Recipe 12.6. Parsing a String into Words


You want to process the individual words in a string.


Use the split( ) method.


The split( ) method, Recipe 5.6, splits a string into an array using the specified delimiter. To split a string into words, use the split( ) method with a space as the delimiter.

// Create a string with multiple words. var example:String = "This is a string of words"; // Split the string into an array of words using a space as the delimiter. var words:Array = example.split( " " ); // Loop through the array and do something with each word.  // In this example, just output the values. for ( var i:int = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) {   /* Displays:      this      is      a      string      of      words   */   trace( words[i] ); }

You can process the individual words in many ways. The following is a complete example that uses this technique to split a string into words and then creates sprites containing those words. The user can then drag the words around on stage to form various sentences or statements similar to the popular magnetic poetry kits:

 package {        import flash.display.Sprite;   import;   import flash.text.TextField;   import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;   import flash.display.StageAlign;   import flash.display.StageScaleMode;      public class ActionScriptPoetry extends Sprite {          public function ActionScriptPoetry(  ) {                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;       stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;                // Create a string, and split the string into an array of words.       var example:String = "This is a string of ActionScript poetry words";       var words:Array = example.split(" ");       var word:Sprite;       var wordText:TextField;       // Loop through all the words in the array.       for ( var i:int = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) {                  // Create a new sprite for each word and add it to the         // display list so the sprite is drawn on-screen         word = new Sprite(  );         addChild( word );                  // Create a text field within the sprite by creating a new         // TextField instance and adding it as a child         wordText = new TextField(  );         word.addChild( wordText );                  // The text field should autosize to fit its contents. It should also have          // a border and background so that it mimics the look of poetry magnets,          // and the text should not be selectable since we want to drag it around.         wordText.autoSize   = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; // Left-justify the text         wordText.border     = true;         wordText.background = true;         wordText.selectable = false;                      // Set each text fields's text value to one of the words from the array.         wordText.text = words[i];                  // The sprite is draggable when clicked, and it stops being         // draggable when released.         word.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleDrag );         word.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleDrop );                  // Randomize the position of the sprites containing words         var rx:Number = Math.random(  ) * stage.stageWidth  - word.width;         var ry:Number = Math.random(  ) * stage.stageHeight - word.height;         word.x = rx;         word.y = ry;         trace(word);       }     }          // This function is called when the uses presses a word with the mouse     private function handleDrag( event:MouseEvent ):void {       // The event target will be the TextField, so to get the       // word we work up to the parent       var word:Sprite =;              // Make the clicked on word draw on top of everything else       setChildIndex( word, numChildren - 1 );              // Drag the word around to coincide with mouse movement       word.startDrag(  );     }          // This function is called when the user releases the mouse     private function handleDrop( event:MouseEvent ):void {       // The event target will be the TextField, the parent is the Sprite       var word:Sprite =;              // Stop moving the word around with the mouse       word.stopDrag(  );     }           }     }

The preceding use of split( ) by itself is all you need when the original string value contains words and spaces but no punctuation. If the string has punctuation or other miscellaneous characters, you should use a regular expression as the parameter to split( ) to remove them. The regular expression to match punctuation around words should be constructed using the value /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/.

// Create a string that uses punctuation. var example:String = "Here are some words. Also, here is some punctuation!"; // Create an array of words from the string without first removing punctuation. var words:Array = example.split( ' ' ); // Display the elements of the array. Some of the elements also contain the // punctuation. This is likely undesirable. for ( var i:int = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) {   /* Outputs:      Here      are      some      words.      Also,      here      is      some      punctuation!   */   trace( words[i] ); } // Use a regular expression for punctuation and splits around that to produce // a cleaned array of words from the string words = example.split( /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/ ); // Output all the elements of the words array. This time each element is a word, // and none of the elements include punctuation. for ( i = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) {   /* Outputs:      Here      are      some      words      Also      here      is      some      punctuation   */   trace( words[i] ); }

Regular expressions, covered in Chapter 13, are a powerful new feature of ActionScript 3.0.

See Also

Chapter 13; Recipes 5.6 and 12.5

ActionScript 3. 0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
ISBN: 0596526954
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 351 © 2008-2017.
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