathutils.AlignRight; import numbercruncher.primeutils.LucasTest; import numbercruncher.primeutils.LucasCaller; import numbercruncher.primeutils.LucasStatus; /**  * PROGRAM 15-1: Lucas Test for Primality  *  * Demonstrate the Lucas test for primality.  */ public class TestLucas implements LucasCaller {     private int        prevA = 0;     private AlignRight ar    = new AlignRight();     /**      * Test an integer p for primality.      * @param p the value of p      */     void test(int p)     {         System.out.println("\nTESTING " + p + "\n");         ar.print("a", 5);         ar.print("q", 10);         ar.print("exponent", 12);         ar.print("mod value", 12);         ar.print("status", 10);         ar.underline();         prevA = 0;         boolean result = (new LucasTest(p, this)).test();         System.out.println();         System.out.println(p + " is " +                            (result ? "prime." : "composite."));     }     /**      * Report on the test status.      * @param status the test status      */     public void reportStatus(LucasStatus status)     {         // Skip a line for a new value of a.         if ((prevA != 0) && (status.getA() != prevA)) {             System.out.println();         }         prevA = status.getA();         ar.print(status.getA(), 5);         ar.print(status.getQ(), 10);         ar.print(status.getExponent(), 12);         ar.print(status.getValue(), 12);         ar.print((status.didPass() ? "pass" : "fail"), 10);         ar.println();     }     /**      * Main.      * @param args the commandline arguments (ignored)      */     public static void main(String args[])     {         TestLucas lucas = new TestLucas();         // Test various integers.  All but 21 are prime.         lucas.test(7);         lucas.test(15787);         lucas.test(149287);         lucas.test(21);     } } 


 Testing 7     a         q    exponent   mod value    status -------------------------------------------------     2         1           6           1      pass     2         2           3           1      fail     3         1           6           1      pass     3         2           3           6      pass     3         3           2           2      pass 7 is prime. TESTING 15787     a         q    exponent   mod value    status -------------------------------------------------     2         1       15786           1      pass     2         2        7893       15786      pass     2         3        5262       11258      pass     2       877          18        9552      pass 15787 is prime. TESTING 149287     a         q    exponent   mod value    status -------------------------------------------------     2         1      149286           1      pass     2         2       74643           1      fail     3         1      149286           1      pass     3         2       74643      149286      pass     3         3       49762       22426      pass     3       139        1074      131616      pass     3       179         834      123639      pass 149287 is prime. TESTING 21     a         q    exponent   mod value    status -------------------------------------------------     2         1          20           4      fail     3         1          20           9      fail     4         1          20          16      fail     5         1          20           4      fail     6         1          20          15      fail     7         1          20           7      fail     8         1          20           1      pass     8         2          10           1      fail     9         1          20          18      fail    10         1          20          16      fail    11         1          20          16      fail    12         1          20          18      fail    13         1          20           1      pass    13         2          10           1      fail    14         1          20           7      fail    15         1          20          15      fail    16         1          20           4      fail    17         1          20          16      fail    18         1          20           9      fail    19         1          20           4      fail    20         1          20           1      pass    20         2          10           1      fail    21         1          20           0      fail 21 is composite. 

From the program output, it appears that, even for fairly large numbers, if the number is prime, it doesn't take too much time or effort to find the integer a that passes the test.

However, if the number is large and composite, the Lucas test can take a long time if we're willing to test all values of a from 2 through p. What we need is a quick way to eliminate composite numbers.


Java Number Cruncher. The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmers Guide to Numerical Computing
ISBN: 0130460419
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 141
Authors: Ronald Mak

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